What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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probably this
It's true. Jesus wouldn't turn down the refugees. Unfortunately, it's not possible in this world to live like Jesus without being taken advantage of or even killed.
>that goalpost moving
the bible does not go into political issues, only religious ones.
It doesn't matter for a christian, if you're killed for following Jesus, you go to heaven. Ultimate cuck religion.
>What did he mean by this?
jews hate refugees.
Yes. It really doesn't matter if you're killed doing the right thing because you will get an eternal reward. But really all religions ( except Buddhism, maybe ) promise an afterlife for righteous behavior ( think of Valhalla) It essentially makes life on earth irrelevant in comparison to eternity.
If that happens, you they be martirs and go to heaven, but they don't teally love Jesús, they love their materialist confy life.
There's nothing Christian about giving out the shirts off other people's backs. You have no right to feel like anything but the thieving piece of shit you are. Burn in hell.
The churches in MN have done a lot to support the constant influx of somalians. They're one of the main driving forces fucking behind it.
They really suck.
Everybody knows they need votes because natives don't like shitcuck ideas
I thought Sup Forums wasn't against refugees but people lying about it just to get in. You guys seem evil.
It's not following Jesus to provide your neighbor's daughter to barbarians. Fuck off
stupid jews shitting on Christianity yet again
y'all need another Polish Pope
He meant use this book we wrote to brainwash you to get the morons among you that believe in zombie space jews to do what we want
because they are really low IQ and if we can something in this book to get them to do what we want they will do it
>tfw too alpha to have convictions
Christianity litterally fought a dozen crusades to remove kebab, take back holy cities
Fake news
They're literally not refugees, nor neighbors.
The bible also says to enforce the law.
Not a lot of them will stay if we do that.
>if we can something in this
Fuck off. No true Christian would tolerate heretics.
Charity to liberals is giving savages your neighbor's money for political gain.
Christianity is the liberalism of classical antiquity. All pathologically altruist/cuckholding/un-envying liberal degenerates are probably from the same stock of domesticated good-goys that centuries of (((Christian influence))) breed into existence.
Christianity = a domestication scheme for humans.
The euros are a godless people. God handles godless people like in Isaiah 1:4-7
True the crusades were by Christian men. They reclaimed the continent. A Christian people today would've already expelled the Saracen. Europe will burn and be reclaimed hopefully soon.
But if the law goes against the bible or the supposed word of god, then it is the christian duty to resist it. Stop making excuses you delusional christ-cuck.
>for righteous behavior
Think of differences between pagan values and Christian values. You only go to Valhalla if you are killed in battle.
So you only get the eternal reward of training, fighting, and eating with the gods if you have proven yourself especially valiant in defending YOUR people. Otherwise you are reincarnated, even Ragnarok is a rebirth.
You have no right to your neighbor's grain, there's your compatibility.
refugees are human
muslims aren't human.
This guy has some fundamental misunderstandings of the world.
>Fraser's father was Jewish and his mother from a Christian background, and Fraser himself was circumcised according to Jewish tradition.[7]
>you christians are so backwards for following a 2000-yr old book that condemns homossexuals to death by stoning and yet you eat pork - which is forbidden! you're hypocrites
>but look at this particular interpretation of mine about this one excerpt, you should invite ALL the muslims inside your own fucking HOUSE and deal with it forever
Beggars have a right to be choosers. Flee right the fuck across the world and get that money while your countrymen rot
>Being this much of a defeatist cuck.
Europe rose to power when it began to break away from Christian teaching and embrace science and an objective study of the natural world.
If Christ cucks get your way, we will be worshiping jesus and plowing fields while the chinks build laser cannons and space ships and destroy us.
Christ cucks are literally nigger-tier whites who shun responsibility and suffer from a massive case of narcissistic delusion.
The Christian politicians won't say it but the Bible is clear: the Jews that don't believe Christ is the Lord are the spawn of Satan and had the Messiah killed
>being this much of a faggot
Letting in the "refugees" is an abdication of the responsibility of the ruler to his subjects. A shepherd cannot allow wolves into his flock, and a king cannot tolerate invaders. Furthermore allowing this is a violation of the seventh commandment, for as Luther writes in his Small Catechism "We should fear and love God that we may not take our neighbor's money or property, nor get them by false ware or dealing, but help him to improve and protect his property and business" Allowing people who cannot live peacefully in their own country into our country is morally indefensible.
But if you can magically incorporate them into your country, why should that matter?
Libs have a perfect argument against you.
>the Bible is clear
[citation needed]
Everyone is a child of God.
Stop pick n mixing your religion, christ cuck.
Where does it say to do this in the Bible?
Everything you need to know about that was said by St. Stephen in Acts
>"Do to others what you want them to do to you."
You don't steal to be charitable. Kill yourself. God bless.
dick sucking aids infrected faggot.
Funny how pagan science was literally nonexistent. And Christian men embraced truth and reason and discovered literally everything and pulled the entire planet that they explored into the modern world single handedly, just because they could.
Give liberal atheists 50 or 60 years and they destroy it in short order...
>Unfortunately, it's not possible in this world to live like Jesus without being taken advantage of or even killed.
Nor was it in Jesus' time. He was killed you know...
No thy are not. God will separate the sheep from the lambs, the chafe from the wheat, the righteous from the damned.
The road is narrow and few find it.
Fags, atheists, and faggot atheists are goin to hell.
Curious, because I have no idea:
What does the Quran say about refugees? Or the Torah?
What will they do once secularism takes hold?
Can I bring in racist af Hispanics and let them annihilate blacks like in LA?
>having to look it up
Just look at him.
The Jews must go.
So then why does my brother desire not his land and not his grain? Tough love is still love. I would tell refugee "me" the same.
Literally this.
the devil quotes the scripture for his own purpose
>if you just isolate this one quote from the bible and then ignore everything else, then the bible says what i want it to say
impressive, giles.
Christian politicians won't say it, but the Bible is clear: kill homosexuals, every last one
I'm agnostic atheist but this shit infuriates me.
"A true Christian would want their Homeland to get Blacked by people of a conflicting ideology. Who, me? Heh Sorry kiddo I don't believe in letting fairy tails dictate my life and I shit on Christianity every opportunity I get"
It's goats not lambs idiot.
Conveniently glossed over: The fact Jews killed Christians on an industrial scale for nearly a century before they escaped to Syria and Turkey, and then they convinced the Romans to kill them instead.
Jews ended up killing Jesus so that tells you all we need to know
Never ever fall for Jew tricks.
Because God didn't give him what he deserves, and it's your duty to make up the shortfall.
The most crucial sickness they managed to instill into western thought are the twin neurotic ideas of compassion and pity.
Greco-Roman Ancient man had no real concept of compassion and pity and it was considered an absurd thought. Of course glory would befall the winner of wars. Of course hardship and misery would befall the weak. The idea that you should "do something about it" was as alien to their mind as someone suggesting to you that "should you do something about objects falling to the ground when dropped".
The jews - via christianity - managed to insinuate that pity and compassion were virtues and that the strong, as a demonstration of that virtue, should actively try to help the weak. Obviously this bit of propaganda was self-serving as the jews perpetually play the victim and have for all eternity based on this same scheme. Compassion and Pity are effectively "mind viruses" that infect the host population once exposed and become nearly impossible to rid once taken hold. I say mind virus because Pity / Compassion is essentially a form of narcissism. It allows the one feeling Pity to instantly feel superior to the subject of the pity. This becomes a feedback loop in the host - parasite relationship. One is addicted to the feeling of being both superior and good, and the other gets free gibs for acting the part of the victim.
I thought you were libertarian, but it seems you appreciate refugees violating the non-aggression principle.
Traps are gay
leave, faggot.
This article is pure imagination. Look at actual Christian nations throughout history. Their culture hasn't been replaced by anything, it has been elevated through the Christian faith. Are you really blind enough to think that Europe lacked culture at height of the Church during the middle ages. While Christ was born in the Levant the Catholic Church is entirely European, even from its earliest days most Christian texts were written in Greek and then Latin. There is nothing about the architecture, ceremony, or vestments which could be construed as anything other than European. Stop believing on "kike on a stick" BS.
not an argument. the reality is evangelical "christians" pick and choose what they want to adhere to from their precious book. in other words, they just hide behind the bible because they are a bunch of effeminate cucks (like you).
Is there a word for when people cherry pick passages from the Bible if it fits what they're trying to push?
>everyone is 100% A-OK
That's why Jesus flipped tables over and whipped rabbis.
Daily reminder: The "money changers" in question exchanged Roman coinage for Jewish coinage, because Jews didn't want to deal in Roman currency. If Christ was such a cuck, wouldn't he be happy that this was happening in a temple? Weird that he beat the shit out of a bunch of wealthy important men in de facto support of the Romans, and even said "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's." It's almost like Jesus believed governments and the activities of government (including maintaining borders) exist and are to be respected.
It's almost like anti-Christian shilling is Jewish D&C.
Christianity is a foreign religion so it is little wonder it would say that.
Doesn't apply to Israel.
Gaytheists Fagnostics are first in line on DotR
Too bad I'm not a neocon.
Btw the Bible said Sodom deserved the fire :^)
Go be a fucking jungle savage and worship your cannibal gods.
What's with all the anti-christian shilling recently?
Most christians vote republican/conservative.
Are we also going to follow the word of Jesus on gay marriage and abortion or is this just an attempt to manipulate cuckservatives into doing what liberals want?
also, stone the gays
>The jews - via christianity - managed to insinuate that pity and compassion were virtues
compassion and altruistic behavior have always been virtues whites engaged in when things were going well enough to warrant their existence. you could make the argument that jews insist on these values lingering in times where stability and survival demand compassion's exile. but i seriously doubt Christianity is a giant jewish conspiracy, and you sound silly.
Leftypol doesn't know how to get Trump to stop bumping that rump so they can take a dump
I have in my heart a roaring fiery hatred of jews. I feel strongly that there has been an eternal cosmic battle between good and evil, between mankind and the jew. Even if jews were physically destroyed they would exist in some ethereal form to torment us.
wtf is he talking about?
such heresy
Jesus would have helped the refugees in place. Not brought them to his country.
Crypto Jew.
I would bury you faggot. And I'm for cultural Christianity I'm just not personally Christian. You can't blame someone for not wholly accepting something without any form of proof you daft backwater retard.
That wasn't intended to be an argument, I was simply pointing out the hypocrisy of a j*w leveraging guilt from the position of something they dismiss outright.
He meant that he cannot distinguish Israel under God's rule from any other country under anyone else's rule.
you still are only their neighbours
and they aren't entitled to the sweat of your brow
sorry but a good christian knows it is right to share, turn the other cheek, and welcome the strangers. christianity is a jewish disease on every level.
They are brain dead retarded idiots that base every decision on faith instead of logic and reasoning. If it came from the Middle East....send it back.
Reminder that jews do everything they're doing as a precautionary measure against whites doing another Holocaust to them.
It's self-defense.
Satan gets thrown OUT of Heaven
>Anglican priests
I wonder what the bible says about fake wars? And what does the book of the direcely neighboring lands say about those in need of help?
jesus would also end the welfare system completely, implement the death penalty for rapists and assaulters, scream out in hate speech against the wicked religion of islam
>father was Jewish
doesn't count
It never says to have open borders and let everyone in
>he flipped tables once and maybe whipped a moneylender in a temple
lmao, he was never for a moment against moneylenders. He just didn't want them in the temple.
This, and they can't change it
>literally the Torah
>reposting lefty faggot acceptance propaganda
the people that pushed this shit the hardest were/are atheists
>vote republican
Most Christians are fervent zionists, research Woodrow Wilson the man who created the (((federal reserve)))