What's up with trannies and videogames?
What's up with trannies and videogames?
That picture contains too much autism for me to process.
Life as a man is hard, so some people give up.
Have someone's primary contact with others be solely through internet safe spaces and you'd be surprised what freak behavior develops when not tempered by real world social queues/pressures
In essence, we've evolved on face to face contact. It changes us to fit in better, take that away and we become sectioned off weirdos
Oh that's why games are so shitty now and filled with a lot of bullshit like muh strong wyminz
>Twitch faggots will defend this.
what are they supposed to do, function irl?
>play games all day
>no friends
>no gf
>end up watching porn because you dont know any girls
>eventually end up in the trannyjew
many such cases
Is that Andre the Giants Son?
How the fuck has he not killed himself yet?
My fucking sides user
Man, Cosmo should really eat something that's not soy.
It's in his new name: "Narcissa".
He's got mental issues that soy enables.
His fridge is full of soylent and he posted about it in twitter
He eats and drinks nothing but watery soy
is this a special needs talkshow?
Not sure if you ever watched him but he was all over Soylent. No joke.
>He eats and drinks nothing but watery soy
besides a few macdonalds i bet, hes so fucking fat..
here is a better question what is with all these seemingly innocent, sheltered white men thinking ok "I'm Actually a woman"
Put on a fucking dress and go out in public.
My opinion
They are so lonely and isolated with lack of any sort of sexual contact makes people insane.
While this is not the ideal life they dreamed about as a kid, it's better than being invisible.
And people don't give a shit about your feelings when you are privileged middle class white male.
But a group of people will listen and give you the sympathy and attention you crave so much by dressing up as a girl..
Weird times we live in, is the internet the cause of this?
Na, it's a bunch of factors.
But what a shame, imagine if this was your only son.
I've noticed a huge spike in tranny recommendations on porn sites in the last two months, whether you specify gay or straight and clear your cookies makes no difference.
Andrea the Giant
Mentally ill, lack of will, warped sense of reality and of self, real ife isolation, etc...
It's not video games, it's soy and autism.
Please tell me that's photoshopped
they make better video games.
I wonder if playing as a female character causes gender dysphoria?
Doesn’t cosmo use literal horse estrogen?
Wot’s the title?
Both are degenerate, so it's a natural fit
That chink isn't even trying.
>they are so lonely and isolated with no sex
Where do you think you are newfag masternigger
Damn... Cosmo looks like that??
pic related from Cryptic Studios (Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Champions Online), frequently horrifies people on their livestreams.
Was in a Christmas video for the company, and spastically searched comments for "anti trans" ones. Fucking gross.
Sure that's not down syndrome?
man I wish some of you could of experienced pre gamergate Sup Forums There were grandfathers here tons of fathers, all ages, there was never any of this were all virgins and dont get laid bullshit.
I swear this all started when Sup Forums came after gamer gate got banned from Sup Forums, it was like one day woke up, went to do my morning Sup Forums and it was polluted with these faggot tier virgin threads and it just never recovered..
>chat is heavily moderated and now under a paygate
>no more funny couch and crowd moments
can someone explain how trannies took over the gdq event?
Does anyone happen to have the YouTube vid of the GoldenEye Speedrun who called Speedrunning the greatest waste of life mankind has ever come up with?
Honestly, this shit is GDQ specifically. They've been in subscriber-only mode for almost the entire stream so far because most people just shit on the disgusting pink-haired whales on estrogen in chat constantly.
They've banned a ton of emotes, countless people, and twitch even started banning streamers who were hosting GDQ so people could talk in their own personal chat to avoid sub-mode and other assorted autism.
>basing entire gaming community on a few mentally ill faggots
RIP Cosmo
speedrunning was a mistake
I think it's a symptom of a wider problem in society. It's depressing to see this disgusting behavior normalized.
here you go senpai
what the fuck
Video games require no physical effort, therefore no testosterone is ever gained. To many videogames and anime fucked with their minds, and transformed their brain into mush and unable to think rationally.
And finally, it's easy to sit on your ass and play a videogame, compared to sitting and reading a hard book.
Also they are fucking casuls and play shit vidya, i hate these fucking people so much, they are CASULS, the retarded kind, they don't think, they think about stupid shit, they are dumb as fuck, holy fuck i want to exterminate these plague from my world fuuuuck
Most men realize, subconsciously or otherwise, that women have easier lives, and they desperately hope that they can become one to get said easier life.
You'd be surprised how misogynistic and anti-gay hardcore nerds are. I wouldn't call them "masculine" but they are the direct opposite of feminine men.