Inquiring minds wish to know.
Why do you support Trump?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he's a fat black woman with street cred who never took no for an answer.
simply for lulz
watching everyone collectively lose their fucking minds is well worth 8+ years of a meme president
because he threatened hillary with jail.
Because I'm racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic - you name it. I'm irredeemable.
I like the guy and support him to some extent. He does say and do some dumb shit though..
>simply for lulz
underage fuck off nigger
Go over to T_D if you want to talk to Trump supporters. Sup Forums is only about the chaotic.
Trumps ego filled autism allows him to be the greatest running troll Sup Forums has ever pulled off.
Trump is willing to give the dick to any established money or political power, and his chaos is what we thrive on.
>Why do you support Trump?
For the laughs you fuck. Why else? This is Sup Forums you fucking shill. We shit on everyone equally. Except /leftypol/, we shit on them a little more equally than the others, and that's why /leftypol/ stinks so much.
fuck off ausfag.
you have no business having an opinion on the affairs of the world
go back to milking kangaroos
Because he wasn't Hillary.
I don't. Just another politician.
his policy implementation record is pretty good
>the country's economy is responding to this, solid foreign policy results too
his reversal of Obama and Bush shit-tier policies and programs
his beating the corrupt witch
>trouncing Dem/Globalist agenda is good for the planet
He's the finest troll in this century
>troll power level is like 9999
we love zionists, amirite boomerpedes?!
It’s none of your fucking business.
Because he hates mudslimes
he seems pretty cool. hasn't made any major fuck ups. what else you want.
Because when everyone gave up on the idea of robust economic growth for the American economy, he didn't. That is the one and only reason. As for the rest of the nonsense I could care less.
he wants to smash the authoritarian left, along with bullshit newspeak(political correctness)
he recognises Islam as the rightful threat it is
he's a business man, so he knows how to fix money flow(America's Economy)
he wants strong,protected borders(anti illegal immigration) which again, opossed leftist globalism bullshit
he's not afraid to call the leftist media on their bullshit propaganda shilling( the Term "Fake News' which CNN itself coined to discredit right wing media and look how it backfired)
and he's a shitposter, which is quite amusing
>why support President Trump
Because he employs common sense and is a true American patriot.
dude for fun lol
*to call out leftist media
i don't nor does his election effect american policy towards my country and people
He has restored white Christian supremacy and will be viewed after his leaving office as a messianic-CHRIST figure
Be cause trumps manner of doing things was a direct no to the idea that you can use emotions as leverage in a conversation. He basically obliterated that mentality.
Because he may not be what N.S. or Red Pill pepes want. However, he stands for good values.
He is an imbecile, controlled by his kike daughter and son in law.
I wished for a Jeff Sessions/Tom Cotton ticket, but we got all RINO cucks that are no different than voting for a dem. It's all one party rule in DC, voting doesn't matter
He’s doing his job?
Okay, Saddam Hussein.
Because he has caused and will cause more butthurt for faggoty social justice retards than anything else on the planet.
Brace yourself. The autistic screech is coming.
Remove Kebab muh Serb. Maybe I read flag wrong. Just in case. *Slav
Israel 4D Chess.
>Trump recognizes Jerusalem as Israel’s capital taking that off the table during the peace deal
>The entire middle east is furious and worldwide hatred for Israel is at an all-time high.
>Israel then proceeds to spit in the faces of the world and votes to annex the West Bank.
>Two state solution is dead
Peace deal still in talks, but how would that work without Jerusalem and without a 2 state solution? Well, this is what makes Trump the God Emperor. This is what the Art of War is all about.
At the same time news is coming out of the Middle East there have also been quiet investigations going on in the United States. The MSM has been lying and covering up just how much corruption was in our country. During the campaign Trump promised to hire a special counsel to look into Hillary Clinton’s case. That man is Robert Mueller. Not only has Robert Mueller been investigating the swamp, he’s expanded the SCOPE of his investigation multiple times. Just from the Clinton Foundation alone there is evidence of so much Israeli influence within our government it is unimaginable. When Trump says that an ally is going to turn, and you’re going to find that out. That’s what he’s talking about.
Start the video at 5:44
>An ally can turn, you're gonna find that out.
On day one of his Presidency, Donald J Trump walked into the CIA headquarters and announced that he would be back, and the next time he was back there would be “no more columns”.
>Afifth columnis any group of people who undermine a larger group from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or nation. The activities of a fifth column can be overt or clandestine. Forces gathered in secret can mobilize openly to assist an external attack. This term is also extended to organized actions by military personnel. Clandestine fifth column activities can involve acts of sabotage, disinformation, or espionage executed within defense lines by secret sympathizers with an external force.
Well a few weeks ago Trump made a speech about the new National Security Stategy of the United States. What a very interesting coincidence that this national security strategy was comprised of FOUR PILLARS.
On November 22nd 1963, the day that President Kennedy died, there was a Zionist coup. The coup that took us to where we are today. On 9/11 a similar “coup” took place, it allowed them to pass unconstitutional surveillance laws, the Patriot Act, sent us into war for Israel and the violence in the middle east has never stopped since. They manufacture our consent with synthetic chaos. Orchestrated terrorist attacks, fear mongering news, one existential crisis after another.
Now let’s go back to the creation of Israel. Israel is literally the Rothschilds personal country.
>TheBalfour Declarationwas a public statement issued by the British government duringWorld War Iannouncing support for the establishment of a "national home for theJewishpeople" inPalestine, then anOttomanregion with a minority Jewish population.
>The declaration was contained in a letter dated 2November 1917 from the United Kingdom'sForeign SecretaryArthur BalfourtoLord Rothschild, a leader of theBritish Jewish community, for transmission to theZionist Federation of Great Britain and Ireland. The text of the declaration was published in the press on 9November 1917.
As you can see the letter was drafted in 1917, long before Israel existed as a state. They needed a catalyst in order to garner enough of the World’s support for such an endeavor.
The Rothschilds set up Nazi Work Camps as a pretext to later manipulate the Allies into granting them their own private colony in Palestine, using land stolen from the Palestinians
The camps inspected where the “genocide” took place were all done by the Soviet Union (A huge puppet state of the Rothschilds which came to fruition from the Rothschild created Bolshevik Revolution.
Okay now back to the present.
Trump recently discussed cutting off the Palestinian’s aid, something that may look bad on the surface, but when you look a bit closer you’ll begin to understand why. Not only will doing this infuriate Israel’s neighbors even more and unite them behind a single cause. It’s also a hint for what’s to come. Jared Kushner has been discussing a Saudi backed Palestinian state with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia. The purge in Saudi Arabia was also no coincidence. The people arrested were not only complicit in sex and child trafficking, they were also complicit in the Rothschilds plan for manufactured chaos. They played a part in 9/11 and many other terrorist events.
Israel is getting cornered from a lot of different angles. They are on a sinking ship and don’t know what to do. When Robert Mueller finishes his investigation we’re going to see an act of Justice never before seen. I honestly don’t think something like this has ever happened before. Israel will be fucked. The genocide of Palestinians, the NWO agenda, the false flag attacks that have occurred on US soil and around the world, the assassination of JFK, and on and on and on. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
The two state solution is dead, that’s for sure. How about a one state solution, though? I predict that everything is connected and by the end of this Israel, the Rothschilds, the corruption will all be exposed and Israel will cease to exist.
The two state solution is dead, so how about one state? Palestine.
It's a funny picture but in all honesty he should've listened to what Obama had to say, specifically regarding general Flynn. It would have saved him some trouble.
Did you ever take a look to see where Trump got the slogan DRAIN THE SWAMP? It’s been around since the 80s.
Harvey Francis Barnard, a Louisiana graduate in systems philosophy, and an engineering consultant and teacher, created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s. He printed 1000 copies of his proposal, titled Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform (1996)
Forgives credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and >government activities
Abolishes income tax
Abolishes IRS; creates flat rate non-essential "new items only" sales tax revenue for government
Increases benefits to senior citizens
Returns Constitutional Law
Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups
Creates new US Treasury currency, "rainbow currency," backed by gold, silver, and >platinum precious metals
Returns Constitutional Law to all our courts and legal matters.
Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law
Eliminates the Federal Reserve System
Restores financial privacy
Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law
Ceases all aggressive, US government military actions worldwide
Establishes peace throughout the world
Initiates first phase of worldwide prosperity distribution of vast wealth which has been accumulating for many decades
Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes
Enables the release of new technologies such as alternative energy devices
And much, much more.
Because I like whatever Reddit hates.
I don't. He's a fucking imbecile.
*Slovakia, but that's fine
speaking of removing kebab, we don't need to, since there's none here(last EU country without a mosque or an islamic center of any kind)
And we also banned Islam from becoming a recognised religion
stfu trump
Well, not gonna lie, Trump is doing some amazing things. Congress is also doing things. Shit is actually getting good.
Right now black unemployment is at its lowest ever. Market is doing good, refugees going back after 15 years of recovery, tax cuts, jobs.
Its looking good.
>H1B reform
>Tax reform
>ACA repeal
>States Rights
>Job Security
Honestly I wasnt expecting to even get 2/5 but here we are at 3/5.
First POTUS in 60 years to not give a fuck (Last was Eisenhower)
Only candidate who could say "We're gonna bomb the shit out of ISIS" and get a standing ovation
Because Hillary was a worst choice and I talk in an objective way
small dick complex
As a "deplorable", started out because pic related. At this point, alot of things are going in directions I like. Have adopted an increasingly optimistic wait-and-see attitude. It probably helps that I don't twatter.
I literally only care about the economy right now because it was a complete clusterfuck. Trump said jobs, and so far he's been delivering here in the Midwest.
As long as they keep coming I'm happy.
It's okay, my sand nigger. I'm 2% Hebrew. I know the ways of the desert.
I officially became a millionaire under his Presidency. The confidence he has instilled in investors is off the hook!
homo americanos muttethos
a primate evolved to withstand all environments from africa to Scandinavian due to ample amount of mutting
because libertarian
By doing nothing he made Bitcoins great
Support Trumpists.
Stop being 12
What did sand niggers do to help the world again? You don't even have a firearm to your name. I'm from Austria. Where does that put you on the mutt list? Look in the mirror at your skin.
>He added $1.5 trillion to the deficit, but it was worth it because i got a few chuckles
The absolute state of the electorate
>empty threats with no follow through
>What did sand niggers do to help the world again
not produce a sissy mustached faggot who causes the death of 100 million people
It's funny. He irritates liberals. His policies are pro-business and have stirred economic growth.
well "people"
>libfags suddenly remember what deficit means after Obama spent 8 years maxing out the credit cards
Canada and Trudeau fully support Trump. Trump and Trudeau are both very pro-Israel. They both love hot women and don’t give a fuck what others think.
Because he just told 200,000 beaners they had 18 months to GTFO of my country which is more than any politician has done in the US since Operation Wetback.
- he's flat better than the alternatives.
- he passively exposes the emptiness and duckspeak of the "progressive" media
I don't support Donald Trump per se. I support the United States of America. Right now, President Trump is the best hope for the US.
He may not be eloquent, but at least he has some level of conscience unlike the Bushs, Clinton’s and Obama. They were out to fuck us anyway they can the thinking we were just stupid, and we were. Now it’s pay back for them mofo’s.
Come on, you don't hate the white in me. Just the Hebrew. Sucks to be you, Goy.
*cough cough* Saddam. Not to mention Arabs called Europeans the most perfect specimens they have seen.
i don't hate anything in you user
you are perfect and loved the way you are and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
You could say...deplorable?
Because he's forcing the degenerates of the country to foam at the mouth in anger. Everything that makes them angry is in my interests.
Why only pretend anyone can become president? Why not help a man make it a reality?
He's the lance to America's boil. A real revolutionary. Someone to shock the system and drive reform. No one can deny the power of democracy or claim its rigged.
Are you Muslim? If so I hate you, fully, with all of my being. I can't lie to you senpai.
Artyom, take A.K.-47 I have in house. Let's remove Kebab once-and-for-all. All Europeans then can enjoy slav squat.
He's the best we got. I'd rather have someone smarter or someone leaning towards the Bannon agenda, but Trump is better than almost any realistic alternative you can throw out there.
ERB huh...why?
>Why do you support Trump?
He has done more to expose the system than anyone before him.
>Inquiring minds wish to know.
Tell those kikes to gas themselves.
before the election
>ctrl+f wall, 9001 results
>ctrl+f wall, no results found
but it's ok
i can't hate you back
your women are so ez
Because, OP, he's not
-a leftist
-a wussy faggot ala Bernie
-afraid to tell stupid people to fuck off
And also because
-he cares more about un-fucking the nation than anyone else
-he doesn't cater to identity politics
-again, he's not a fucking leftist scumbag
The leftist butthurt is just a nice by-product of his actions to try and do something for the nation's net gain vs. catering to a small vocal minority as our last president did over and over again
Politically apathetic (I come here for the cancer and laughs).
However, Trump's performance has been excellent!
Then stay in Muslim-vill and we're cool. Otherwise it's 1st Crusades remastered with basic training on home front.
actually i could buy an AK (i got the paper to show that i am not crazy) but my funds are quite low, so maybe later
Fuck off this is a white Pagan board
Why wut?
Trump is literally the Chabad Messiah. Kind of puts all of the God Emperor stuff into perspective, doesn't it?
My woman is next to me and my women are in America so what you do with the slav's girls couldn't bother me in the least.
1st crusade was a disaster for Christians
> american education
I don't. He has proven to be nothing more other than yet another civic nationalist zionist shill, pic related.
>inb4 88D chess
>inb4 shareblue shill
for teh lulz
Okay, Niko. Another time then. European and Christians unite against kebab and jew invader. Human pride world wide white pride turn the tide.
I would like to associate myself with the remarks of this user.
Ignore the spectacle; watch the results on the ground. He's alright.
>The two state solution is dead, so how about one state? Palestine.
One State for the Middle East!
what are u doing in russia then
>Muslim education
NO FUCKING ROADS! It's fine you're above Africans in your achievements. Do you want the jew to rule you or not? Fuck with them, not me.
>Steps on Quran
>calls you a sand nigger in public
>is applauded
>American Freedom
That's my response.
jews are busy ruling you they don't want this desert