If only Muslim women were accepted into Western countries and they all looked like this, would you be for immigration?
If only Muslim women were accepted into Western countries and they all looked like this, would you be for immigration?
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I never do what the mainstream accept, fuck you and the masses.
If only Islam was moderate like in the 70s then we wouldn't have a problem at all.
I know most of Sup Forums would pull a 180 to get a girl like that. I would say yes.
Is that supposed to be attractive?
More attractive than anything you'll ever get, virgin.
No fuck off
What part of "fuck off we're full" do you not understand?
I guess, but that's one full of shit hypothetical if I've ever seen one.
It literally looks like a dude.
White skin is attractive.
Non-white skin is not attractive.
>implying muslim women don't give birth to muslim men or teach their children to be muslim
>literally a shitskin trojan horse
Fuck off, Sweden. Find your white pride and fix your fucked up infested country.
You must be retarded.
I can only speak for myself, but I, a National Socialist, would cast away my political beliefs in a heartbeat if it meant that I could populate my country with women of this caliber. Then I'd actually have a great shot of getting one.
>implying muslim women don't give birth to muslim men or teach their children to be muslim
Not if they breed with Swedish Aryans.
they will still bear strong muslim warriors and even tho they would be mixed they are twice as potent as the mean Eurocuck
No, because they wouldn't be raised as Muslims. The Swedish men who breed with these women decide.
I'm a sucker for beautiful women with raven hairs.
even neutered
You'd just end up with dark haired cucks since they'd be raised in swede culture
Women would be against it.
>The Swedish men who breed with these women decide
you mean the same Swedish men who allowed current Sweden happen?
their sons once grown up would be the sole patriarchs of the family
do you think you're that special?
the'll just marry you for papers, make a kid and in a few generation ou'l be having muts running around who won't be loyal to your country and even lesser loyal to the country they orriginated from, because they are seen as halfbreed bastards
>Not if they breed with Swedish Aryans
Yes, take your nice pure race and breed it into obscurity by watering down it's genes with shit until there are no white people left. Brilliant plan. How's that working out for your country so far?
yes I will open the borders and then you open your legs for me bitch
Only if that whore covered up her hair
That's not a Muslim though. Everything about >her appearance is against the Quran.
>raised in swede culture
implying that swede culture still exists after one generation
you made me laugh but cuckoldry is an only-white thing
Let's see what she looks like without paint on her face.
Either way, it's still fuck off we're full.
is this one of those accepted Iranian trannies?
Why do you think she looks manly? Am I gay for thinking she's gorgeous?
I'd breed her tho. White women are trash nowadays. I doubt it if the world's gonna change if I racemix
Mass immigration is a scam. A nation the size of Sweden allowing more that 5,000 a year is economically and socially damaging. Your country is on the brink as is mine, if you are some “”””refugee””” then your opinion is invalid, if you are a Swede you should know better.
No. They have their own countries to live in.
>If only Islam was moderate like in the 70s then we wouldn't have a problem at all.
They should still stay in their own countries.
like a roastie whore? No matter what still no
You are gay for being a swede.
How white?
She doesn't 'look' non-white in terms of skin colour and anyway meds and arabs are attractive especially compared to average the average western ho
She is clearly mixed
i still prefer em blonde or redheaded so nope
Fuck you swedecuck, as if our women would ever get with the effeminate soy boys that are western men these days
Hey, what if all the uruk-hai invading middle-earth looked like her? I know not a single one does, but if it did, would you let it happen?
>If only Islam was moderate like in the 70s
Yes goyim make it easier for jews to destroy their cousins and accelerate the greater Israel agenda.
Amerigoys are truely cancer.
And that’s why your not natsoc. 0 integrity and you’d probably cuck yourself to Tyrone if it meant you got some gibs. You obviously have a poor understanding of what a national socialist is.
t. cuck swede hiding behind a meme flag
>hello goys can i interest you in dysgenics
you get the rope too
Yes but they have to get married to a non-muslim White man
Of course!
That is high caliber Iranian breeding stock.
That is not the average muz
redheads are the master race
>wants women of different culture to be massively immigrated
Have you ever heard about the legend of Esther?
redheads = master race
I don't know, sounds very Jewish?
literal whore is literal whore
she shames her ancestry and needs to ames herself
Yeah this, no muslim men pls
fair enough, this one isnt in porn, still some god tier stuff
i rest my case
no, fuck off we're full
fuck off with your taqiyya mohammed
That's a tranny though
>sverige ja
They're gay
You wish, faggot.
I approve of your selection pending further inspection to ensure our zero trap policy is maintained
they are just not masculine enough, that's what makes them so insecure
I think this answer is probably the most likely.
lots of betas on pol thanks to the r9k crossposters. Scared of women for some reason. I miss my texan ex gf tho :(
feel free to do so. thats just one of the first results i got while searching redheads on google
Beautiful women will enslave men, if they would have an idea. There are also russian tale "Зoлoтoй пeтyшoк" by Pushkin, it is about some beautiful arab woman who made the tsar her puppet.
she has a strong jaw, I find that kinda hot but most guys I've talked to don't, also when it comes to arabic-looking chicks back hair is the biggest turn off, most of them have it.
Strong jaw means good genes. If she had a weak jaw, our children wouldn't get strong jaws. How retarded are these people?
indeed they would. I'd hit it in a heartbeat.
>muslim women
>posts a colombiana
you know sweden, there's plenty of hispanics who'd love to go live there, and we won't bring grenades and terrorism with us
As a man I have back hair and I understand everyone else does too unless they have lasered it off or waxed recently.
As long as it is fine I wouldn't care, just don't be hairier than me pls.
>posts a colombiana
She's Palestinian.
No die xeno lover
Fuck off you subhuman mongol
>talks about muslims
>posts a fucking SA roastie
Jesus sweden. How fucking brainwarped are you cucks?
this is why your country is going to shit, this is why europe is eternally cucked
She's not South American you fucking retard.
>I, a National Socialist, would cast away my political beliefs in a heartbeat if it meant that I could populate my country with women of this caliber.
Flag checks out.
No because we'd just get guys in massive unyielding waves that should be attacked from high altitude with napalm.
They conquered my country and they had beautiful babies here in Spain. Why the fuck not, some are hot as fuck. For instance, see irish fatties. White but fucking disgusting, seriously.
>If only Muslim women were accepted into Western countries and they all looked like this, would you be for immigration?
>they all look like this
unless you're cloning that one bitch hundreds of thousands of time, the set of people you're referring to only includes that one girl from OP pic which means you have zero immigration except for her
so yeah I'd be for immigration you clearly need more than just that one
Immigration is not a racial thing, it's an economic thing, but I would expect dumb niggers like you to know.
Of course I would so would the rest of you non faggots. calhau road for da captcha nigger fuck fuck suck fag
>Immigration is not a racial thing, it's an economic thing
Go back to r/the_donald, please.
Eat a dick
If You really want it, put a burka on it.
the target audience are virgin Christians and Lefty cucks who shitpost, TARGET those 2 groups and You cant lose twice.
are the Saudis out of oil for real this time?
You're welcome to send your women to get fucked by a bunch of soy boys, who will all get inevitably cucked by blacks, my fellow shitskin friend
I dedicate these quads to the genocide of the pedo kike.
I'm a bit proponent of the "women only" immigration system.
I wish you retards would stop equating legal immigrants to illegals and refugees.
Get rid of them all.
I came into this thread expecting hot muslim/arab girls, and there are none. Shame on you OP.
OP is a faggot muslim, or a feminist/shitlib, who is poasting from within his comfy refugee center, paid for by swedecuck taxes.
The answer, for me, is no. Everyone should stay in their own fucking country, including "whites".
No. I want a white country with white people. Letting in female sand niggers still pollutes our gene pool