Pic related get my vote
What's the best flag?
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Why do I come to this board? I don't want to be here anymore...
It's cute and pretty but not powerful
it doesn't represent the shithole Somalia is, but the flag is really nice
Meh, it looks too similar to the United nations flag
>This retarded bot again
Why do you think I'm a bot? I'm just a flag collector.
>this fag again with his soviet bullshit
fuck off and die
The Nordic flags are the nicest, imo.
really nice flag
Wow that's really ugly
I know. When the North American ethnostate is established, this is a top contender.
Pic related imo
Wow, so are you.
Nice, looks good
You know those flags are linked to nordic countries so it really doesn't make sense to have one like that for the US
Nope, Swedish flag is gay, Finnish flag is autist.
It actually does if you have any understanding of Norse migrations in the early 11th Century, you fucking hideous frog animal. Viking artifacts have been found as far south as what is now Philadelphia.
ilus pilt, paremat kvaliteeti pole sellest?
Yeah but since they didn't leave any cultural impact it's really just larping.
Definitely this
Ei ole.
Patrician taste, jean-claude
Not gay at all. It used to be your flag too
What about this?
Too complex, but really aesthetic
gets my vote as well.
Fuck off and die, Sven.
stop it,I'm on nofap
That's actually incorrect, fag. Simply by virtue of being the first Europeans in North America is cultural impact in and of itself, so much so that Norwegians recently built a replica ship to visit the North American coasts in Canada and the US, traveling as far inland as Green Bay, Wisconsin. A similar feat was done in reverse by Norwegian-Americans about a century earlier.
You're just a buttmad hideous French faggot. The Swede above approved of the Markland flag, and his opinion counts a lot more than some half-Algerian ape's. I'm done BTFOing you, so feel free to get the last word in while I ignore you forever.
This is the best flag in the world.
Prove me wrong (protip: you can't)
How about a little more baklavaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?!
sexiest color scheme for sure
Welcome to the People's Republik Of Cambridge
Fuck you Jerry Garcia
downloading American flag
run time error found
>implying Britbong fascists own a copyright on a lightning bolt
Top kek.
try again?
upload failed
Finland and Estonian flags are good. Latvia is good too, Lithfags need to take a lesson and drop their africa-tier shitflag.
War. War never changes.
now that's a spicy meat ah ball !
expect us
I think mine is unique, in a way. Th isosceles triangle is non-existing amongst EU flags. Not the best tho.
Lithuania's flag
Macedonia desu.
A commie kek flag
typical amerimutt
Mine. Nothing can compete in terms of history.
>toothpaste flag
NIce blue.
>you fucking hideous frog animal
I hate commies, but you alt righters are just as easy to trigger as they are. And just as fun to do it to.
Everyone votes for their own flag. Shocker. Well I try to be neutral and go with the flag of freedom and honour
black- all the negroes invading our country
red- the blood of our wifes and children
yellow- beer
Yes yes you're a kekistani we get it. You're one of those based black MAGA boys
>Germany unleashing his inner cuck online
Every single time
>literally founded on establishing martial law and suspending the Constitution
>broke every peace agreement it ever signed
Nigga, are you high?
Im actually kind of tired of that one.
Nope, it is the piss of Germans who soiled themselves in front of invading negroes
>yellow- beer
Not anymore. Alcohol is haram.
It's urine now.
I like kriegsmarine one more
Reporting, even poors can get'em.
They need beer to forget about the Invaders.
One of my favourite
No black is for negroes
Red is for redskins
Yellow is for asians
Germans belong to hell.
Looks like it would look great painted on a medieval king's shield, but I don't think it really holds up as a flag
why does a perfect gun like that give me such a huge boner?
The iron cross alone is better
>Sprouting same old Jewish lies
Get an education through Jewtube:
It never gets old. Once the race war is won it will be seen on every street and every corner. Get used to it
I like that one too
Red is from roach flag actually.
>forget about the Invaders
A truly European value!
Almost as spastic as the original
No. There will be a different flag. We're not going to relive past times. This is now and we need another flag.