Sloppy Steve was anti-Trump before Primaries?

"The anti-Trump opposition research was the work of author Peter Schweizer for the Government Accountability Institute, which he cofounded with Bannon in 2012. It described years of alleged business connections between Trump companies and organized crime figures, allegations that have circulated among Trump detractors for years.
The New York Times reported on the document on Friday.
The GAI is backed by the Mercer family, one of the largest benefactors for Trump's campaign. Rebekah Mercer, the daughter of hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, is listed as the group's chairwoman on its website. But in 2015, when the document was produced, the Mercers were backing the campaign of one of Trump's rivals, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Bannon had not yet joined the Trump campaign.
In early 2016, at the height of the Republican primary fight, Cruz cited possible mob ties as one reason for Trump to release his taxes. Cruz and his campaign cited published news accounts at the time as the basis for making the charge.
Bannon expresses regret over response to bombshell book
The document offers a glimpse at behind-the-scenes efforts by conservatives to derail Trump's presidential bid."

If true, Bannon is a parasite who lives off a strong host and attempts to survive by killing the host.




Does this make Kushner /ourjew/?

Well Trump did allege that he might have been leaking to the media. So if that's true, then it wouldn't surprise me.



>If true, Bannon is a parasite who lives off a strong host and attempts to survive by killing the host.

Or... he changed his mind about trump... like most people did.

Mercer, Shapiro and Breitbart all supported Ted Cruz. This isn't a mystery if you were actually fucking here you shill fuck.

the leaks stop dramatically once Bannon got booted. It wasn't a topic in MSM. Now bogus started and guess who got doxxed.


Come on. Most people at that point thought Trump was a Dem plant to throw the Rs into chaos during the primaries. I'd give Bannon a pass on this. Other stuff, not so much.

1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate

See the pattern yet????

people can change their mind but there's a selfish motivation behind his. Slopps was aggressively against Trump behind the scene and attempted to back stab him, dude is a Judas.

Dems aren't that smart.
They're sneaky and underhanded, but not smart. If they can't brute-force an issue they're clueless.

Bannon should be in prison for treason

I'm a jew and I love it. I remember in April most of Sup Forums (inb4 not 1 person) was saying "If bannon goes we riot", then they walked that back in August when he got fired. Now it's a complete 180 and character assassination by the MSM and Sup Forums is actually going all in on it and taking the bait like good little goys. Little by little this place is warming up to people like me and by the end of the year, there will no longer be rampant jew hate. It's always funny watching the feeble goy mind struggle to keep up with the true Hebrew chess-match that is global politics.

Sloppy Steve isn't even a clever name. Take this cringe trash circle jerking back to t_d.

I hope Trump starts trashing Sup Forums so you magapede faggots stop coming here.

yep, he shouldnt be trusted

Quoting me some fake news won't work.

What i have noticed is the conserted effort by the msm and people on Sup Forums to cast bannon as a villain.

Maybe he is, maybe he isn't. I don't believe your bullshit though.

Dude, we fucking know that bannon hires the shills here.

The shills on this board, and the reason the_donald has turned into a jewish cesspit of zionist filth is because Bannon controls T_D through the mods and has shills on there as well as here.

That's why Roy Moore was shilled so hard and you actually got banned if you said to trust Trump and support Luther Strange.


>Or... he changed his mind about trump... like most people did.
Yello shill. How goes your afternoon?

To be fair, it's easy to be anti-Trump when he's a Zionist amnesty cuck.

I've heard your story.

I completely believe that bannon was trying to influence Sup Forums and reddit...
Of course, everyone in politics should be trying to do the same...

I don't believe bannon is the villain you cast him as though.

Wrong. Bannon was a closer ally of Israel than anyone else in the White House. This is why he hates Jared Kushner because he's not a zionist. This is why Netanyahu meets with Bannon and not with Kushner.

YOur talking points are losing their power.

>Mercer, Shapiro and Breitbart all supported Ted Cruz. This isn't a mystery if you were actually fucking here you shill fuck.
No you fuck. OP's trying to say that Bannon was anti-Trump and pro-Cruz before primaries. Why? Cause Cruz was CIA's puppet on the right (his pop was a CIA agent). The whole point here is that Bannon is a deep state agent on the right. Trump let him come on thinking he was clean. After election, Trump figures Bannon is not clean and ejects Bannon.

Connect the dots you lazy fuck.

Yeah, because you're likely paid by him. Paid off fucking everyone from Alex Jones to Baked Alaska

breitbart site was actually promoting the book's quotes when the news broke. Later it backfired he then gave a half baked apology.

Your beliefs for or against is irrelevant.

>Cause Cruz was CIA's puppet

No it's because Cruz is a super Zionist. You guys like to play these games and blame everything on the CIA but the fact of the matter is this has everything to do with ZIONISM. Trump is AMERICA FIRST. Trump is making life very hard for Israel and Bannon was going to try and usurp Trump because of it.

This, Bannon is /our fascist/, trump is a slave to the jew, becoming more evident as the months pass. Really wish it wasn't so

This tweet was talking about Steve Bannon.

Oh Thank you CNN for this information. Its incredible how deep you digg to tell us the truth and warn us. OH WOW

I belive nothing the fucking lyping Press is sayn

>Bannon is /our fascist/, trump is a slave to the jew

How can you say such a bold faced lie and expect anyone to actually believe it?

Bannon is /our JEW/ he is sucking israeli dicks non-stop, Bitch!


guy who wrote clinton cash. all sides are full of corrupt fuckheads getting rich as shit off hopeful boomers.

Well, it seems to me that you're the one being paid, in this case.

>Later it backfired he then gave a half baked apology.
What about the apology was half baked?

>It's always funny watching the feeble goy mind struggle to keep up with the true Hebrew chess-match that is global politics.
You do realize that if you're a Jew and Jews take over the world, then Jews will turn on each other? It's not like your bunch is the most tight-knit group in history. Right from Solomon's times you've documented how you've killed bothers have killed brothers for power and people have killed others for ideology (Pharisees vs Sadducees).

The only reason Jews of the world are united right now is because of your perception of the Goy threat. Take that threat out, and you Jews will turn on each other. It's happened before among your people, and it will happen again.
I assure you, the Jews taking over the world will result in a disaster for the Jews. You just don't see it yet.

And then he changed back, and then back again


As a kike you should know firsthand that Bannon is/was in cahoots with Netanyahu. Now get down on your knees and suck my cock for bothering to reply to your sorry ass.

Bannon was such a big Deep State asset the shills are still told to say he's /ourguy/

How pathetic.

CNN will always be trash but they were promoting the crap of that book with Sloppy as the headline. Now that Sloppy backtracked now CNN is further using Slopps as a battering ram as seen when Miller nuked Tapper. Bannon is a cheap shot artist and it backfired bigly.

The the very second he went against Trump Sloppy literally jumped in the Swamp.

>Bannon was such a big Deep State asset

Wait I thought bannon was fighting the deep state until last week?

>Sloppy Steve isn't even a clever name.
You're just jealous that you didn't think of it first.


Nigger Israel is the deep state Bannon isn't fighting anyone. He said the swamp was a good business model.

That is your (failing) narrative, yes.

trump is trying to distance himself from bannon because steve is considered by independents too toxic and racist (even if he isn't in reality). it helps. and i think steve knows this.

>I completely believe that bannon was trying to influence Sup Forums and reddit...
user says user believes Bannon influences Sup Forums and reddit.
>I don't believe bannon is the villain you cast him as though.
Okie dokie. Looks like the deep state is hiring some pretty dumb people these days.

Learn to shill properly you fucker.

Is Bannon Judas incarnate? How many silver shekels was he give?

>Bannon was a closer ally of Israel than anyone else in the White House.
Agree user. Pic related.

>by the end of the year there will no longer be rampant jew hate
> It's always funny watching the feeble goy mind struggle to keep up with the true Hebrew chess-match that is global politics.
pahahaha if this isn't bait you must be a retard, secrecy, scheming to improve your station and pumping out disinfo is not exactly rocket science, and to try and subvert the people that are onto your subversions is a stupid as it is pointless

Everyone tries to influence Sup Forums and reddit, you dunce.

These are the centers of political activism.

>No it's because Cruz is a super Zionist.
I don't know if you're trolling or just trolling. I mean what level of troll is this?

Here's the thing about Zionism. Zionism advocates for a Jewish homeland. The Jews have a homeland now, so what is the purpose of Zionism?

Just like how Hitler needed land for his people (lebensraum), modern Zionism advocates for Greater Israel (see pic). Are the Jews wrong in causing wars all around the ME so that they can achieve greater Israel? No. The Nazis wanted an ethnostate and the Jews want an ethnostate. If I was a Jew, then I would support the plan for Greater Israel.

How does Israel achieve this without a hegemonic power? It can't. So who does it turn to? The CIA, who are experts at starting war and unsettling governments.

What you're witnessing is a business transaction between the Zionists and the bad people in the CIA.

Fucking pea brain you are I tell you. Learn to connect the dots you lazy fuck.



>If true, Bannon is a parasite who lives off a strong host and attempts to survive by killing the host.

Lee Stranahan and Ben Shapiro (both former Breitbart employees) have been saying this recently. Bannon attaches himself to powerful people in an attempt to climb the ladder. He did it with Sarah Palin too.

Who do you think will be the ones taking the land? Where do you think those refugees will go? It fucks the West every bit as much as the ME

This is the first time I read my pov on it all. There's no ultimate bad guy here. I can't see how Bannon even mentioning the the deep state could benefit the deep state. I figured trump and bannon have similar goals, but Bannon's role has to be somewhat calculated because of his reputation. It may be a show for the media. Trump usually has first mover advantage on any show he puts on

>Sup Forums is the center of political activism.

There are only so many ways in which you can reveal yourself to be a shill. Sup Forums is just a shithole where all of us come to shit. Sometimes we take shit from the shithole and throw it at others who are shitting. Why? We do it for the lulz. We can whoop our ass day in and out for free.

Sup Forums is not the center of activism. Just like how a baby elephant eats its mom's poop to get vital bacteria into it's gut, normies eat our shit to activate their brain cells.

Fucking shill. Learn to shill you fuck. I could do a better job than you for half your salary.

>This is the first time I read my pov on it all. There's no ultimate bad guy here.
You mean the deep state's pov right? I mean think about it. If you're a shill, then your pov is the deep state's pov. If you're not a shill, you can only say this shit if you're sheep. Since you're sheep, your pov is still the deep state's pov.
>There's no ultimate bad guy here.
That is true. All of us just want pussy at the end of the day.
>I can't see how Bannon even mentioning the the deep state could benefit the deep state.
So, the deep state controls only the left-wing media outlets? Right?
It's because you spew shit like this that people can make out that you're not a Sup Forumsack and are here to shill.

You fucker, the deep state has figured out that people are attracted to actors on the right who rail against the government and the deep state. That's about it. Bannon calling out the deep state is Bannon doing his job.

Fucking learn to shill you fucker. Take pride in your work.
>It may be a show for the media.
Muh interdimensional chess.


Oh fuck off. Bannon is literally /ourguy/. He's the only one that talks about immigration and how China is our biggest threat.

>the center
Found the brainlet. Those two things aren't the same, and don't refer to the same concept.

>Sup Forums is an irrelevant shithole. Nobody would shill here!
found the shill

Ok so if people want to hear anti-govt, anti-deep state material, they will either 1) do it themselves or 2) get it from what's already out there. They get this guy Bannon among other people that offer a fairly generally conservative but "alternative" publication. Did he ever have a master plan? Or did he want a journalistic job in the public eye according to political points he subscribes to?

If he's an asset, idk what his goal would actually be. "Just don't name the Jew"? Once you start digging into deep state, it's just a matter of how far you dig before you get to the supposed mass graves of the Jew

Bannon may have been dirty, maybe Brietbart was killed for a reason. Imo, Bannon is too ugly to be a genuine fighter for good, so something's up. So why would Trump take him on as so close an ally for so long? Did he not know? Was it a friends close enemies closer deal?

Before something upends my casual view of them, I'm fine assuming Bannon wants the deep state dismantled, and has spoken to Trump specifically about how they are moving forward

>TFW you read user's response
I'm going to do this once, so you learn to shitpost properly. Even shills need to be competent, else it's not fun for Sup Forumsacks.

>the center
>Those two things aren't the same, and don't refer to the same concept.
No one but you cares.
>Sup Forums is an irrelevant shithole. Nobody would shill here!
Wrong. Sup Forums is a shithole. Even shills are welcome here.

Bannon was Goldman Sachs, he ran the world largest Biosphere global warming thing, he was a Hollywood producer.
He is a massive snake.
Someone should look into where he was the night Andrew Breitbart bit it.

Screw sloppy steve, he is a self serving turbo kike.

And you don't even stop to ask yourself
Hey, why are the globalist CNN Jews trying so hard to destroy him?

I got on board with Trump in July 2015 and followed him religiously since then Breitbart in August and September 2015 was one of the few sites loudly singing his praises and was unironically more supportive of him than all other right wing sites combined at least well into 2016 and the actual primary elections. Revisionist history won't work on a site made up of Trump devoted posters

>Ok so if people want to hear anti-govt, anti-deep state material, they will either 1) do it themselves or 2) get it from what's already out there.
You live in a country which can shove a missile up your ass, but our government is an advocate for free speech. Not to mention, the deep state is perfectly ok with compromising information being in public domain. Grow up man. Seriously. I'm not saying the government is bad. They consist of humans, and all humans want power. But seriously, grow up.
>Did he ever have a master plan?
All his plans are deep state's plans. He's an employee. He doesn't know what his masters want before they know what they want.
>Or did he want a journalistic job in the public eye according to political points he subscribes to?
Bannon worked for the pentagon and then Hollywood. He met Andrew Breitbart at a Hollywood even. Breitbart wanted to start a pro-Israel and pro-freedom (whatever that means), news network. Bannon joined him. Coincidence? Most likely not.
>If he's an asset, idk what his goal would actually be.
Yeah you fuck. Of course you don't know. Why would the deep state want you to know beforehand? We can only analyze events after they happen.
>Once you start digging into deep state, it's just a matter of how far you dig before you get to the supposed mass graves of the Jew
Are you referring to the Soviet Union? What's this mass graves shit? Also, how do you start digging into the deep state.

You're working under the assumption that the deep state allows compromising information to be accessible. You are naieve if you believe this. We only know what they want us to know. However, actions don't lie. Just like statistics, you can hypothesize and then see if the events correlate to the hypothesis. No coincidences, just correlation.

>Bannon may have been dirty, maybe Brietbart was killed for a reason.
Yeah. Breitbart took his job too seriously. He was going to out Podesta and the pedo ring. That would have practically destroyed the left. Once the left is destroyed, the deep state has only one side (the right to work with).

How can you distract the population if you don't have two sides in a fight? The whole point of having two major parties is that the deep state keeps people distracted. Both parties are the same, there's no difference.
>Bannon is too ugly to be a genuine fighter for good, so something's up.
Good. You're thinking for yourself.
>So why would Trump take him on as so close an ally for so long? Did he not know? Was it a friends close enemies closer deal?
Trump took him on late in the game, not at the start. Also, Trump didn't know who were deep state before he got elected. He probably still doesn't know. He's figuring it out as he goes along.
>I'm fine assuming Bannon wants the deep state dismantled
Ok, you know this how? Because Bannon says so? Obama campaigned on change. Did he bring about the change you wanted?

Don't be a child. Grow up. Words are ok, but they mean nothing without actions.


>"grow up" to make me feel like a babby since I'm not as angry of a human being

It's very simple man, having an outspoken public figure on about "the deep state" and "the shadow government" is a slippery slope for some curious minds to dive down the rabbit hole. I get that the deep state is made up of mostly retards, but they must have realized how awful of a plan it'd be to use Bannon for anything important. If they thought they could use him to paint the populism movement as some -ism or as scary, they've only succeeded with a minority portion of the country (which is a good thing).

It's all interesting to keep an eye on and not form a conclusion on atm, so relax. I want to see how breitbart operates going forward

So you admit you have no compulsion to be honest.

That's perfect justification why nobody should believe the bullshit you spout.
Thanks for making it so clear for everyone.