Chronological or broadcast?
Chronological or broadcast?
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Fuck off.
Depends how you feel, really.
If you think you can handle not understanding everything that happens and putting the pieces of the puzzle together afterward, broadcast. But be attentive to notice changes in character. You get a climax in ep 14 and after ep 28 with the movie.
If you want clarity which might come slightly at the expense of the story/pacing balance, but will showcase character development more clearly, take chronological. You get a (slightly weakened) climax early on and the real payoff is from ep 25-26 to the movie.
In both cases : watch ep 0, the Melancholy of Mikuru Asahina, before starting. It's the one that starts with this stupid opening
chronological because that rain episode is so great, best way to end the show
I will never understand why people want episode 0 first. It makes no fucking sense unless you watch The Sigh first. If you watch it without context, it's just "lol these characters are so randumb XD". If you watch it after watching The Sigh, you get to see the final product of their efforts, plus you know that Kyon put all those shitty effects in the movie at the last minute. It's much better that way
It foreshadows a lot of stuff and introduces the characters in a non-conventional yet pretty informative way. Also I'm a sucker for flashforwards.
Just endless eight forever.
You have got to be terminally fucking retarded to not understand Haruhi just because it is not in chronological order. It is an anime not fucking Finnegans Wake, its not that hard to understand.
Broadcast, dunno why anyone would ever go differently.
I dunno about this user. Its more fun to me when you realize what it was after.
That's the point of watching the episode first, so at first you're like "what the fuck did I just watch" and then from one episode to another it all becomes clear. It's like reverse foreshadowing because it goes backwards, it's like a movie that starts with the final scene and then everything else is a retrospection explaining how it all happened.
Chronological like source material.
meant to add, this is probably the best reason. I still wouldn't on most watches, but if I did this would be my reason.
but that's a gimmick used by hack writers/directors
>You have got to be terminally fucking retarded to not understand Haruhi
Lots of people are dumb enough to miss stuff that's literally spelled out. I think everyone will get the general plot but some people wont notice, say, Haruhi's evolution, and totally misinterpret the direction of the anime in something like "they're all enslaved by a selfish cunt god". Some will keep thinking that even after the movie.
Fair enough, I was actually trying to remember an example of something like that done well after I posted and I've got nothing. Still, I think it works here.
Was cool in Fight Club. Although it did jump the shark near the end.
Here is a helpful tip; when in doubt, always go with chronological. Almost every franchise is better in chronological order.
Too lomg, never watched
Whoopsie, user! You clearly meant to type "release order" but you seemed to make the same typo twice in a row! You're such a klutz, user.
No, i said chronological order.
Fuck the ''release order'' meme. This is one of the stupidest things, that people can do. How about i start a book from chapter 5, skip chapters 10-15, finish the book, then read chapters 10-15 and finally read chapters 1-5. Stupid right? But ''MUH RELEASE ORDER''.
If that's the way the book was released then it's probably the best way to enjoy it.
Are you the kind of nigga who will go through a book, find all the retrospective parts and read them first?
Or, you could get the whole story, from start to finish. There are no downsides to watching everything in chronological order. And 2 minutes of research is enough to find out the chronological order.
That's not the way the entire series was released.
With the reairing airing it in chronological order, "broadcast" (which never existed by the way, the series was NEVER aired in that format, it's pretty much made up) order is essentially retconned.
If it was meant to be enjoyed in release order why did they re-air it in chronological order?
Checkmate atheists.
Only posers care about the second series.
Order of preference:
1. Watch S1 (the 2006 episodes) in broadcast order. Ends with the greatest kiss in anime history.
2. Wait a year or two
3. Watch S1 and S2 together (2006 and 2009 episodes mixed) in chronological (BD) order. Ends with the comfiest episode of the series.
3a. Only faggots skip E8.
4. Watch the movie. Best part of the franchise and one of the greatest anime movies ever.
>the series was NEVER aired in that format, it's pretty much made up
Explain further
Chronological is never the order. Ever. In no show, no book series, no game series.
What the fuck is wring with anyone who thinks it is? Do they not understand storytelling on any level?
That's what you're doing when you do chronological you retard, you're reading back and forth in the book and chopping up the order the author intended it to be presented in.
Okay yeah, if you want to do something like ONLY watch the 2006 episodes, then sure yeah the autistic broadcast order is perfect for your autistc endeavor.
This is also equally acceptable for literal autists.
If you don't have autism and want to watch the entire series like you would any other show then chronological order is the only order you should consider.
2006: Season 1 airs in "broadcast order"
2009: Entire series airs in "chronological order"
Never at any point is the series aired in what is known among fans as broadcast order, in which you watch the season 1 episodes, and then watch the season 2 episodes without the season 1 episodes mixed in between. It just is not the way the series was meant to be watched by ever.
My true answer is just read the fucking books though.
download link fucked with me. was in chronological. got confused when an episode suddenly became 4:3 aspect ratio.
Don't waste your time OP. It's not 2007 anymore. Experimental anime such as this has long been surpassed by nowadays' entry level shows like pic related.
>LN gets created
>make anime adaption
>it's super popular and people love it
>merchandise and dvds fly off shelves
>eventually due to fan demand make season 2
>but only make 6 episodes, copy paste animation for the other 6 with different filters
>somehow shit still flies off the shelves (though not as much because people are pissed)
>make movie
>it does super well
>Have lots of material to make another season
>Don't because the lead voice actress isn't a Virgin and some losers got pissy, and are threatening to boycott you if you ever use her in an anime again
Is there a more tragic end to an anime's potential?
>Chronological or broadcast?
broadcast, broadcast order puts the kiss at the end.
Furthermore its far more interesting in broadcast order, as there is a lot of exposition which is dropped in the first arc which gets trickled out in broadcast order in a way that keeps the story fresh.
chronological is basically a bunch of filler shit after the kiss.
Neither of those things are true.
1. Endless eight wasn't reused or recycled animation, each episode was done completely from scratch. Animation, direction, voice acting, everything.
2. Aya's scandal was never really a factor in not getting season 3. No one really cares, Aya had had tons of roles since then. It's simply because there is no new LNs to advertise. The last time books were released, was when Disappearance was released. Kadokawa only makes an anime if they have books to advertise.
is it filler just because it's after the kiss?
it becomes important by being inserted before the kiss?
or was it filler either way and you didn't really enjoy the show?
Since 2012 she has voiced 5 new characters (I don't count Dende since that was a pretty scandal role) without a single new role in 2016. One new a year on average.
She used to voice 5+ new roles a year, sometimes over 8 new roles, many of which were lead roles. Now she only voices side characters.
It absolutely ruined her career.
What is wrong with japs?
Apparently it's not like the west where if you have a scandal it just fuels your popularity
Over there, bad publicity is really fucking bad
They're bassists.
>They're bassists
Don't watch it at all just fap to Haruhi or something and then move on. You'll be left blue-balled because there is no conclusion to the franchise.
There is no broadcast order, and anybody who says there is is delusional. People who do:
>S1 broadcast
>S2 chrono
Are retarded. That just makes S2 a shit-show to watch. If you just randomly mixed S2 eps into S1 broadcast I could respect that more, but just throwing S2 onto tho end is the worst possible thing.
Let's talk about the ways the show was actually broadcast. In 2006:
>S1 shuffled order
Okay, if you wanna watch that, that makes sense. In 2009:
>S1 and S2 mixed chronological
Those are the only two formats in which you should be watching this show. This one:
>S1 shuffled order
>S2 chrono order
This is something that somebody just pulled out of their ass, and doesn't make any sense. It's not a good way of presenting the S2 eps, in any way. It ruins S2. A huge part of the E8 is the way you get rewarded at the end with Someday. You no longer have a functioning dramatic arc if you stack S2 at the end, which is one of the big defenses people make of S1 broadcast in the first place, that putting the kiss at the end makes for this nice dramatic arc.
So, as far as I'm concerned, the ONLY two valid formats for this show are as follows:
>S1 shuffled order THEN
>S1 and S2 mixed chronological order
>S1 and S2 mixed chronological order
I can respect both of those, because those are actually ways in which the show was presented. Shoehorning S2 onto the end of the show ruins S2, and makes the entire show much worse.o
Season 2 is just a really long commercial for the feature film, it can be skipped after viewing the first episode.
Can I get a quick rundown of the ''Aya scandal''?
Watch episode 0 first on the first watch, then after Sigh on all subsequent rewatches.
Broadcast order. Chronological for second watch.
She fucked her band, and just about everyone else, except her bassist, because only loser betas play the bass. This is true in 2d as well. See Mio.
Broadcast first. It was how the show was designed.
Chronological on the second viewing that you should do regardless, because you catch things they intentionally put for that purpose.
Always broadcast.
It's only common fucking sense. You don't see people watch movie prequels before the originals, so why anime?
>It's only common fucking sense.
>some shit that makes no sense
What did they mean by this?
the confused girl
But that's wrong.
Take the Monogatari series, for instance. It's not in chronological order entirely and it works very well. Past events are referenced and important, but the fact that they're not revealed until a specified point is important. It helps to understand that characters as they are "now", in relative time, because their pasts are shown when it's important.
Kizu comes before Bake, and is referenced for arc upon arc before we actually know the truth from the movie. Does this hurt the series? No. The slow reveals throughout the different arcs offer enough.
Haruhi is similar.
>Haruhi is similar.
No it is not. Haruhi is in random order, just because.
Also, take into consideration franchises that have a lot of prequel/mid-quel entries, like Gundam. Some gundam shows are even better, if you watch them in the chronological order. If you watch it in the brodcast order, then you already know the outcome of many shows. Chronological keeps it interesting, and it comes off as one big, epic story.
>If you watch it in the brodcast order, then you already know the outcome of many shows.
This is not a problem at all. There are many, many cases where knowing the ending doesn't really matter - where the journey matters more than the destination, as the cliche puts it.
Sometimes knowing the ending makes things even better, or makes you emotionally invested. To see a character struggle but know they'll fail is interesting.
War films, movies like Fight Club and Pulp Fiction,shows where the ending is told first (Symphogear, etc.), shows where time travel is important (PMMM, S;G, etc.).
Fuck man, I remember when Haruhi was my first anime so many years ago and I had no idea what the fuck was going on since that Mikuru thing was the first episode.
Release aka read the source material.
The real question is: subbed or dubbed?
That's not a question at all
No, the beginning, middle and end is the best way to watch a show. If i see a show that has 2 seasons and a prequel, im going to watch the prequel first, so i can get one long and interesting story.
Im one of the people who watched fate/zero, when it came out, without seeing any other fate related series. Yet i understood the show 100% (since they explained everything) and all the little easter eggs/tie ins worked in reverse (instead of watching Zero and noticing cool FSN easter eggs, I watched FSN and noticed cool Zero tie ins).
Sub, that's not ever a question.
Endless Eight, then chronological.
Dubbed. Crispin freeman is pure gold as Kyon and the other characters all sound great. It's one of those really great dubs.
I aint gonna lie, I prefer the dub. The humor lands better when it's delivered with solid timing in my native language. It's well performed (at least the leads), well directed, and very faithful. I find it more funny and effective in the English dub. I'm not a purist I guess, though I have a strictly whitelist policy for dubs, of course.
The English version of God Knows is pretty fucking hype, too, but nothing beats the Russion version:
The dub obviously
Oh yeah, and streaming it on youtube. Only right way to watch Haruhi
>No, the beginning, middle and end is the best way to watch a show. If i see a show that has 2 seasons and a prequel, im going to watch the prequel first, so i can get one long and interesting story.
>I can't understand non-chronological storytelling
Did you stop reading novels written after the Victorian era?
>>I can't understand non-chronological storytelling
>Did you stop reading novels written after the Victorian era?
I understand it, but it is mostly pointless and I like the other way better.
>but it is mostly pointless
If you think this, then you actually don't understand it.
An author is not going to write a non-chronological story without the point being implicit in the non-chronological-ness of it. The point, or at least part of it, is going to be the fact that you know the ending already or to give a certain perspective that changes once you know the truth of things (PMMM is a good example of that - while the main story is told mostly in chronological order ep. 10 takes place before everything and sets the entire series in a different light).