This place has made me so bitter and cynical...

This place has made me so bitter and cynical. I can't even watch modern movies or tv shows anymore because all I see is racemixing or lgbt propaganda. My father listens to BBC radio all the time and whenever I hear it they're always talking about some tranny rights or refugees or wage gap bullshit. I can't wait for a nuclear holocaust. The human race would reset back to normal eventually if about 99.9% of us were wiped out.

Other urls found in this thread:


I've become the same way. I see what (((they're))) trying to do.

I feel you bro, I have been getting pretty angry at life in this place myself. At least I am not depressed.

fuck off
we never liked ya anyway

Ask yourself if you would die for a cause.

Would you fight and raise arms to combat what we see.

I will and when the night of the long knives arrives it will be glorious.

remember kids, you are here forever

just hold strong friend, learn to hide it, fake the feelings and try to live a somewhat normal life. I hate the normie bullshit my friends do, but i suffer through it since it's better than being alone. also, take a break from here every so often to help retain your sanity.

Learn to channel your hate into positive energy you can use. There is still hope user. You owe it to yourself to keep going. This goes for every user who may feel the same.

Why can't you just enjoy life, OP? Get off of Sup Forums and see what the world has to offer. If whole "muh white children" thing is your focus, you'll ignore all the good

This as well. better yourself OP, you'll be happy you did.

That's good you are being Deprogrammed. Just don't get jaded. Recognise there is a problem and work to fix it.

Be part of the solution. Do the best you can to live how you see fit and then some of the people around you will follow. Everyone has influence. We all need to do our part in spreading information about what is happening to the white race. Whether that be electronically, or in person. Be proud of who you are you descend from the greatest people that have ever walked this earth and they’re blood runs through your veins.


discord gg/fkfMShv

add a .


Also should add this too, as it's got some relevant stuff.

it's only because you live in a western country

there is only one known cure

you still have a lot to learn then all the answers are here

start with the playlists, become one of the players insted of one of the pieces

You must be 12

I feel you man. I wish I could unsee everything I've seen. I can't watch tv, listen to radio, browse social media etc. without noticing all the forced diversity and race mixing.

I wish I could go back to when I was voting remain on brexit because I didn't want to be racist.

This hurts

I like to believe I'd fight, I just hope I don't die for nothing.

>modern movies or tv shows
you're missing absolutely nothing. even the people who like that stuff are always saying they feel guilty that they're not reading a book instead

"i wish i were more comfortable in ignorance"
Oh user, when you get past the gnawing venomous hatred and realize the power in you is to be used in your own pursuits, then you will realize the purpose of the red pill

you need anger and hate to fuel you

I guess you would call that a meta-redpill then
Some strong stuff to take



That's normal. It will eventually pass. Just don't go shooting up some place in the mean time.

>tfw meanwhile almost every radio, tv and newspaper against rapefugees, niggers and fags here

You know that's not true.

>when you nut

This should be pinned at the top of the board next to the rules.