Those lips just scream honor and journalistic duty.
Does this man not look trustworthy to you?
wtf is he, looks groid as fuck
All reservations about Jews aside, he looks extremely untrustworthy.
filthiest looking jew nigger chimera freak ive ever seen
>le 56% man
He looks like someone who lies their way into success.
Didn't know Glenn Beck shaved his head, what a wild man.
he's one ugly mofo for sure
vive dieu
He's a jew, right?
Is he Jewish?
This. He's the grown version of ogre baby.
uncanny valley
yes, most "mystery meat" is jewish, you've been tricked into thinking they're normal.
Looks exactly like le 56%
Pic related
Looks like those black and white caricature of Jews.
>sucks their way to succes
Whether it be ass or dick matters not
I get a weird vibe from him...can't quite place it.
Trump's chins scream 2 scoops
Only children who haven't seen many people judge them by their looks. I don't like the guy or his book, but grow up.
>yes, a very trustworthy, educated, journalist with noteworthy credentials
you know, when you were making a meme that was to be used as a political insult, did you ever consider one that doesn't make people want to throw up? only asking because you swedes seem to be the only ones re-kindling this.
My gaydar is ringing.
What is even the point of the media uproar over this shitty book?
The ones who hate Trump and are naive will believe it. The ones who like Trump won't believe it.
How is it different from 2-scoops-gate?
this guy looks like the biggest kid diddler
Is that eye bruised or does she have a cyst under it too?
What a fucking hideous abomination. God doesn't exist.
He looks like an older version of this nigga
the man is a literal caricature of the shameless left wing media kikes
They're just selling books.
>Re kindling
What does it even mean?
Everyone is posting it. What are you on about?
Are you a lil salty over the giant effect it had on the webb?
eh sez something bad about basd Trump, let's get him!
he's playing the long con with trump and bannon.
dude literally hates the media, he wants to see them fail as outlined in his book "autumn of the moguls"
>The media turned itself into the opposition and, accordingly, was voted down as the new political reality emerged: Ads don’t work, polls don’t work, celebrities don’t work, media endorsements don’t work, ground games don’t work.
>Not only did the media get almost everything about this presidential election wrong, but it became the central issue, or the stand-in for all those issues, that the great new American Trump Party voted against.
Buckle up lads media about to be btfo for even giving credibility to this honeypot book
Its the best meme since Shart in mart meme. Wich is as true as le 56% meme.
Isnt it?
More likely he is just not an idiot, so deiced to cash in by giving the media the exact thing it wanted.
exactly, its all too sweet for the media isn't it? free bucks.
She was made up and in an evening gown at the Golden Globes, red carpet. She’s the one who started #MeToo. Now we’re gonna believe she was sexually attacked?
God made them into goblins to warn those with somewhat decent intelligence. Kikes are monsters, born from Cain.