Why Samoans are so strong?
Why Samoans are so strong?
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Tell me lads
whats up with elite pedos using tongan and samoan contractors for everything?
I have no clue but I'm certain it has nothing to do with race.
>something, something, totally not race, something, but its race though
Is that about the gist of it?
Mana you fucking idiots. They're battle mages.
They eat plenty of fish and shellfish. Once again refuting veganism
The design of natural selection on a group of very small islands.
Just like natural selection made you stupid enough to need this answered for you.
Battle mage class is best class.
>augmenting skill with a melee weapon with magic
>not OP as fuck
Why does tiny Iceland do so well in strongman competitions?
Island isolation. Limited gene pool. Ideal conditions for a society which intensively selects for certain attributes, which don't get washed out by strangers.
Dog breeds were developed with very small populations.
What if Iceland bulls starts breeding Samoan bitches?
They create the ultra giga Ubermensch
and taro.
Samoans are well built because they are born with a desire to achieve the most mana in there island tribes.
I kek'd
An interesting proposal, but likely to give disappointing results, a regression to the mean.
i wonder this too btw, the only other group that also seems to produce beefcakes regularly are sikhs and some kind of niggers
The fuck is this off topic bullshit?
socialization in their neighborhoods and good diet
yup. that's what i've been told by some monster sos
Something in their genes allows Samoans to really pack on pounds quickly, whether it's good weight or bad weight. They also have a savage viciousness that obviously translates well to football, though most of them are very friendly and jolly people off the field.
t. played college football and had quite a few Samoan teammates
Why arent disabled kids aborted?
They would have been become giants eventually but the anglo had to ruin everything
>Narrow Shoulders, aren't broad at all
Fucking anglos
It's coconuts and denisovan advantage
They chew a root called Taro that tastes nasty but has lots of health properties and is similar to yams.
Why are Germans so raysiss?
I guess they have no motorboats and still row
This is how positive inbreeding works
Their closest known cousins are Flores midgets dwarfs of Filipina
My god, that's like, kike power over 9000.
Samoans weren't even on the map until the Rock. BTW, real Samoans are pic related.
Probably still better than yours tho.
Pacific Islanders are naturally suited for storing fat for some reason
Probably due to spontaneous food shortages on the island and minimal farming area.
Does it help them float too?
Samoans are made out of rocks. They came from christmas island and were hatched when a volcano spewed out some ancient eggs with them inside.
That also explains why Dwayne Johnson is called the Rock, its an inside joke.
Where is the samoan?
Pfft samoans arent as strong as anglos though. Just look at this soyboy destroyer looking smug as fuck in this picture. Not a single scratch or bruise after a long night of fighting paki rapists and soyboys in hand to hand combat and he celebrates with his chest hair growing anglo beer. Rumor has it the rock almost broke his arm in an arm wrestling match against PJW, chavs fear him, and every anglo whore gets pregnant when they make contact with his baby face. Alex jones doesnt invite PJW to america because jones fears the eternal anglo.
In NFL making millions
Chances are they are aborted if the parents find out.
The coconuts steered their evolution the way of the walrus
this. though my experiences come from working with them
You said they're strong i dont see it. They seem extremely ewak to me
It does actually. Fat helps with bouncy. Like how chimps can't swim. It's not because they lack the ability, but because they're essentially all muscle. They basically just sink straight to the bottom.
>Alex jones doesnt invite PJW to america because jones fears the eternal anglo.
1776 will commence again and this time PJW will ensure you lose.
If they're weak, can you explain why so small population dominates NFL?
And world strongest men is joke compared to professional sports - why the fuck talented athletes in first place participate such a marginal sports what nobody follows and wheres no actually money involved?
It's like you guys can't into real sports or something.
do you know what strength is amerimutt? And take off the proxy you niggerlover cuckboi mutt
What is ice hockey? Niggerball aint a real sport cuckmutt. Strongman>icehockey>>>>>>>>cuckmericuck nigger sports
Icelandic strongmen are already stronger and smarter. No advantage for them.
there is not a single samoan strongman. kek
No sweetheart
See this thread to learn the truth.
High protein seafood diets and a stricter cultural attitude towards health and fitness
I have personally watched a Samoan benchpress over 500 pounds and another one squat over 750 pounds.
That's racist.
Strongman is a meme sport.
Did you personally watch him fuck your wife too?
olympic lifting is a meme sport. Exacly like crossfit
They culled smaller infants throughout history plus negligible selection for intelligence and tool making which leads to physically weaker and much smarter humans.
No Pekka, we were teammates in a sport where you use your strength for something besides moving progressively heavier pieces of iron.
>thinks I'd take that bait
Nice try though.
Do you also not know what strength is?
only manlets who cant compete in strongman go for olympic lifting
>when whites are stronger, it's not because of genetics and the sport isn't important
>when niggers run faster it's because of genetics and the sporting event is superior
Hello Amerimutt, show your flag.
Horse meat.
Samoans and Maoris are bro tier, don't be like that.
Nobody cares about that strong men autistic bullshit, get fuck out my thread faggot.
Here is a 197cm lifter setting a 220kg snatch world record.
An olympic lifter also pressed 230kg back in 1972, more than any strongman ever.
Only drug abusing genetic losers not good enough for the olympics go into strongman.
no its my thread now muttboi
Don't feed troll pls
>olympic lifters
>not drug abusing
Are you seriously this blue pilled?
catching all those whales and eating them. kek
They use drugs, but they don't abuse them like strongmen. Olympic lifters are subjected to strict drug tests (especially those at the elite level) and have to keep bodyweight, so the amount of drugs they can use is very limited. Strongmen can use as much drugs as they want and they do.
kek sure thing bro
take off the proxy muttboi
Strongman isn't a real sport, it's a circus sideshow, that's why there's no drug testing.
>fish and shellfish.
*kfc and tinned corned beef
Lasha (the natty) Talakhadze looks strong bro
He ain't natty, definitely on roids, but nowhere near what strongmen use.
>he he d-doesnt use as much as strongmen!!! :D:D
You're hilarious. Go do your crossfit and fuck off out of my thread
The athletes are strong, the normal person is obese
That's not a knock on them, just a demographic reality that is affecting other countries as well
>Why is an island warrior race so stronk?
Why the Finnish are good at stir fry?
hes a mutt with a proxy thats why he loves black niggers so much
>person who has drug testing year round can roid as much as someone that has no drug testing at all
Truly a brainlet. No wonder you like strongmeme.
>he thinks drug testing isnt a fucking jokew
Guys are caught all the time.
Guy that set the 264kg clean and jerk record got caught.
Ilya Ilyin had all his olympic gold medals taken.
Lasha got banned for 2 years for roiding a couple of years ago. Drug testing is getting stricter every year.
The mutt meme is the last bastion for you eurotrash soyboys to deny the inevitable injection of Chink and Muzzie genes that will conquer your weak pitiful dying culture.
The end is nigh faggot. And no amount of memeing the US of A will stop it.
Bruh, everyone under 25 in your country is majority non-white as a group.
They got ways around that shit. Sure a few of them get caught sometime but if you think they take any less roids than anybody else you're fucking retarded
How triggered are you right now muttboi?
God, with posters like the Finn in this thread and the white knight Finn, the cache of Finnish posters are rapidly dropping like a rock. Sad too, I used to think they were the best.
just imagine small dwarfs, mixed with chinks and snow
that's basically what all finns are
Thats very sad that you think this way Tyrone Goldsteinberg
>They got ways around that shit. Sure a few of them get caught sometime but if you think they take any less roids than anybody else you're fucking retarded
How do you get round someone turning up at your house at 6am and watching you piss in the test pot?
There are ways they get around, but it's difficult and can't always be done. Hence why roiding is limited to 2 or 3 short or medium cycles a year at best. Meanwhile strongmemers can be cruising on testosterone year round and up the doses+add other drugs when cycling for training or competition. You're delusional.
so retarded either have drug testing every fucking day and zero tolerance or no drug testing
They have to be if they want to manhandle the other guy to cannibalize him.
Do you even realise how expensive proper drug testing is? No country could afford that.