I see tons of fags call justin trudeau and any democrat a cuck or a soyboy but this dude looks better than sam hyde, richard spencer, or donald trump type out there
Young Justin Trudeau could cuck everyone who uses the word "soyboy" easily
He is gay though
Only anus stuffers think looking like a girl attracts girls.
He truly looks like a Greek god
I cannot insult someone this handsome
drompfkins with their leader was this aesthetic
>looks better than sam hyde
umm, no sweetie
Looks like a neanderthal sex dolll
No one claimed that he was a soyboy, only that he is a traitor and needs to be roped.
You know Trudeau is busy right now spraying his maple syrup all over Ivanka. Drumpfs fucked by the alpha leaf.
>this dude looks better than sam hyde, richard spencer, or donald trump
That just means you are a faggot, op, and that already goes without saying.
Op is attracted to Trudeau and somehow this makes Trudeau superior? Wow, that is some serious rocket surgery right there!
he looks like a pre-teen girls wetdream but then he opens his mouth and sounds like a mewling soysucker and the pussy gets dryer than a laundromat
Trudeau looks like that overly sensitive faggot from the early 90's who would play acoustic guitar under a tree, trying desperately to get laid.
OP , youve been infected with the gay. Gas yourself
>Justin Trudeau 6'2
>Pierre Trudeau 5'8
>Margret Trudeau 5'6
>Fidel Castro 6'3
Really makes you think
He looks like he was raised by a shore mother who cheated on her husband multiple times and he had so many questions about that and life in general and she just kept repeating the same fluffy bunny talking points and reminding him what year it was
Why does he look so gay? Is there proof that he’s gay? He seems SUPER gay.
Damn, Fidel gave him some good looks, didn't he?
Didn't Matthew Perry cuck him in high school
>Ring-a-ding-ding, baby.
>this dude looks better than sam hyde, richard spencer, or donald trump type out there
What are you a fag? Why should we care how he looks?
When you're done tickling his taint, soyboy, help him pick out his gay pride socks for tomorrow.
pic related would cuck Trudeau any minute
I’m sure he fucked a bunch of lefty THOTs in his day, probably while getting fucked in the ass at the same time by another dude in some drug fueled orgy.
he was a dick riding skiing instructor in B.C
He is so dreamy... vote for the best hair thats what I say... good looks dont lie!
Thats like a face of a greek statue of an ancient hero, wouldn't call it girly even if trudeau behaved effeminately himself. No matter what you think of him, his face is extremely handsome and claiming otherwise just proves that you're some ugly troglodyte looking fellow
Sam Hyde used to be good looking though
Yeah, he could.
The sad thing is he would drop to his knees and suck muzzie cock faster than a Paki could whip out his cock.
I don't think anyone ever has accused this SoiBoi, or really any SoiBoi for that matter, of having innately bad genetics.
Trudeau has some pretty sexy genetics, but it's clear he lifts but can't put on much muscle due to being low T from all the Soy.
You SoiBois are tragic characters manipulated by Evil Mega-Corps ( think Monsanto ), Jewish Bankers, and A-Morral power made politicians, that are much more interested in raising their profit margins and growing their influence than rising healthy citizens and growing a strong country.
You are part of a popularity cult where you only say what you say and do what you do so you can get your dopamine hits from the social validation it brings.