White supremacist teacher fired after students uncover social media
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by "white supremacy" do they mean literal white supremacy beliefs or just not buying into political correct beliefs?
They all get doxxed in the end
He had an alias on social media. Some girls probably thought he was hot and cyber stalked him and found out his alias. I guarantee it was just one girl in a friend group that found out and told a teacher that or some shit and started the whole thing. He was fired for having dangerous thoughts
This is why you do not use social media
Yeah, sure.
the funny thing is, lefties are currently relying on high value of virtue signaling for this ludicrous tactic to work. While I don't agree w/ Spencerites, I'm very happy this guy totally 'fessed to working for Spencer from the get go. He knows he will find more work, because there are more of us...most don't march and many aren't vocal, due to having a lot more shit to lose than your average commie shill-group striver, but we're here. The Doxxing will only help us find each other faster.
weird how teachers who have anti-white beliefs aren't fired on the spot
You'd have to be a moron to still have social media this late in the game. Everyone's spying, everyone's collecting, everyone's doxing. Putting your shit on the internet on purpose is just fucking stupid.
Sup Forums is only marginally better, because law enforcement agencies can tie posts to your IP address, but as long as you stay anonymous everything's okay.
They knew something was up because he went to the Unite the Right rally and his photo was taken.
That is what started the whole thing in motion.
You've just ruined by keyboard.
How can I ever imply or quote again?
Well going to the rally was just plain silly, wasn’t it. The guy is obviously a Moran.
>worked for Richard Spencer think tank
oh so he is accused of wrong think, how fucking typi-
>hitler did nothing wrong
>They all get doxxed in the end
I can't wait until we're all doxxed so we don't have to hide ;)
This guy is CIA
Good thing im a cynical asshole in real life, so when im doxxed no one will be surprised
kys nigger
No such thing as anti-white beliefs
Removal day incoming
Being the teacher of multiracial classrooms is probably the fastest way to get redpilled about races and their differences.
All teachers i know are redpilled today. A several years ago, they all were pretty fucktard left. But now they are more and more pissed about shitskinlers.
Sure, if you get bullied and disrespected by them shitskinlers on a daily basis, you will be fed up with the situation quicker than convenient.
>Middle school principal attended the tearing down of a Confederate monument
> labelled a nazi
> fired