What do you think of No Game No Life and this pure, beautiful and intelligent princess Stephanie Dola?

What do you think of No Game No Life and this pure, beautiful and intelligent princess Stephanie Dola?

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She could wear a dog costume, that would be great.

Enjoyable show.
Really nice color scheme.
Steph is best girl.
It's a shame the director fucked up a chance for a 2nd season with a non-canon ending.

I really liked the show. Great mix of humor and actual cool moments.

What was the canon ending?

Sex with Steph

Really? Fuck. That is a shame

Yeah, a second season, that would be nice

He didn't suddenly summon a god at the end of the last animated arc.

generic haremshit
generic harem member that thinks MC is asshole but loves him anyway

Is proto-Steph a dork as well?

She doesn't think that though?

I had fun, but the "It was all part of my keikaku" shtick got tiring really fast.

Doesn't only two girls legitimately loves Sora? (Shiro and Steph)

Thing is - they do that later. They can just pull off some excuse like the Old Deus tell them they need to unite 5 species first or something (which is what they had done by that point)

Using "steph" as an insult was fun until the joke got run into the ground.

It doesn't matter. Author doesn't want anything to do with the adaptation anymore because he said he doesn't wanna see his work tarnished by some dumbass director who thinks they have better ideas than him.

No Game No Life? More like No trace no work.

Post the rest.


Hasn't this been debunked?


I Don't think using similar poses counts as tracing or araki has been "tracing" from fasion mags for decades.

Yes, it's just one faggot who likes to meme it up.


This. The human body can only move so much.

Steph a cute, I'd marry her and she'd become a great mother to our children.

Tet appears in your room and offers to transport you to a world where your gaming skills are relevant.
Do you take him up on his offer?
Or do you bend him over your desk and fuck his boipussy?

>Steph: good for pump and dump
>NGNL: story ran out of steam, and what was good has aged pretty badly since it came out. Not as badly as Log Horizon has aged, but there's almost no rewatch or reread value to the story.

Who the fuck wants to fuck a boy??
Give me Steph and her dolas.

Steph would unironically be a great mother.

Making her a mother would be great fun too.

Nah, she'd lose every match against the neighbors and she'd be the village bicycle.

Steph isn't that dumb, I don't think she lost every games before Sora and Shiro arrived?

This show lacks porn.
For both Shiro and Steph.

especially steph

Especially jibril and steph

Also while the LN has better use of coloring, I like the vibrant colors of the NGNL world.

July can't come soon enough.



>No Sora, Shiro, or Steph
Meh, the robot loli looks great visually though. Is the white haired boy the MC of the movie?

Wait does Steph even love Sora? Iirc she is forced to love him as punishment for losing their first game.

All the main cast will be there, same VAs and all, just different hair colors and body appendages.

She was forced to fall in love with him, not stay in love with him. So she likely does love him truly.

I fucking hate that faggot vampire now after finishing volume 7.
Jewpress can't do shit fast enough. Someone nuke em.

Wasn't the author some BR who moved to Japan?

Shouldn't this just be called No Life since it's the time with No Game?

Wasn't there a movie confirmed at some point?

Wait really? That's a shame. Did he say this after the movie was announced?


>Not going out of your way to make sure you have the best possible stitch

Nah, he said it right after the last episode aired. Didn't even know about the movie until this thread so he may have changed his tune since.

I hope he changed his mind. I heard the novel gets good later on. I do want a season 2 but

Hey, isn't OPM getting a S2? Maybe we will get it after all.

Maybe the movie is an attempt to fix what the series did wrong? If the author wants the anime to go a specific way, the movie could be a retcon before moving onto season 2

Fuck you, I guess I'm fapping to Steph later.
But she has so little good porn.

And Overlord

Well you're not wrong. by the looks of it, there's going to be a lot of death.

The novel DOES get really good later on. S1 covered the least enjoyable encounters (with the exception of Jibril's word game which is in my top 3)

>And Overlord
Oh god, I had no idea.

the story's actually good

Have to admit that Madhouse does a great job for fighting scenes. Sucks Overlord S2 is gonna be boring as shit cause of the lizardman arc.

Yeah you'll get over the Lizardmen then it's Climb's wild ride.

The only thing I have hopes for is the destruction of the Empire with his sheep summoning thing El-whatever the fuck it's called.

Is there an active translation group working on it?
I don't know if NGNL will even get a second season. I don't think the sales were spectacular.

>Is there an active translation group working on it?
No idea. I learned moon in school.


The show has some great stitches.

He is Brazilian of Japanese descent. Japs imported them during the 1980s and 1990s, he grew up there. Doesn't look Jap though.

yeah, yenpress is translating

Volume 6 was translated before it got licenced. Volume 7 was half translated before C&D. Volume 6 offical relase comes out in May.

Well, I read in Russian, and russians are translating NGNL from English, so there are at least 8 novels in English. So I guess there is one?

Wait, why do I not remember this?

Fuck, thanks anyway.

Who is this semon demen again?

She's slave of a lesbo elf.

It's from the specials.

Oh that flat human girl.
I should rewatch this one day.

>They don't know the sekrit club where I get my post-volume 6 english translations PDFs

Sadly, I only have 1 up to volume 7 at the moment.
I just wanna see how that faggot vampire will get rekt next volume. Translations can't come fast enough.

So just how elastic is the term secret to you?
Let me in even though you're probably lying

Not really a secret. Everyone here is just not lurking hard enough. Here's my proof

Wait. Are you trying to tell me if I was autistic enough I could find this sekrit club in with this thread?

Fuck it! Because we're all friends here drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-_uG8VloX9Gd21jZXFJemU3QVk

Bookmark it and spread the word. We need to make NGNL popular again for the inevitable season 2.

They're on le goddess site.

>Dem Shimapan eyes.

Dammit i just fapped.

You mean this shit?

Apparently I've had this bookmarked for a while alongside an Overlord one too.

Thanks for the reminder though.

Well thanks.
Is the LN very different from the anime? If the anime left out a lot of detail I'll start from Vol. 1


That rock paper scissors I still don't understand.

Not sure where me saying yenpress is translating means that I don't have the pdf docs.

Remember guys, Jibril a shit.

Jibril is the best character

>all these Jibril and Steph supporters
>not literally best character pic related


>no pantsu
Fuck I just fapped

>no pantsu
>no D

Jibril a shit. She killed the best couple. irredeemable shieeet.

Jibril a shit

He lost because he played rock even though he said he'd lose if he did so, and she lost because rock beats scissors, which resulted in a tie.