>an image went viral showing a supposed employee saying that it was contaminating white customers food >Starbucks is out in full force saying the image is fake and the person does not exist >Some believe it is real and Starbucks is trying to save face
Starbucks closed due to AIDS I want to see flyers anons.
Oliver Lee
Starbucks closes all Atlanta area locations in response to possible HIV infections.
Jordan Watson
HUGE if possible
Nolan Flores
it has a tatoo on its arm
Gabriel Collins
Owen Sullivan
user posted this from the last thread
Levi Price
Reminds me of the habbo hotel
Thomas Ramirez
holy shit this is an abomination,
Julian Williams
It is a troll. We figured it out 20 threads ago. Keeping larping faggots
Joshua Perry
Old thread
Elijah Cox
I was wondering when your faggot ass would show up
Gabriel Price
Here is more info from the last thread
Caleb Jones
Some user called up the supposed Starbucks in question last night and said the manager told them “she isn’t here right now”. Take that however you may.
William Rogers
The trolls are here. Bring it on faggot. Explain your reasoning or can you even?
Adam Myers
Not how the real world works. Sorry, autists.
I have no idea if this person actually exists, if they did what they claimed, are lying about it just to fuck with people, or if it's a huge larp.
The problem is, neither do any of you.
That's a good way to lose a lawsuit over slander/libel. This isn't a case where video of someone getting hit with a bike lock exists. There is no proof any of these things happened. None. Other than a screen shot of a facebook group, where a member can post anything they want to.
Report this post, I'm done with faggots shilling every single thread, just report their posts until they get auto banned. Fuck you nigger
Easton Flores
You're back! I kept it going while you were gone.
Thanks for baking all the new breads user
Camden Price
>linking to reddit kill yourself
Carter Diaz
Starbucks stock price
James Thomas
>posts are fake >we do not have an employee by that name >we are working with local authorities
If the whole thing is fake, how could they be working with "local authorities"? Local to what? HQ? So they called up the Seattle PD for help deciphering some fake social media posts?
To say nothing of calling something "fake" before you've actually investigated it...
Angel Barnes
Reported for raiding
Adam Peterson
This opens up the posibilities to atack kike corporations with real or fabricated evidence.
Xavier Carter
And your poof that phone call actually happened?
It's no more credible than me saying "Hey, there are purple 300 ft. penguins flying around your house, right now!"
See where the problem is? "I saw it on Sup Forums hurrrr" is not proof, or evidence.
Anthony Wilson
You think the mods care? They hate us and purposely undermoderate us
Zachary Cooper
>It's no more credible than me saying "Hey, there are purple 300 ft. penguins flying around your house, right now!" It actually is, you complete retard
Julian Young
>i tell you I killed someone >you call the cops and report me >slander! I can't believe this has to be explained to you.
Kayden Price
Kek, looks like a Sup Forumslack false flag. Ticks too many boxes.
Own up, which one of you is behind this?
Ryder Miller
start up your tweeter accs fags @Starbucks
Don't try asking with your a "GasJewzKeK" account. Be a regular joe, ask an honest question, why did they allow this to happen?
Jeremiah Martinez
"Working with local authorities" to get subpoenas for Sup Forums and other websites and Twitter to get your IPs, to sue you for libel/slander.
Just watch. They can afford much better lawyers than you can.
Brandon Allen
Dominic Bailey
this info probably isn't correct, it's from someone with a similar name but she lives like 50 miles from Atlanta
What makes you think evidence is needed? Can you prove it’s bullshit?
Brody Phillips
Explain how it's more credible, sweetcheeks. We'll wait for you to hamfist your way through logic.
Isaac Davis
Lmfao!!! I haven't watched that movie in years!!
Gabriel Jenkins
fake and gay
Blake Carter
yeah, they're going after us but not after the nigger tranny who wrote it on fb
this in the country where a book just was published claiming the president has incestuous lust for his daughter
fuck off shill
Carson Green
>hurr do explain how a phonecall is more credible than me telling you there are 300ft purple animals flying out of my ass. Shill
Nathaniel Bell
When you're posting that a company has employees fucking with customer's food, it's now lawsuit territory, if it's not true. Go ask any lawyer. I'll wait.
Joshua Reed
Because this actually has been known to happen brainlet.
Noah Kelly
Julian Mitchell
Make it happen Sup Forums !
Julian Allen
I'm not making any claims, the burden of proof isn't on me. But then, I'm not posting damaging images for Starbucks all over the internet like a spastic, so they won't ask for my IP, I have no reason to be concerned if it's real or not.
Ethan Edwards
it involves some nigger being a nigger and bragging about doing nigger things to other niggers, so we'll fudge on the dual authentication and background checks
Ryder Williams
If the person was trolling, in a private FB group, there's no reason to go after them.
I love this. You autists are gonna cornhole yourselves, and I'm gonna laugh every step of the way.
Henry Cox
Zachary Hill
>the president has incestuous lust for his daughter All you gotta do is watch the videos where his creepy ass is leering at his own daughter. Nasty ass bitches.
Brayden Cruz
The person who made the original post said they did it. Prove that they didn’t. It doesn’t matter what we can prove. If they are lying is irrelevant, they made a claim and people are reacting to that claim.
Blake Bennett
An alleged phone call. Prove it happened.
Oh, my, there went your credibility.
Dumbass. Do you believe every post on Sup Forums as 100% real? Are you THAT stupid and naive?
Benjamin Cooper
Not evidence or proof. Keep trying, mouthbreather.
Andrew Wright
In order to be slander or libel you have to demonstrate that the defendant had malicious intent and knew for a fact the allegation was untrue. Kill yourself. I'll wait.
Nathan Flores
The images are of a Facebook post you moron. How can you be this retarded?
Austin Perry
Reported for reddit
Ryan Wood
Ah, so you don't have any actual proof any of it is real. But you're gonna neckbeard and stubbornly continuing to accuse Starbucks employees, even fictional ones, of felonies.
Gotcha. Never change, Sup Forums. Never change. You're still the best free entertainment going.
Chase Sanders
I fucking love you glorious autists
Elijah Johnson
It's not on me to prove anything, dummy. I'm not claiming anything, you are.
Parker Nguyen
Lol, this is a true event IMO. I'm waiting to see how this shakes out
Kevin Long
Ah, the neckbeard armchair lawyer has arrived.
This should be good.
Thomas Adams
>lick both sides of bread prior to making guillotine now
Anthony Myers
>prove it >ignores the proofs posted in every thread
Fuck off Starbucks corporate. You are in this mess because of how your public relations department handled the situation. Real or not it was unprofessional and uncaring as fuck. I hope your market value crashes because you dont give a shit about your consumers or even your employees. Gas yourself.
Charles Walker
Why do they ONLY use specific words? Anyone else see the trick they are pulling?
They use the present tense to say that no one works here by that name, but don't say that she has never worked for them
Can we get a line of questioning asking if she EVER worked for Starbucks?
Chase Baker
>It's no more credible than me saying "Hey, there are purple 300 ft. penguins flying around your house, right now!" >no more credible than >no more credible I reply with >Yes, it literally is And the reason for that is one of those is possible, YOU FUCKING IMBECILE To which you proceed to change the question being >Is this more credible than this? to >CAN YOU PROVE EITHER HAPPENED? To wich I will simply reply, we have many reasons to believe not only the phone to be true, but this entire scenario. While you, on the other hand, can't provide a single shred of evidence of the opposite, because you are a mouthbreathing cocksucking retarded shill.
Slit your throat, you brainless nigger
Gavin Williams
Benjamin Clark
Yes, pretty obviously this.
Jeremiah Edwards
Fake as fuck, even if the girl is real. I'm fine seeing Starbucks squirm though
Brody Taylor
Parker Murphy
I’m not claiming anything you absolute retard. The person made a post saying what they said and people saw it and reacted to it. This isn’t very hard to understand. Whether she is lying is not relevant. What matters is what she said.
James Price
>The problem is, neither do any of you. Until a woman who proves her kid had a hot chocolate on that day.
Ian Hall
It isn't the first time that such a thing happens, and the offenders get caught because it being spread of social media. Go suck another nigger cock dumb meme flag shill.
Parker Wood
It's obviously a Aussie shitposter. no nigress can reach that level of bants
Landon Wood
Problem here is none of what "she" claims can be proven to have occurred. At best maybe Starbucks can sue "her" for affecting their stock price or some shit.
Gabriel Cruz
Too articulate for a nog...and too much work for one too.
But Starshits deserves the bad press for their hire 10000 refugees virtue signaling bullshit.
Brayden Thomas
Yeah, this is obviously fake. This is Sup Forums's conception of the world. People don't dress like that in 2018, and Shanell is obviously a fake name.
I go to a liberal arts college and I go to Starbucks and the modern day sjw doesn't look or act a thing like this.
Levi Wright
Shutup you dumb faggot
Christian Taylor
And the (((lawyers))) are circling overhead.
Noah Cruz
just look at this amount of damage control he's going all out
Bentley Carter
Not true. I'm in the Atlanta airport and it's still open
Thomas Reyes
I see nothing that could pass for evidence in a court of law. And, what is being discussed is one post, made anonymously, claiming to have called a Starbucks and was told that this person didn't work there. There is no proof that the post was real, no proof the call actually happened, or that what was said actually was said.
But you keep spitting and babbling, autist, that's the real show here.
Camden Brown
Why the fuck do you care if its real or not? we can use this against the kikes.
Do you get paid in coffee?
Evan Miller
>decent grammer >niggers can't be articulate >must be fake Fake or not..enough attention has been brought to this subject. There will be a investigation. This SHOULD be investigated, this is SICK!
Jordan Morales
LOL. Aw, is someone triggered? Boo hoo.
And no, baby boy, I don't work for Starbucks, nor do I buy their shitty overpriced stale coffee.
I just like mocking autists like you who believe everyone they read on the world's most notorious troll site.
Angel Jones
>LOL. Aw, is someone triggered? Boo hoo. >14 posts by this ID Someone is definately triggered
Jayden Wilson
Mods are kiked. Don't expect them to ever do anything but actively hinder the board unless they are removed.
Jordan Wilson
Aw, another snowflake is triggered.
Look, spastic, just bellowing things doesn't make you right. The post I'm referring to has no credibility, and nothing you sputter and lisp at me will change that.
You have NO reason to believe that post, other than your own autism, and I'll keep rubbing that in your dumb, downs face until you get it.
Luis Lewis
If you actually saw the profile and thought it was real, whew lassie
Jose Russell
>that this person didn't work there
Wrong. The fact that you are skewing even that is proof you are shilling.
Mason Scott
You're the greatest spastic in this thread lad. Your reddit spacing gives you away btw, you have to go back.
Leo Lee
Where is this from? I thought it was a different location, not Savanah you donut
Jacob Lee
>Whether she is lying is not relevant. What matters is what she said. Pick one.
This is like shooting retarded fish in a barrel.
Charles Rodriguez
Calm down already spastic
Eli Rivera
>i am soooo one of you >only the alt-right can use this flag
Liam Jackson
>Be me, sbux shill >Pretend im one of the autists >Threaten ppl of lawsuit >Not working >Scaremonger with ip dox 5hreats >Claim SBUX has unlimited funds to lawyer sue pwn >Not working >Call corporate for backup >"You ARE the backup "
Justin Lewis
Not how the world works, dummy. Go say that to a judge, and tell me how long and how hard he laughs at you, before he tells the bailiff to smack you in the nuts and throw you out of his courtroom.