This is really funny
you only need 1 picture to BTFO entire Sup Forums
This picture literally proves all humans are the same.. ITS ONLY SKIN COLOR
same brain, same bodies same everything except skin color
This is really funny
you only need 1 picture to BTFO entire Sup Forums
This picture literally proves all humans are the same.. ITS ONLY SKIN COLOR
same brain, same bodies same everything except skin color
Other urls found in this thread:
your saying shitskins can be industrialized and used for products
Blacks don't donate blood anyway, theirs is infested with HIV and other diseases. They also are not empathetic.
>Its all just red goop
Do me a favor, 3 of them are from lab rats, pick the human one
The one on the bottom left
This is the problem with this image.
Give me a microscope... The one with Sickle Cell should be easy to find.
Usually, even low quality bait has some semblance of coherence to make the shitposting more effective.
>inb4 OP was merely pretending to be retarded
Just keep the faggot and nigger blood out of the blood banks.
If people should just stop fucking AIDs could be cured in a generation. It's so stupid.
The one without aids please.
Sickle cell anema
considering the left legalized murdering infants just so they could have more casual sex, I doubt that's ever going to happen
sickle cell anemia ring any bells?
Everyone has diffrent skin colors! Everyone is the same!
RH plus type of blood is exclusive to white people. And you can't get certain organs from a donor of a different race.
>tfw you have AB+ super white man blood and the doctors are always hounding you for your plasma
Blood is small time.
Plasma is the big league. And they'll not get one drop.
>black people donate blood
my kids are all rh neg.
very little chance rh neg will come from a shitskin.
what now.
>implying that HIV screening is done visually
Blood banker here! Actually possible to pick blood based on race
Black people are negative for Duffy antigens, which is what the malaria parasite attaches to. Btfo libs
>same brain
Give me a microscope and I can tell you which blood came from a white person.
Simply test the bags for aids.
Find me a nigger who donates blood, I'll find you a unicorn or peaceful muslim. sage.
some vegan fag probably just saved this
Theory has it that the PURE Rh Negative blood factor is the blood factor of the Nazarenes and Jesus (Yashua). The Rh Negative factor runs through the veins of approximately 10% of the global population today. The Rh Negative factor means that a person having this blood factor has pure blood. These people do not have hybrid “Monkey Blood”, as do the Rh Positive bloodlines on earth. Rh Positive means that people with this blood factor are positive for Rhesus Monkey protein, that they are essentially hybrid humans whose ancestors have been inbred with Monkey DNA. THE EVIL GODS DID IT, THIS IS NOT YOUR FAULT.
Woman with the PURE Rh Negative blood factor have trouble giving birth to babies, who have the Rhesus Monkey blood factor, these bloods to not mix. A PURE Rh Negative mother cannot carry a hybrid fetus. Rh Negative blood has been mislabeled, on line, as diseased blood. Science does not know where it came from. However ancient legends tell us that original man had Rh Negative blood, which science is unable to track because it originated in the polar region, which is now under ice and snow. This group appears to have originated in Hyperborea and then migrated into the rest of the world in pockets.
That's stupid.
We all know the AIDS one aren't kept. So they're all white.
The one from a nigger likely has aids, hepatitis, or some kind of buildup from too much fried chicken.
You might as well say "Pick the human one" and it would be the same problem
From a Nordic bloodbank? either one. No shit-skins have have given any blood so far, since we don't pay. And hardly any of them will pass the screening process
Or just test the blood for HIV, Bigot.
>pick the one without AIDS
When I was unemployed for a while I resorting to doing the plasma thing to make a little extra cash.
It was $40 for your first visit ever. Then $35 for your second visit that week. Afterward you could donate twice a week and it would be $25 first visit and $35 second. It wasn't a lot of money but I also just had to lay there and read a book for a little while.
Sure were a ton of niggers there though.
Im vegan btw
>having kinds in the first place
Lol, kids and family is a meme, live like a free man, die like a free man.
That can be tested for, Bigot.
Don't need to, I have blood and so does my family. We can squirt out a few drops for the little rascal.
And we're not AIDS infected shit monkeys either.
having kids*
Well I would at least check them for aids first
You test for those things before they go to the blood bank, Bigot.
well replied user, although your choice of font deserves punishment of anal rape.
proves nothing.
try again op.
>we're all the same underneath
A blood test card easily disproves this. More thorough tests also find that shitskins also have no business donating diseased blood.
hehe, This. Also, pic very fucking related.
ya, we love all the races, only Talmudic Jews see others as "inferior"
>Race-mixing is a cause and and contribution to various health issues
>Mixedrace children suffer from more health problems:
>same brain
Blacks on average have lower iqs.
As for which blood I'd just give my own to be safe.
>mfw I’m A/RH/positive
Am I a white rhesus monkey user?
Grandpa needs a hair transplant.....
I pick the one that doesn’t have sickle cell.
Literally test for the one that doesn't have AIDs or yellow fever.
>tfw my blood type is O-
Easy, pick the one without AIDS. Statistically this is gonna be the white one.
Just because the subspecies of what we call human are close enough to be able to share blood doesn't mean the differences are only skin color. I'm pretty sure you could put wolf blood in a chihuahua, but their differences are more profound than just the color of their fur.
>can literally be used to figure out the race and gender of the person who it originated from
Try doing this same thing with bone marrow and get back to me on how well that goes.
>Theory has it that the PURE Rh Negative blood factor is the blood factor of the Nazarenes and Jesus (Yashua).
What theory?
Im O- so I just donate my own blood on the spot to save my child's life. Mate and check.
STFU you damn dirty illiterate ape! There’s antigens in the blood that are specific to niggers like you.
Who else A- in the house?