When is it time to unplug? What is the end game here? What is the solution?
Facebook is a (((tool)))
>When is it time to unplug?
>What is the end game here?
Your soul
>What is the solution?
Delete facebook, work out, lawyer up
facebook is just a voluntary mugshot service for the police.
How do we protect the minds of our children? How do we convince the normies to unplug?
>Facebook is mind cancer.
Agreed but my wife and normie friends won't give it up.
Been off kikebook since 2011 hated the constant haranguing. Push notifications invitations to events without location the email updates. It felt like a prison job.
delet it
just tell them to use it responsibly
meaning no posting horseshit every 15 seconds everytime a frog farts or something
its going to be the hardest task of your life but it is doable
I don't have anything: no snapcuck, no fagbook, no social media - no nothing. Only mobile phone w/ email.
Social media =social engineering
This is why I come here. Like minded friends in other countries.
Me too, leave it for the plebs.
You should have never even started...
Fuck tweeblrditbook.
End game is surveillance and subliminal conditioning
Shut up you fucking normalnigger, leave this glowing samoan taro board. Social Media has helped interconnect humanity, I don't need your fucking conspiracy bullshit.
Doesn't matter if you need it or not, you're affected by it. Enjoy the dopamine loops while you still remain ignorant of the mechanisms.
Save me
I don't remember the last time I used Facebook/Instagram. It's just a tool people use to invade your life. I also find it disturbing that people shame me for not using/assume I use Facebook which makes me not want to use it even more.
Got rid of it a year ago and have just as many friends as when I was on it.
My Facebook is a Red Harring. Complete and total made up B.S. to feed those in my social circle....
So I can get on with other things unnoticed... its my fake news if you will.
You think Sup Forums is different? It's the same feedback/dopamine system but with (you)'s.
Its not as intrusive
>Getting a (you) is the same as attention whoring on Facecuck/instacuck
Have a (you) because I took the bait.
Sup Forums doesn’t send me notifications.
You can enable them on the settings.
Still, I'm pretty sure you use it the same way people use facebook. If not you many people that come here do.
They check it on their phones, they spend an unhealthy amount of time browsing, etc.
I only use it at night and alredy feel like it takes too much time because sometimes the time passes so fast I don't realize I should've gone to sleep one hour ago.
Having used both, the differences between the platforms are vast. Fuch buchen demands your time, message app, replaces other modes of communication links to all other platforms. Leashing yourself to another community that judges.
Sup Forums anonymous
How do you deal with people uploading pictures of you (among others)?
No idea if they do. As far as I know, there are no photos of me taken in the last 5-10 years.
You have us user.
It's the polar opposite. We don't want affirmation.