So Trump's definitely not going to win in 2020, is he?
So Trump's definitely not going to win in 2020, is he?
I want a big GF like that.
trump has won 2020 already
Aside from muh feelings, according to political scientists analysis of the voting base, Trump is excelling everywhere he needs to win.
Low unemployment / high GDP = almost guaranteed reelection, even if they murder babies.
5'11 vs 6'0
player.setscale 1.75
we should all go into hiding.
Its no secret that sjw's are not all talk like we are.
they will probably kill us.
a bag of shit has better chances of winning 2020 atm
>I Pre Voted For 2020
Donald trump will never-ever-ever win a presidency. He is runing as a joke. He will drop out withing few weeks/months of campaign. He will never-ever be a nominee. Are you STUPID?
Trump is doing Gods work. He will win again.
that a lot of leg
>trust me goy trump is going to win
u need one big ass dick to handle all that
me 2
How do tall girls like that find tall enough guys? Surely they don't like dating manlets, right?
I want to make some powerful children with that woman.
mmmmmm giant girl legs
shes so hot
pictureset also around the internets. produced by a now-defunct site known as baltic tall girls. happy fapping my fellow giantess fetishists
>How do tall girls like that find tall enough guys?
it's easy because there are way more tall men than tall women. a 6' 5" tall woman is a freak of nature whereas a 6' 5" tall man is relatively common.
I need a woman 6’10”
She gotta be that big so I can stick it all in
>tfw you didn't know you had a tall fetish
Damn, imagine the size of her shits
Depends on who his foil ends up being and how things are humming along by then.
He either wins handily or loses despite things going well because of his personality.
Incumbents historically have a large advantage in retaining the White House.
Only Carter and Bush didn't get second terms in my lifetime.
The only time in my life the same party kept the White House for three consecutive terms was Reagan-Bush.
Change the rules back so he can win 2024 too
I've been covertly killing niggers and communists since the 80s.
Please tell me there's a way to access the archive version of it
Shes just like a playground waiting for you to come enjoy.
Is this how they have sex standing up?
thanks friend
>tfw no 2m tall gf that will ride me in amazonian position
life is just not fair
Absolutely based tall women.
>No fatties
Trump is a false hope anyways. Only real lasting change will come from a mass white awakening and then violence.
is that guy a midget or something?
cause she has a really good figure for a tall girl. gibs plz, who is she? is that real or shoped a bit?
kek, that is bizzare. here's a (You)
Holy shit thats a breeding woman. I gotta get with her, I can already picture the gladiators i can pop outta her
He's got taxes and with that economic growth. Thats a big one. A real big one. People have short memories but they will remember that in the last 4 years they found a great high paying job and seem to be putting away more money than ever before. Especially after years of losing. That would bump him to around 60 percent chance of winning without a single accomplishment after that. The wall is mostly a conservative effort but will solidify his base. Maybe 80% chance with that. A booming economy will bring in the middle crowd. I think he already stands a decent chance.
Girls that tall can have full figures, it's just less common. Pic related is 6'5"
this is my true fetish, to dominate a 6'5+ woman
>tfw 5'7
i want to fuck those feet though... for real breh...
Dont you have some migrant cocks to suck, Bartolomej?
You mean dominated by
She gets better in the offseason
I've been saying since 2016 he won't win. The libs are way too butthurt to not show up to the polls. Keep in mind that nearly 30% of them did not vote in 2016. They won't make that mistake again. 2016 was not so much Trump winning, as it was the democrats just playing all the wrong cards and being complacent at the same time.
A democrat will win in 2020, but come 2024, the republicans are going to blow them the fuck out of the water because a huge portion of our 14-18 age bracket right now is redpilled as fuck. But probably not enough to change 2020.
t. Tennessee Republican.
lol, implying that the only thing keeping those faggots alive is not our monumental self control
>ywn be choked out by a pair of amazonian legs
>They won't make that mistake again
lol yes they will. but I agree to be vigilant
Fuck, now I do, too.
I really wanna powerfuck some Amazon.
Actually, I think my new fetish has vanished.
enough with the destiny spam
>Actually, I think my new fetish has vanished.
Mine reached new levels. Imagine watching an amazon devour some 10,000cal feast. Umf
Bear in mind 2024 will be the last time Texas might vote for a GOP candidate unless there's some serious spic removal.
I think you under estimate how difficult to unseat an incumbent is.
Like to actually toss an administration off takes a really big fuck up.
>Will Trump fuck up that big?
Probably not. Thing is, the government and the future of the US economy is so intertwined that virtually everything has been done to prevent one person from seriously damaging the world.
Probably one of those Chernobyl babies
I give him 40% to Oprah 60%
Oprah is going to run on a Democrat/Bernie platform with some celeb power and win big.
She'll probably be the worst president ever.
2020 is trumps without a doubt right now people care about the economy more than anything else.
>definitely not going to win in 2020, is he?
Unfortunately not. But the democrats isn't either.
Is that picture real? Holy kek
She would crush you and you will die during missionary sex you deluded Caribbean manlet
worth it
she is nice OO
i only ever saw skinny tall chicks. these are really OO good. they will save europe.
this is the same one, what is the name of that basketball team i am becoming a fan, god damn burgers she is beautiful.
Bryanna Fernstrom, goes to University of Minnesota.
You should go after the daughter of Australia's longest legs
Dja think he fucked them real good? I hope he did.
>Australia's longest legs
no, skinny is ugly af to me.
damn burgers, you got some treasure over there. she is perfect.
Slide Thread, Respectively SAGED.
Stuff her full of tim-tams and she'll plump up nicely
My god. The children she could bear you. Shame she's not producing a dozen white children at the moment. Hope she pops out at least six.
Don't get ahead of yourself, she plays basketball so she's probably gotten a few nigger dicks in her day. Let's just pray that's not the case
At least link to something of substance
You actually believe a black woman will win the White House?
I bet Trump takes 50% of black men against her. It'd take a lot to flip some of these lefty states, but that could help do it.
Weren't you guys supposed to get fascism by then? I remember reading about it on the news.
>being crushed by the girl
Confirmed virgin
whats bothering you? thats just soft couch and her fingers just submerged into the soft cushion
or was it it something else?
As someone that voted Trump... Id love to vote for someones else but they are fuming to bring out another shill worse then him looks like my vote will be trump 2020.
Damn that's a big bitch!
her fingers sunk in dummy
>Stuff her full of tim-tams and she'll plump up nicely
i must get out of this thread, otherwise ima be replying "she is beautiful" like damn parrot
As you wish
>ceramic tile on the ceiling
What the actual fuck is wrong with you Euros? What if they fall off and hit you in the head?
I am vomiting
criminally underrated
>So Trump's definitely not going to win in 2020, is he?
yeah, Trump will win.
that being said, who are the people in your OP pic?
like dis?