She can’t be lost in Feminism. We can Redpill her return her back to normal. Don’t give up
We Must Rescue Her Before is Too Late
I'd be a feminist cunt too if I sucked fat Jew dick for my career.
She's aging like milk
She has ingested too much jew semen.
It is too late
no, it really is too late.
Is that Emma Watson? Holy shit she looks awful... When did she grow a tranny chin?
Beta male. Just stop already. Literally the last thing she (or any girl) wants is a beta-orbiter to try and rescue her. She is just doing what girls do, which is morphing their personality to fit whoever the alpha around her is.
Why should we care about her again?
She wont ever be a friend to you, she wont ever date you and she wont ever marry you.
She is simply a slightly cute actress.
She is indeed. Her youthful innocence is long gone - literally fucked out of her by hollywood.
I'm surprised the suicide rate for actresses isn't higher.
Who's that guy?
This pictura attractive and gross at the same time. Would fugg badly then get drunk with regret.
huh - didn't realize she was so active with the ASPCA. Giving Jane Goodall a run for her money.
It's latent in anyone that has British genes
One day you're a beautiful crooked teeth woman the next day you're a big chin big nosed crooked teeth hag fucking black men and jews for fame and money
That's quite the manly jawline. Is she taking testosterone?
Back to normal ?
She's always been like that ...
Why do so many brits have brown eyes?
well, that escalated quickly
It's a trap
Just like Harvey Weinstein's dick with Emma Watson
Nah, she's just british
Rather explains why the brit navy conquered most of the world in the 17th and 18th century.
The alternative would have been to stay home with british women.
Who is this?
>We Must Rescue Her
from stage managing parents? forget it, she was raped as a child and her life is ruined forever
She's starting to look like an actual witch.
>She's aging like milk
I would have said dingleberry because it takes a long time for milk to get hard
A leaf roasting someone. What a rare day.
Holy fuck, just checked it, she's only 27 yo wtf
Weinstein already ensured that she'll be a man hater forever. But at least he got to rub his wrinkled balls all over her face so good for him.
she looks awful
When did Laurence Fishburne grow his hair out?
That was great leaf. 10/10
The absolute state of this island.
i chuckled
I concur with OP there is a chance we can save her she is not entirely lost to this cause and even on her platform has stated flat out to
"Stop hating men".
She's a fucking kike so she follows, advocates and promotes the last goy milking agenda.
>redpilling Jews
She's a fucking ugly womanlet troll. What is your obsession with her?
>that hair cut
>that earring set-up
She is lost user, I know it hurts but let her go.
It's a shame, she has such nice eyes.
I wonder how much the (((stylist))) was paid to weedwhack her dome? She looks like a teenage Jim Carrey.
Rescue her?
She’s already infected.
HOLY FUCK...She BEAT for a 27 year old. I can't wait until she hits the wall in the next 1-2 years and becomes and unbearable screeching spinster. I bet she kills herself by 35. lol
>brown eyes
Choose one.
this..dude at 25 my girlfriend was not as pretty as emma
flash forward two years and my girlfriend stands 2 poitns higher than emma
>32 years old
>lose 20 lbs
>go home for Christmas
>sister in law says I am too thin now and I have lines on both sides of my face running down
>notice them for the first time
>chalk it up to aging
>still look decent
>see emma watson at 28
>has worse case of these lines at 28, despite wearing foundation on her face
Men are OBJECTIVELY better looking than women. We just have a stronger sex drive which makes us chase women and they have the womb.
This is Emma at 16.
I personally can't stand her. Her acting is extremely overrated, she's shaped like a little boy and she's arrogant as shit while she parrots shit without a single original thought. I'll admit she carries herself much better than a lot of modern women and she is extremely classy but I don't think she's getting redpilled anytime soon.
good one leaf
She's Anglo. What do you expect?
10/10 tranny, sauce?
post moar
I agree in cases of normal women but Watson isn't a normal bitch. Her views aren't based on any Chad, she's been this way since she was young. Emma has a higher social value than 90% of men on earth, she could be the biggest bitch on earth and she could easily find a high value man just because of her own value. Look at the way she carries herself too, she is extremely classy and very conservative in her appearance and she's extremely successful. She won't even do nude film scenes. Compare her to other female celebrities and it's obvious she's different. I can safely say she will never be redpilled though
Save the planet and not these hoes
ew, she is gonna age bad I can tell already, all that rage and hatred can ruin a pretty face
Nobody cares about this 4/10 cunt.
lol i remember years ago when she was hot you frenchies were saying
>b-but she is french because of her grandma!!!
No, not like this. It can’t end like this...she must return to her prime.
Now i know why she went for Ron
this desu
i think she became radicalized because she was surrounded by manlets
>aging this poorly
>problem bangs
This can't be real. It's photoshopped.
fug I am starting to see weinstein as a hero
>fiddle and diddle all the famous female movie stars
my life would be complete right there and then
but wait there is more
>most of them are virtue signalling feminists
>they knew about diddleings and let themselves be diddled in exchange for favours
>all their hypocrisy is blown wide open
get rekt thots
you can just picture Weinstein's slimy jew cock here
paki imports
HOLY SHIT is that photo seriously not photoshopped?
She looks like HELL holy christ
Don't even try and tell me this bitch didn't suck Harvey Weinstein's cock
She's already lost. She's been lost for some time, now
she wasn't good then either
if anything, she's a "victim" of the hollywood hype machine which specializes in bamboozling mediocre people like her into thinking they're audrey hepburn
have a cigar, you're gonna go far, etc
wow, she is aging rapidly....
No top lip, sure sign angry lesbian. They all have same look like downs kids.
To late, if she's not already full blown lesbians feminist she's on the way there.
She looks okay, its just haircut that makes her look much older.
I fuckin hate jews man.
#TimesUp... Get in here:
I love that tepid smile. She doesn't look that pleased.
When the day of the rake comes, you and your family shall be spared
She whored herself to Pinewood and Hollywood executives (a lot of wood, none of it hardwood), has a substantial royalties payout, doesn't have to work and probably now insulated from reality by the money and influence... she's ruined and lost. Let go while she willingly descends into the darkness. Only Christ's direct intervention can save her at this point.
>not posting the original
Literally council estate girl-tier
She is hitting the wall pretty fast.
found original user...
Katy Perry's sister?
>Saving Hollywood harlots
She never was that good looking
I never saw the hype
In 2019 this cunt will be bald, I tell you know, screencap this
Emma Watson is not a loss. She was never anything special.
Lindsay that was a huge loss
It's too late, dude. Feminism is an incurable cancer.
muh harry potter combined with being too proud to admit they willingly mindfucked themselves into believing a boyish, brown-eyed brit was the image of femininity
Guys get in here, then start tweeting with the #TimesUp hashtag
she may be salvageable
>a boyish, brown-eyed brit was the image of femininity
she was pretty feminine...leave me alone
She's being paid to act this way
This is why we need polygamy for men, am I supposed to be satisfied with the 5 youthful(ish) years of a woman to then settle with her for the rest of my fucking life? I need to have at least 5 young women in my life until I'm not interested in sex anymore.
What kind of guy settles for a single woman? Please help me understand this, am I broken?
OP and anyone who thinks saving her is possible please pay close attention to these Anons because it will save your life and soul:
you're alright leaf, you're alright
Yeah, where the fuck did that chin come from.
Like she's been taking testosterone supplements or something.
Harvey told Emma that she was the new Jean Shrimpton