Germany experiments with Oxytocin to reduce racism

But only among white Germans of course because only whites can be racist and need a cure for that

>We tend to be more altruistic to our own family and friends than to perfect strangers. The recent migration of Middle Eastern refugees into European societies has further magnified the issue, with a large divide in society between people who do and do not support the refugees. “This is partly due to evolution: Only through solidarity and cooperation within one’s own group was it possible to raise children and survive when competing against unknown and rivaling groups for scarce resources in pre-civilized times,” explains Prof. Rene Hurlemann from the Department of Psychiatry, University of Bonn Medical Center.
>How can people who tend to have a xenophobic attitude be motivated to be more altruistic? The researchers assumed that the addition of social norms could be a starting point.
>What conclusions can be drawn from these results? It appears that pairing oxytocin with a social norm can help counter the effects of xenophobia by enhancing altruistic behavior toward refugees. “The combined enhancement of oxytocin and peer influence could diminish selfish motives,” says Hurlemann.

So they want to use bondin hormones and social pressure to make people accepting.

What you think?

Other urls found in this thread:

This is revolting, makes me feel almost physically i'll.

What do you think they use to reinforce the dopamine cycles?

You're talking about it like it hasn't been used on the population for years now.

>“This is partly due to evolution: Only through solidarity and cooperation within one’s own group was it possible to raise children and survive when competing against unknown and rivaling groups for scarce resources in pre-civilized times,
i'm honestly surprised they even admit this.

My god, where will it end. What length will they not go to?

You'll what?

they literally want to overwrite the (completly normal) evolutionary program to care more about your friends and relatives than about strangers.
And they want to dimm down the awareness since there is lots of Killing, raping, stealing going on, but instead of solving that (because criminal violent behaviour of member of a certain group leads to suspiciousness) they want to drug people so they don't care so much anymore.

Coming to water supply near you

But nothing has changed in this regard, it's an illusion they hold that things are now magically different.

You will what? Finish your sentence

Why don't they give all male refugees Cyproteron? Would make them more calm and docile and the society less intimidated.
And for the refugee boys it would be good as well since they don't have to suffer from sexdrive anymore

> with a large divide in society between people who do and do not support the refugees. “This is partly due to evolution: Only through solidarity and cooperation within one’s own group was it possible to raise children and survive when competing against unknown and rivaling groups for scarce resources in pre-civilized times,” explains Prof. Rene Hurlemann
This should have tipped something off in his mind

It's beyond that. The way it's being utilized is towards self destruction, out of a patronizing false empathy/sympathy, reinforced through shame and guilt; while they pat themselves on the back to try to create some semblance of self esteem (even if it's disingenuous). It encourages derailing logic when the questions become uncomfortable, and regressing under the guise of progress.

Societal sabotage.

Spelling Error, I actually wanted to wrote "ill", damn Auto correction.
And by revolting I obviously mean disgusting.

This is horrifying.

Literally this.
There you go.

FUCK this shit I'm gonna go inject Trenbolone and Testosterone

Oxytocin? Really? Sometime i twiddle my nipples to induce its production in my own body but i wouldnt force it upon anyone

Germans using chemicals to "fix" society again.

Anti-depressants/anti-psychotics and other mind altering pharmaceutical chemicals are being used for this same purpose I suspsect.

I used to be drugged out on those things all throughout my childhood (since I was 7 years old!) and I hated it. When I stopped taking them when I went to college i had a political awakening that ultimately lead me here. I also noticed my problem solving/concentration went up sharply as well despite one of those drugs being prescribed for my supposed "ADD".

Mass drugging of the the youth with these chemicals is a scheme of mind control and mass pacification that seems to have slipped right under Sup Forumss collective noses and which might just explain the sudden massive tendency towards cuckoldry/suicidal altruism/defective survival instincts that we see among many young liberals. I bet more than half of them are doped up on prescription drugs.

They can make your brain produce more or less depending on your ties to the subject, the framing, narrative, and personal investment you have.

It's weaponized conditioning.

This is the type of creepy shit that can redpill liberals or moderates. I suggest we all take our time to spread this Brave New World-esq (((study))) to as many normies as possible.

This will open at least a few eyes.

>Sometime i twiddle my nipples

Liberals are often time so completely conditioned/programmed by feel-good bullshit that they can't see the consequences of their actions or the very basic biological truth present in that statement.