>Get paid to fuckin workout
>Get paid to fuckin shoot guns
>Kill fuckin muslims, fuckin communists, or who knows fuck your own mother if the op calls for it
>Tired of being a poorfag college virgin? Why not go back as a Chad vet with free tuition and flashbacks?
>Are you an uglyfuck.jpeg? Well here in the fuckin Marines we give you a pair of fuckin dress blues. And if that doesn't work take a fuckin $100 and hang that thing out of your zipper because you're fuckin hopeless (kek)
>In the fuckin Marines, we've got all you can eat crayons, slow fuckin promotions, and cool ass uniforms
>Although we don't prepare you for a lot of jobs after the fuckin Marines, one thing we do is prepare the fuck out of you to be homeless as shit. But hey, at least you'll still be a fuckin Marine. Semper Fidelis, faggot
Why don't you join the fuckin Marines, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
cringe zog bot
You can't join the fuckin Marines, Muhammad
I did out of boredom and unrest. Subsequently wasted some of the best years of my life in a structured environment with miserable assholes at the helm. Only extreme motards loved the Marines, everyone else, like me, bitched and complained the entire time. Oh, we are going on a FOREX for a week? Lovely. Now I can spend my week in utilities, pulling fire watch in the freezing cold, while cleaning myself with baby wipes. If you are a city boy, its atrocious. if you are hick that loves that outdoors shit and playing GI Joe, have at it.
I've already put in my application, Went on a day long trip to MEPS and am awaiting on going to boot camp. Can't wait to murder some towelheads!
I love those videos , his drill sergeant ones are hilarious
I did join the Marines. It was a positive overall.
>why don’t you join the marines
I’m not stupid enough, nor do I want to kill people for Israel. I also don’t like that 60% or more of all marines I encounter are 5’6” manlet Mexicans. Enjoy deployment though - someone has to take care of your girlfriend while you’re off killing muds for Schlomo!
Are you one of those Marines who bitched and whined about it the entire time and suddenly became a cheerleader for the Corps after completing your 4 years?
This 1000%
Fuck OP and fuck you faggot flag wavers. Enjoy shedding your humanity for some fucking dollars you fucking pigs.
Oh boy that sounds fucking great.
>Get shit all over literally every day
>Get assigned to dumbass tasks
>One person fucks up so you all get punished
>You get caught going to the bathroom past 1800 hours
>Get an NJP, your paycheck taken, extra duty and restriction
>Then your wife cheats on you
>Then you die
>Dying for Israel
What a convenient and original excuse. You sound like a fuckin coward
wow is that how the secret agencies try to get neets to join the zog us army and thus getting manpower for their wars fueled by israeli financial interests and at the same time eliminate a potential far-right counter political movement? i saw a lot of these threads lately, pretty sure its the usual cia raid
>you sound like a coward
Nah, just not a kike-lover. America doesn’t fight wars in the interest of its own people anymore. Why would I volunteer to be a low-paid mercenary for (((moneyed interests)))? Like I said, I’m not stupid enough. Have fun though - let’s hope you don’t come back horribly disfigured. Lol.
Pretty sure you're just a fuckin faggot. Even the most red pilled would see the use in military training and an education, but go ahead and fight the international ZOG from your meth filled trailer, Cletus
I don't wanna be a humanshield for everyone else if a war broke out.
>HURR DURR jews are disproportionately represented in finance so I can't serve in the military
>HURR DURR this is a new thing
So are you a spic or a nigger? Looks like I was right kek
The Military - where every day is like a gore thread on Sup Forums
Thank you!
cringe, americans are so fucking stupid.
>Is afraid of dying
>army is needed for military training
>american education
>in the army of all places
i prefer my meth trailer, thanks
We need more gore threads user. I feel like its the only way to cleanse this board form the shills and T_D lurkers.
Yep - Do you want to die for pic related?
I'm incapable of following dumb orders, and there isn't a drill on the planet that can break me.
Anti military= leftist faggots, thanks already knew this
You mean literally every fucking marine.
No it's more like every day is like being forced to do community service. With a few exceptions, the 173rd is comfy as fuck. They do cool shit, play xbox and get to go home early. But you'll probably get the 82nd and spend your entire career wishing your chute doesn't open.
You say that until you have three juice monkey DI's screaming in your face at once and IT'ing your ass until you break.
I would gladly join if I was handed a woman of my choice out of their selection once my contract with them is up
>Maroon Berets, cute
Fuckin lawn dart
"Oh no"
I'm 27 and they cut off entrance at 27. Otherwise I might join. Looking back at how I spent the lasr decade, I for sure should have joined right out of high school.
I've been tortured before user. Hands smashed with hammer, nails pulled out, draino poured in beds and sealed over. Nightstick up ass, torn intestines and sepsis.
I think the smell is what made them dump me for dead desu. Protip: don't burn down ms13 trap houses.
>uses reddit memes
Everyone filter this loser
pics or...
Fucking do it you faggots.
Or join the army if you don't qualify for the marines. Same BS, same Jodying, just lower standards.
Why the fuck are you here, leaf?
Well, your only other option could literally follow you for the rest of your life depending on what you want to do professionally. If you are still entry-level status you can get separated for "failure to adapt". If you are going through an employers background check and they see you were being paid by ol' Uncle Sam for x amount of months, they'll find out. No employer wants a quitter, especially someone with OTH.
Sure, join the fuckin Army if you want to call your Sergeants "Bro" or some shit...
To rape your threads and pee on your face, mutt.
why don't you go get your face blown off you ZOGbot brainlet cuck
Don't join the army. Draw and fap withshad
Go join the fuckin Canadian army, faggot
>be US military
>don't act in the interest of the US
What did they mean by this?
The military is the biggest group of self destructive, deracinated, and self aware degenerates I've ever dealt with.
t. 11B infantryman.
Shut the fuck up annoying lazy shill spammer before I beat you up
>The army is the biggest group of self destructive, deracinated, and self aware degenerates I've ever dealt with.
FTFY, shoulda joined the A team instead of the B team, hooah
US Interests (corporate) and Americans' (population) interests are two different subjects. Be mindful of the literary device.
When was the last time Canada didn't suck at war, WWI?
>free tuition and flashbacks
>crayons, slow promotions and cool ass uniforms
lol, you ripped this from that fucking black DS dude on youtube
Whos dumb enough to fight for israel in 2018.
Pretty much every veteran in the U.S military. Only time I go full "muh veteran status" is for free food on veteran's day.
sorry didn't read through, you understand.
All the marines I've ever worked with looked like the 56% meme. Pointless to join the military now, any branch. You'd go further with a AA from some community college than you would 6 years as a soldier or marine.
You on the right
Regardless, people joining for patriotism have been duped. It's a fine choice if you want the benefits and to shoot people in the desert.
Wow go figure a Canadian would have tons of gay porn. Really living up to the reputation, hold that standard leaf!
Implying benefits and getting to shoot people in the desert aren't good enough reasons to join the fuckin Marines
I appreciate the DI bantz too much to ever make it through basic. I'd die from laughing too hard or getting my head stomped on out of frustration by week 2 guaranteed.
The USMC, and really the entire military, is really the same in this aspect. Honestly, I don't even want to hang out with vets or other service members anymore. It is just so toxic. Also, the USMC being 'elite' is a complete meme and their standards are not difficult at all and they receive a lot less funding than line army units.
>Implying benefits and getting to shoot people in the desert aren't good enough reasons to join the fuckin Marines
That is literally what I just said.
Oh no they poured draino on your bed
Fuck US meme marines
I am going to join FFL in few years
No medical in the Marines
wanna thank the US Army for annoying me to the point where my casual drinking became alcohol addiction and I went to rehab.
t. former Army Captain
"LEts forfeit our souls to satan and murder for materialism goyim"
Have fun fighting in Africa with no close air support
Pic related. It's a marine
Very bad choice
Its the same shit but horible pay and achmeds everywhere
Dont do this janusz
I hope you actually recovered, because the military has a severe culture of self destruction.
>be marine
>calls himself the few
>doesn't understand how many marines there are
>thinks its impressive to do something 180,000 people are currently serving in
>calls himself the a team
>gets the bitch work after the air assault and airborne do all the real work
>shittiest pay and living conditions
Good fucking luck polandbro
Actually legion pay is pretty decent. If you're deployed the minimum pay is its 3567 € a month.
>Implying I wasn't in the royal marines
Per mare, per terram bitches
We don't even use airborne any more, it's all air assault
cos trannies make you the laughing fucking stock, lad
Tfw you realize our government curtails and hinders the white mans martial instinct thus we have no instrument of our true collective will, and thus are not a nation, not a people. The machine that cleared this land for us did it for its own ends. The book of revelations is correct. I'm finally woke.
>>gets the bitch work after the air assault and airborne do all the real work
Historically and presently inaccurate. MEU (SOC)> Lawn Darts
It burns in a way you can't imagine
White men are needed at home to impregnate their white wives.
Let brown people, gays, lesbians, and women die on the front lines for a change.
I relapse on occasion and im not proud of it, basically lull myself into "i can just have a couple with friends" but once again, i'm back to square one and on a no alcohol allowed rule.
It's really difficult and you're right, the biggest caution I'd give anyone about any military branch isn't the romantic war stuff, that's actually kind of boring, it's just this mundane, frustrating existence that most people feel is appropriate to dull with alcohol and painkillers.
then dropping you back into the real world where you have not been building social capital in your community, and all your friends have moved on and you expect things to have frozen in time while you were on your little journey.
my wife, who i recently married, got blown up in afghanistan and is 100 percent disabled, (can function, just really bad back and has to sit down a lot), purple heart, all that shit, but she understands and that support network of just one person is invaluable and more than a lot of vets ever get.
>Royal Marines
Lol, thanks for Helmand you fuckin faggots
I aint ready for marines yet
>Actually legion pay is pretty decent. If you're deployed the minimum pay is its 3567 € a month.
Also, keep in mind that you I won't be spending that money anytime soon
The Legion provides everything for free
Poles were one of the very first nations to join FFL in 19th century, and I am going to be a part of this old tradition
They are still used a lot but not many combat jumps. The 173rd got one in Iraq, the 82nds got cancelled. The 4th Infantry Division was supposed to to North Iraq from Turkey but Turkey said no so the 173rd had it all to themselves.
Well, it's not just the shitty aspects of the military (i.e. PTSD, garrison life) it's the culture of the military. The glorification of alcoholism in particular is extremely bad. The elevation of promiscuity is also extremely destructive. Honestly, I don't even like hanging out with vets/service members anymore. They are all somewhat reminiscent of the high school sport star.
If you're calling that LARP in Iraq a "combat jump" KYS
I'm sorry which one of us got to take Northern Iraq while the other just followed the US Army? Go back to taking photos of dress blues and airing commercials about fighting dragons.
>Alcoholism and promiscuity are bad
Join the fuckin Air Force you Mary
>Got to take Northern Iraq
From who, the Kurds? You fuckin faggot. 1st and 2nd Mardiv were pushing to Baghdad. WOW, did a combat jump over a secured air field in a part of the country that had been a no fly zone since 1991, hardcore man
I'm already waiting out my contract in the army as an infantryman. I am a traditionalist and fascist. The military culture and lifestyle is tragic and self destructive. It is one of the biggest examples of our broken society.
I don't want to fight for Israel.
>be marines
>get told to take Umm Qar
>cant do it
>British Royal Marines do it for you
>be marine
>sit around Nasiriya watching the army do everything
>101st takes the area
>3rd infantry secures it
>marines ride in with the reporters