>browse UK real estate with gf
>shitty 2 bedroom terraced house for £150-200k is considered "cheap"
>browse US real estate
>detached houses with driveways n sheeit are between $100-$150k
>a lot of them are foreclosures
what am i missing here?
>browse UK real estate with gf
>shitty 2 bedroom terraced house for £150-200k is considered "cheap"
>browse US real estate
>detached houses with driveways n sheeit are between $100-$150k
>a lot of them are foreclosures
what am i missing here?
Other urls found in this thread:
>What am I missing here?
No room really to build new houses unless we start building into the countryside. When you're buying the house, most of the cost is from the land it sits upon, not the actual house itself.
Where are you looking in the US? Suburbs of DC here, a single family hime here starts around 600k, and thats in a shitty nigger/spic school district
You live on an island.
lower taxes
more land
We have a different nigger problem here.
You have the african nigger who hates each other, no father figure and break into homes destroys areas and turns them into curfew shit holes - lowering prices.(plus space)
We have poo in loo and Ahmed issues. 3 generations in 1 home raising the price that "people" can afford so that bumps the price. If you have 3 generations 2 pensions and 3 4 or even 5 pay packets then they can pay a lot more. Dont worry americunt we cant afford the houses either. Coming your way
Even places like NYC per square foot prices are on the low end
>more land
>a country where you could build on a nature reserve if you paid your local senator enough
>island with limited land
>staunch resistance to building on a fucking field
>You have the african nigger who hates each other,
>implying African nigs aren't a problem here with Somali gangs stabbing everyone else
have you been to the UK?
There are nowhere near as many niggers in the UK, per capita or otherwise.
Stop acting like you have a point.
>population density of 1.76/km2 vs UK's population density of 259/km2
Gee I wonder.
So does everyone except Euros and Asians.
England is more densely populated than the netherlands and on top of that the whole housing market is overfinanced to smithereens - basically worse than pre 2008 but with buy to let lending
How much would this house cost in yurope?
>5 beds 3 baths 3,100 sq ft 2.68 acres lot
The human filth democrats keep bringing in cant afford houses and they kill the whites that can. Simple math.
In case you have noticed,we have alot of it.
£500k in a poorfag area
close to a big city £1m
... I've refused to follow the love of my life to Chile because I wasn't sure to find a job.
And now I'm stuck in Paris. Working my ass off like a slave to afford my lonely 15m2 studio I pay 500€ a month.
There was a time when I woke up the morning, telling myself that I was happy. This time is no more. I don't even wake up during the morning anymore : the nightmare doesn't end as it should.
Fuck Paris. Fuck France. Fuck real estate. Fuck pol. Fuck my greediness. Fuck my fear of failure.
Fuck what I've become.
your entire country is smaller than most US states. supply and demand.. the demand for land is high and the supply is low therefore it costs brittbongs out the ass for a little shit shack. in the usa people can afford enormous tracts of good land because our country is fucking gigantic.
Yeah sure, that's why.
And people wonder why Sup Forums has a reputation for simplistic thinking.
Please...., stay in Canada.
piss off
new york is a bit of a shithole though, just living 10 minutes out is a good deal nicer.
you don't understand they've been evolving here in america creating a new breed of nig
>What am I missing here?
Capitalism. Your socialist hellhole over taxes the fuck out of everything and too much shit is state run. It drives up costs through the roof. The same bullshit happens here in the US too. Housing like that in New York goes for $200-$300,000. In Southern California, you're looking at $500-$800,000. High taxes, socialist policies, high regulation = high cost of living at reduced quality.
You can get a borderline mansion in places like Texas for under $200,000.
America has huge empty swaths of land, my state is like 3x larger than your whole island, and there's barely 1m people here. In the old farming towns, you can buy perfectly serviceable houses for like $15k
the US is 40 times the size of the UK, but has only 5 times the inhabitants of your country --> land is cheaper
plus they build houses with walls that you can punch through with your fist, so the construction isn't expensive either.
>supply and demand
>You can get a borderline mansion in places like Texas for under $200,000
These are the correct short answers.
Price is further driven by the number 1 rule of value in real estate:
"Location, location, location."
>3 beds 2 baths 2,281 sqft
Because 90% of burgerland is empty or dying wasteland.
If you want to live somewhere and have an actual job the prices are comparable to Europe.
My dream is to move to some shithole flyover state, maybe Montana, and live on like 5000 acres and just be alone
And the best part is land in shitholes like Montana is dirt cheap, so it's actually a reasonable dream to have
Jobs in the area with low housing prices
The UK is pretty dense and almost every village is linked to a city of sorts
The US is not
>If you want to live somewhere and have an actual job the prices are comparable to Europe.
What are you talking about?
>plus they build houses with walls that you can punch through with your fist, so the construction isn't expensive either.
I actually work with a Swiss immigrant who is a housing contractor here. According to him, an expert in the field, modern European construction is essentially the same as here.
wow, shit built 300 years ago is made of brick? mind fucking blown
cheapest I could find
>2.5M USD
>5816 acres
>$429.84 an acre
Beautiful, I was looking at 1200 Acres in the scottish highalnds last year and it was gonna run me £900K (like 1.5m USD)
I'm about to buy a 3,700 square foot home, 6 bedrooms, 3 bath, 4 story including the attic and basement, driveway, 2 story garage, 1.05 acres of yard for $59,000. Town is 99% white.
My goal as well user, let the UK burn
great deal even if not enough land.
So, 99 out of the total population of 100 in the town are white.
That's pretty good, user.
Hope they reopen the coal mine down the road soon so you can get a job.
690 acres for $370k
people without a few million lying around could actually afford it
>what am I missing here
Capitalism britbong, low taxes equal higher credit, higher credit more mortgages, more mortgages more construction, more construction cheaper housing.
However this only happens in Republican states in Democratic it is hell and taxes.
I know the Amish are colonizing Upstate NY
>$269,000 333 Acres
Same, shame the US immigration are fucking wankers to white, male Brits at the moment. Come on Trump sort it out
Yeah it's right in town, roughly 800 houses in town.
Population is 1300-1500. I have a job.
Wow that one even has paved access, how much would building a home run me? would 500K cover the lot?
>tfw your dreams are even closer than you thought
Easy. Acreage and available land. Large parts of the US still relatively untouched. UK , European space has been developed and occupied by Western Civ for so long and space isnt readily at hand. Building new often means tearing down old
We agree in the US. I myself would not mind more European immigration.
>tfw you will never get a green card without being a corporate cuck
Marry an American
Marriage is key here.
I can cuck for a few years if it gets me in, either that or I go across on a tourist visa and gay marry a Sup Forumsack for citizenship
>Mumbai more expensive than San Francisco
You guys don't actually think this is accurate do you?
We have a larger supply of land. Therefore it costs less per unit of land. This is basic economics.
Grew up in rural poorfag area
House was 3 stories, 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage, yuge yard, garden, directly next to a golf course.
Parents updated some shit and it's now appraised at $250k+ when they bought it for $80k in the early-mid 90s
Meanwhile, I live in a libshit techopolis and I pay $1500/mo for a studio and will never afford a house here unless the economy shits itself hard
>Population is 1300-1500
Damn...., a "teeming metropolis".
I'm just giving you some good natured ribbing, user.
Bravo for the cost of living in your area.
Your biggest issue would be pumping the well, but I'm guessing the water is pretty high there since it's been used as farmland
Depending on your finances, you could simply put a mobile/manufactured home on it, otherwise, you spend what you want to spend on a home, depending on size and other things
It probably the entire metro area and does not incude shacks
Prices are always going to be shit until we expand on the green belt
I like the countryside as much as the next guy but not enough for it to increase the price of a 2 bed hovel to 200k minimum
You don't pay when you squat on someone else land
>tfw 160 acres of wilderness, with over a mile of river frontage, for $120k
This is my dream.
That's okay. Most men do the plant work in my area, coal mining is more southern, although barge work and oil fields are another big one. Myself and many other women tend to stick to elder care for now, until husbandry.
The houses are build from cardboard.
>what am i missing here?
A massive country with to many shitty McMansions
Or not being a literal yuropoor.
One can easily migrate to the states if they are investing 500k+
We havd land and low taxes. Outside metro Atlanta, housing is stupid cheap and not of bad quality. Plus it’s mostly Christian and white
You have to hit a good middle ground. I live in rural Scotland atm and our protected lands are roughly half of the country.
Now when I'm down in the midlands there really isn't that much land as far as I can tell. There's fields sure, but there's so many small towns clustered together. It's 14 miles to my next town over, with a couple small hamlets scattered here and there, wheras in England there's a town every 5 miles.
Really what we need to do is reduce the population, specifically of a certain demographic before we can think about expanding into the protected areas and killing all the wildlife because of unsustainable population expansion
>libshit technopolis
That's your problem, you choose being a cuck and live in a safe welfare state hellhole with lots of job due to government money injection in the economy.
Who dares wins stop being a cuck move to a Republican state even if you earn less you will be better long turn.
location is everything friend.
McMansions are great though...
You don't want a newly built palace for a reasonable price?
t. council flats and £600K hovels
in SC it would cost $150k.
I have something like 0.5 million USD.
Can I move to the US, buy a mansion and retire?
The U.S housing market is more inflated than it was in 2007
>$329,900 470 Acres
>If you have ever dreamed of owning a Christmas tree farm, here is your chance! With thousands of trees already planted, you have a head start to your Christmas tree farm. This Northern New York acreage is composed primarily of meadows planted white spruce, balsam and blue spruce with some existing hardwood forests. This could also be purchased as a sportsmans property with plenty of great hunting. Two, clay-lined ponds add character to the property. Power is available at the roadside making this suitable for a business, home or camp. Only minutes away from the St. Lawrence River and close to Ogdensburg and Canton for supplies.
>implying that big Mc mansions™ are worse than cubes overpriced because your government taxes everything and buys housing to provide for Ahmed and thus raising prices.
Fuck off eurocucks who cared if it's built with cheap material at least they can buy houses.
Much easier to find a house than it is to find a job in those rural, cheap areas.
Engineering is one of those rare jobs where you can work out in the middle of nowhere and still get paid pretty well. I don't get paid like I did in Seattle, but I'm back in my home area with more than enough to live on comfortably.
Keep your chin up frog
Britbongs have to marry these women, rim them daily and work 18 hours a day on minimum wage in raw sewage in order to be considered for a Green Card. Ahmed just buys a one-way ticket and flies straight in the Pentagon and gets to stay there permanently AND gets rewarded with 50 virgins.
Where is the justice?
The whole regional cost of living thing is big fucking deal, user.
I moved my whole Company (INFOSEC) Headquarters...., lock, stock & barrel...., including 60+ employees from NYC (Manhattan) to Southwest Virginia 10 years ago just because of the cost of living & cost of doing business.
Never looked back.
That's right. That's the american thing.
>could be worse
It could be worse, and at least, you are free to move and do things of your choosing.
My advice to Marry a woman who's family is an established reputation in a relatively small town USA. Live like a King.
voters who vote , there cannot be a collapse just a bailout to try and spread it over 25 years of pain. You sure as fuck are not going to win if you allow house prices/real estate to fall.
>tfw lived in the States I had a 10 year old 4 bedroom fully detached house, a huge fenced yard leading out to the banks of a marsh, a long drive way, garage, a deck, and a modern kitchen
>cost me $105k
>had 2 cars, a handgun, and a rifle
>Move back home to UK for a job offer with a fat paycheck
>Hate the job, hate my autistic coworkers, hate everything about Britain from the food to the culture to the entertainment to the people to the cucked nanny state government
>quit the job and start my own business and spend my spare time in the confines of my 30 year old 2 bedroom semi-detached, dreaming about moving back
Will you guys take me back, burgers? I’m 100% white. I want to go home to my true people.
>Myself and many other women
Because the queen owns all the land
>moved from NYC to Virginia
>never looked back
A halfwit inbred could've told you that. In fact, they do! As long as you vote Republican...
I'll marry you.
What state were you in? Sounds nice
>buying a house
The prices are so inflated it's impossible to ever be able to pay off the debts.
Not really.
Depending on where you are $200k will get you a pretty nice house. The further into flyover country you go the farther that money will get you.
Thanks bud. We can be no-homo hubbies till the green card clears.
Georgia. Outskirts of Savannah, away from all the nogs downtown.
>he fell for the rent everything and just stay in cheap apartments jew
Yes actually, move to someplace remote like nebraska or north dakota
You are either looking in shitty cities or flyover. Any city with jobs costs more. That being said, there is always work as a waiter or something
You can get a 2 bedroom terraced house in Liverpool for 30 grand.
oh hm I've heard Savannah is nice, but I wouldn't leave the mountains
Yeah, 23 year old single woman can afford >3,700 square foot home
Thanks, TRUMP! It was only my "dream" with Obama, as we were all "DREAMING" inside of our state-sponsored coma.
>23 single female
shit in the exurbs tho, think eastern shore / delawhere?