Thread ended mighty early, too much truth being bandied about...
Old thread: This is for the British bloke looking for proof of the Koreans seeding the blockchain in Nov 2016.
Thread ended mighty early, too much truth being bandied about...
Old thread: This is for the British bloke looking for proof of the Koreans seeding the blockchain in Nov 2016.
hes in america getting a pardon
He's dead.
Prove it without namecallling. If you can manage that, I'll give it some thought.
"If there's ever a doubt about my wellbeing, even if there's video, I'll sign something with the high security PGP key."
"If they get me they'll make it look like I'm still alive to dissuade people from looking for the insurance file decryption keys."
I agree something very fishy went on at that time but a pastebin that was made today isn't exactly proof.
The torrents weren't made today, search for them with all the search engines. The source was Korea although it's almost like someone is trying to cover that up as I can't find where they were originally posted. Weird huh? Team IB have a Facebook page from Korea that's all I can give you
Only thing I found was Dec 31. 2017. In on mobile so I can't check when the torrent was created but yes they are dead with zero seeds or leeches
I remember people trying feverishly to find copies of the blockchain from before it was flooded. I don't recall anyone finding one either. Strange this was the exact time there were riots in Korea and they supposedly opened the insurance files
Nor am I at a computer, but some one can verify the date of creation I'm not lying. Why the fuck would I? An awfully complex larp it would be spanning over 14 months
As Q said, and subsequently proved
>There are no coincidences
I fucking hope we are winning bigly though, there's too much on the line here
How would they alter blocks tho? You would have to subsequently change ever previous blocks before it? If those are the blocks with something in them we should be able to still find whatever's in there
What I think they did was flooded BTC with tx's that had high fees associated with them so smaller ones might get pushed aside and delayed for a block or two or ten
Yes, and or have all the miners equipment precompromised to rewrite any info out.
They brought Andresen the lead Dev into CIA HQ early 2016 I think. Spooks be spooking.
Also Segwit was rushed into play to fuck shit up down the line i.e. This extra data is no longer important. Bump
I will stop asking for proof of life and pointing out the inconsistencies of the narrative when a new message is sent with a PGP signature, till then "Julian Assange" (if that's even his real name) is gone
tbqh they've probably got a super computer running around the clock to crack it, that or Foolian will sign something and claim it's the key which it won't be but normies are dumb as fuck bump
They realized that behind him, are entities they can't kill.
No doubt there, but since it hasn't been used yet I guess it's still being hacked
Also, the keys to the 1h torrent files are in the btc blockchain by way of encoding a transaction to a non-existent address, but they were buried a tsunami of transactions as seen in the image, this is something they don't like talking about too
I actually think he might be dead too. What are people supposed to do if he is dead though? He ever cover that?
He is dead from long ago
His tweets about catalonia were full retard, paid, or something strange
We keep supporting people like William Binny and other whistleblowers that have spoken up about the corruption only to be ignored, legally silenced (Sybil), or worse. Keep telling the truth because it will break through any paper thin propaganda theory. It will take a collective effort to wake everyone up to the control system in place but the time is now
when has he ever posted a music video or something retarded like "tick tock"
Even Faux news played along with the charade so every one of those fuckers are CIA/MOSSAD and they're all in the act because of blackmail
what a mess
For this hypothosis to be true, everything released from the 0 day, would have to be either against Trump or total BS. If I am not wrong, I believe drops about CIA, vault 7, etc were dropped.
Along with tweets that make Hillary look bad..
IF they took him out and are larping why are they still doing harm to Hillary/CIA?
Business as usual bump
The Vault 7 and 8 drops were used to discredit the NSA which is why you'll see most shills push for the dismantling of it, but it was the CIA that used InQTel and many other front organizations to create those backdoor's in-house.
Also keep in mind that WL was used primarily as a barium meal trap for leakers in the Bush and Obama admin, Assange would release on their schedule but started leaking ahead of time and people started getting killed. One of those leaks were the Podesta emails which triggered the Pamela Anderson visit then the raid. Since then the WL operation is completely managed by the CIA which also manages the MSM through Mockingbird, hence the retarded tweets too
No you have the wrong leaks there, Snowden was to discredit the NSA they are on our side.
V7 was rubbish, completely harmless shite
what if...
trump hired black cube security firm to kill assange so that wikileaks would never drop anything that would damage him.
Since then its just been a tool they use to discredit 'the (fifth) columns' in the CIA and Hillary.
Oh boy another one of these threads, yeay!!!!!!!!!
Well if he was dead then who the fuck is releasing shit? And will they kick it up a notch?
Trump is dumb as fuck so this theory doesn't hold water.
dont have to be ashkenazi level genius to come up with a simple plan like that, goy.
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They are pretending to release shit, everything that's been released has been completely useless and not in any way damaging to tptb. He fucking said his next release would lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton... Where is it? Bump
assange was 100% killed, over a year ago now.
i have no idea how they are going to wrap this one up.
Julian's dead
Ye it's fucking hilarious to be honest but also fuck them, they've got one hell of a beat down on the way
Someone needs to start a petition to get Theresa May to explain the disappearance of Sarah Harrison, get the feminists on board