I believe in god, I dont know what i did wrong ... why the hell do I have to deal with 5 millions of subhumans daily ?
Parasites, shitskins, They literally fuck up everything, they're literally the biggest pile of human garbage literally the worst people in this planet, after the nigger tier there is the ultimate algerian tier fucking 50% whites 50 % niggers and 100% muslims subhumans "people" .
You can't have a peaceful conversation with them, they are so aggressive, in fact you cannot even stare at them walking in the street.
i'm tired of hearing them speaking arabic loudly in the bus, tired of their stupid music they play without earphones, tired of their ego complex ( they are taught since their young age that they are superior to us) ...
This country doesn't even have an history, created by France 2 centuries ago. The only thing they are pride of is the barbary pirate era, when they made of MILLIONS white europeans SLAVES !!!
they all look the same, thousand years of imbreeding wasn't without consequence, they all ressemble to nothing.
Christian Myers
the leader of this shithole is a paralised handiccaped cunt, reflective to their population to be honnest.
Jack Perez
Jordan Ramirez
aquila non capit muscas
Kayden Foster
dégage le cuck, t'es fier de voir ta soeur se faire baiser par Karim ?
Liam Peterson
Does Somalia count as a country?
Jeremiah Flores
Which one is the alpha? Is it the guy in the middle the sunglasses? Looks the cockiest. Or is it the tallest guy with the sunglasses; he's tall so he should be the natural alpha?
Jack Harris
Je te la fais en Français vu que tu m'as l'air d'être fini à la pisse: >Les aigles ne chassent pas les mouches. Comprendre: l'Algérie n'a jamais eu comme finalité qu'être le trou d'un chiotte turc Comprendre: c'était pour la France se rabaisser que de vouloir faire quelque chose d'autre qu'un parking irradiant de ce trou Comprendre: t'exciter aujourd'hui sur ce pays te fais passer pour un Jean-fragile qui s'est fait emmerdé par un troupeau de Jawas et qui vient percer son acné sur Sup Forums alors que le 18-25 est fait pour ça.
Noah Brooks
NAFRIS Wherever they may come from Tunisia Moorocco or Algeria they're all parasites
Colton Martin
>Cite me one country worse than Algeria North Algeria also known as France
Oliver Howard
Nafris and people from Eritrea and Somalia must share the same ancestry
Dominic Davis
Parker Hill
A Nik Mok a frog ta3 zebi
Jaxon Ramirez
fuck you fucking francie im fucking pure germanic vandal and berber blood im not some fucking nigger arab you fuckign fag YOu should thank ME for being in your country, we're the only strong white people around here, we have to protect YOU fags from all the cameroonians and niggers you let in. ALGERIA IS WHITE
Luke Phillips
Connor Harris
Daniel Green
Maybe we should chop off their dick and put it in their mouth like in the good old days
Nathan Thompson
Wasn't algeria and tunis a part of carthage while the franks still shat in the woods?
Andrew Cox
>Cite me one country worse than Algeria No one should judge a country by its diaspora abroad.
Kayden Cruz
You know muhammad, the franks aren't the ancestors of french people
Henry Collins
stop with the white berber meme
that's tunisia. tunisia has an history same for morocco which is a millenial monarchy. algeria was created by France in 1830, didn't exist before yet they are the most annoying out of the 3.
Jackson Taylor
not all, some are recent migrants from ancients civilizations like carthage
the rest are just woods shitting franks
Jason Nguyen
british education at its finest
Jeremiah Jenkins
>why the hell do I have to deal with 5 millions of subhumans daily ? Colonization? Can't put the toothpase back in the tube anymore. I feel for you man.
One of them gave you guys a World Cup victory though.
Cameron Hall
they are all phoenician tipasa, cherchell etc..
Jackson Miller
algerians are at least slightly westernized due to proximity to europe
>No one should judge a country by its diaspora abroad The nafri diaspora is just the top of the iceberg
Jeremiah Edwards
got mugged again today pierre?
Christopher Collins
he wont be deported lol by the time his prison sentence is finished there will be a bunch of human right laws passed that will keep him int he country if he wishes to stay
not saying whether it is good or bad, just where the world is heading, young people get into position of power and borders will be no more
Wyatt Thomas
Nafris are either niggers or mulattoes
Joseph Ward
t. got bullied and cucked by chad algerians in secondary school and never got over it
Mason Smith
Fuck off Pierre, Algeria and the rest of North Africa is a wall that protects you from absolute niggers from sub saharan africa. Look what happened when Libya was taken out of the picture
Angel Johnson
Hey, eurofag,Shut it before i rape your grandma.
Joshua Perez
Nik ta mère.
Xavier Murphy
Fine Taqiyya my brother. The infidel will never see us coming!
Parker Morgan
you sound upset some brother fucked ur sister and forget to pay you or something
Jackson Fisher
what are you even doing on /pol, wasting your time on this stupid shit
Nolan Turner
>Shut it before i rape your grandma Butthurt nafri sexually-threatening as usual and showing a staged picture
Adrian Allen
Better nik your goat.
Brayden Sullivan
Been there, it‘s a shithole. That said- muslims aren‘t human so once the hyperaggressive fauna is put into the zoo we could make it a nice place.
Jayden Wright
would literally anything of value be lost if all algerians dropped dead?
Joseph Wilson
>Look what happened when Libya was taken out of the picture Look what is going on in Moorocco for years Nafris are not protecting Europe from their nigger siblings In fact they smuggle them and make a lot of money out of it
Ryder Hughes
>promise independence in exchange for them fighting WW2 for you >confused when they're angry that you didn't keep your promise >upset that they do a revolution to get their independence >angry that they hate you for what you've done to them >even angrier when they send you the scum of their society as immigrants because they hate you so much Really makes you think...
Jace Nelson
You have no idea what kind of animals are Algerians, i left France just because i couldn't stand them anymore.
Joseph Hall
the french are literally the bad guys of history.
Kayden Hernandez
Algerians are way worse. Pakis have that underlying inferiority complex because they know deep down that they're nothing but rodents. Algerians on the otherhand think they're gods gift to the earth.
Julian Baker
Those nafris are all over Europe It is not limited to France unfortunately
Juan Young
Yes. Every time I see a French person make a thread on Sup Forums, 9 times out of 10 it's a thread about how much they hate Algeria while whitewashing what they've done and pretending that they dindu nuffin. Really looking at the history of the two countries, it's kind of obvious that France has had this coming for a long time.
Cooper Davis
You killed indians centuries ago and no one gives a shit now, I think you are just retarded...
Brandon Young
Jack Brooks
11/10 paske tu te la petes avec ton latin
Alexander Evans
>t'es fier de voir ta soeur se faire baiser par Karim ? Did that happen to you ? Is that why you're mad ?
Lucas King
desu, OP is kind of right. We are a very agressive race, beacause we have been fighting invader trough history, also intelligent and productive if raised well.
Most of the shimping out you see in France is done by those brought up in the french virgin of "the projects" ghettos.
Also the French are assholes by nature even when they come here, they act cocky and irritating, nobody likes the French.
Now on the other hand, at least for Tunisia, the French helped civilize us and free us from the regressive islamic BS.
Eventually, and after all, France is our allyand kind of friend , we'll stick with them is shit happens.
Kayden Moore
Youve done worse but who cares, might is right.
Mason Thompson
Because we made sure that the Indians died instead of halfassing it like you did. There are only a handful of actual Indian tribes still in existence and they are happy to stick to their reservations running casinos and getting drunk.
Logan Anderson
France, literally the same country but it hurts to think about it.
Lucas White
Chase Nelson
It doesn't happens irl keep masturbating on blond pornstars karim because you will never touch one. Well not with her consent anyway.
Colton Carter
Oh shit meant to link
Jose Mitchell
>t.american education >t.innocent algerien ( that's an oxymoron )
one of the MAIN reasons we colonized them was because they used to engage many raids on European coastal towns and villages from Spain to Iceland just to capture european slaves for the market in north africa you fucking retard. Your country fought against it, idiot.
Ian Perez
My country didn't promise them independence for fighting a war for them though. At least Algeria didn't become a Vietnam situation where we personally had to go in there and clean up your mess.
Aaron Martinez
If an Algerian would meet a fat burger like you, he would stab your neck with a smile full of golden teeth and take the 3 dollars you have in your pocket.
Bentley Butler
>stop with the white Berber meme Who is zidane, bezema, etc.
Jaxon Lee
C'est ton thread, t'as vraiment l'air d'une grosse victime à rager sur les arabes sur Sup Forums mdr.
Christopher Nelson
>Benzema and zidane are white >t.56%
Tbh zidane is white enough but benzema looks like shit. Nafri as fuck.
Austin Rodriguez
Well maybe you retarded frogs should have done a better job killing them. You bring up our Indians but we made sure to wipe their existence off the face of the Earth minus a couple thousand LARPers on reservations. You left Algeria with millions of Arabs and Berbers who hated your guts.
David Martin
Zidane and benzema could pass as whites. Because i know that Algerians look like I know what they are, but if you went to North Dakota or some shit everyone would probably think their Italians
Isaiah Watson
>what are IDs
I've made 3 posts here you newfag nigger I'm not op and north africans are not arabs, you're mutts, sons of thousand fathers.
Oliver Morgan
Mashallah, i didn't know that Algerians were so powerful. I'm so happy to have them on our side.
Adrian Hill
Yeah we all made the same mistake in Africa. We should have killed all the niggers and 80 to 90% of the sandniggers. The chinese will maybe fix that tho.
Colton Thomas
beautiful faces, peaceful algerian !!!!! muh white
Noah Perry
Dude they're like 5 to 7 millions here and they have less power than the fucking chinks who are like 50k. North africans are worthless.
Brayden Butler
Thanks for showing your lack of reading comprehension.
Hudson Clark
The chinks in Paris almost gave me a stroke. China town ny half of them were born here but don’t speak abt English. Chinatown Paris they all speak fluent French and even to each other
Jose Wilson
They even have french names like Xavier, or Phillipe. They still are fucking chinks to me but asians are the "less worst" of our immigrants. Niggers are the worst, they're always the worst at everything.
Bentley Allen
(checked) Well, there goes my suggestion Pakis are the worst. But they are #1 for child abuse.
Fuck off, they didn't send the worst lot off to Europe; they send average Algerians to Europe and they're still fucking vermin!
Joseph Lewis
>I believe in god, I dont know what i did wrong >is French >is being colonized by former Maghrebi colony Maybe you should have left them alone and not brought the French language and civic institutions there
Tyler Martinez
Except, doing that would leave you with no vestige of the moral superiority that you might have now
Ryan Brown
I have no moral superiority just superiority.
Robert Gonzalez
>Clean up your mess By making it even worse ?
Carson Richardson
Bentley Sullivan
No World Cup then :(
Jayden Perry
Incredible, the only times where I see Algerians on Sup Forums is in the threads made by French, they sure cannot live with you
Sebastian Edwards
>mate of mine makes friends with some thousand yard stare Algerian guy on a uni course >Ahmed starts telling a story about how his best mate Mohamed was flying a jet in the war and got into trouble >jet is going down fast and Mohamed tries to eject but plane flips over at exactly the wrong moment >Mohammed ejects from only 20 feet above the ground and is instantaneously pulped and buried deep into the ground with rocket powered ejector seat assistance >my mate fighting back the hysterics with all his might lest he get slapped up by battle hardened vet
Matthew Morgan
wow, it's almost like people who are are not allowed to work, get shelter would do desperate stuff to survive.
Can't you just be proud of being North African without claiming blood ties to jungle tribesmen? love your fellow berber regardless of his skin color.
t. white berber
What is now Algeria was part of some of the good "Moroccan" dynasties. The alaouites are a joke anyway and there were dynasties that came from eastern Morocco or as far as Tunisia.
Also while Carthage was mainly in what is now Tunisia, Algeria had a strong kingdom and they tipped the result of the 2nd punic war and Numidians grabbing land from Carthage was why the 3rd one was started.
>you are hyperagressive.
t. 2 world wars and millions of death continent
>support power in place that impoverish the people and protect your interests >grab all the top scoring students through brain drain programs when the Algerian public schooling spent thousands training them >complain when the not so lucky people leave for economical reasons