/pol will defend this
Ku Klux Klan
fuck off reddit
Democratic Party convention. See third guy from the left? That’s a Robert Byrd, Hillary’s mentor.
One time I went to a kkk meeting because I thought they were yelling white powder. Losers didn't even have a Tylenol at the rally. Highly overrated
>"Democrats are the real racists!"
>Posting with confederate flag
are all polacks this stupid?
That was a great night.
>muh democrats were slave owners meme
Yes I'm sure a southern democrats in 1890 shares all of the same ideologies as modern liberalism.
The KKK are a bunch of sixty-somethings who want to live in White neighborhoods. The objection Sup Forums has to the KKK is that they are a part of the confederacy which is seditious. American Nationalists (as well as many National Socialists and even Civic Nationalists) want America to remain a single Federalized Nation which is not divided culturally or demographically from state to state.
he's not wrong though, where is your argument?
>American Nationalists
Fuck you. I would take all non-white americans and put them in one place then drop a bunch of nuclear bombs on them if I could.
>I hate niggers and spics
>democrats are the real racists
He doesn't HAVE to make an argument, because the KKK holds vastly differing ideologies than modern liberals. Only an idiot would argue otherwise.
My contention with them is that they're an unwitting pawn of goodgoy freemasons to make white nationalism look bad
America is and always has been a land of diversity, and all of your bigotry will fall upon deaf ears.
Looks like fun tbhf
FUCK you leaf, type out desu senpai like the faggot you are
Imagine having such a shitty political party the mention of it's history sends you into an autistic rage.
>type out desu senpai
What did I do to trigger you so newfriend
Used to be the fence protecting Dixie from the liberated niggers. Now but a hollow shell that the liberals drag out anytime they need a scapegoat or a strawman.
Look at all those democrats.
Where did you even get that
>lol ur stupid xd
Nice, thanks, good talking to you.
Southern Democrats and modern liberals couldn't be further apart. Anybody suggesting otherwise is an idiot or a troll.
>The mention of it is history
Did you mean its?
Illiterate ape.
Remind me, when did the Democratic party break up and reorganize to the beacon of morals it is today? Oh wait. It's the same fucking party that fought against freeing slaves, home to the KKK, and battled against civil rights only to change direction to snatch up minority voters.
>attacking a typo because you can't touch the content.
Stay mad, faggot.
The KKK is a dying CIA Honeypot.
You mean the modern Democrat party doesn’t like to keep its voters (slaves) in inner city ghettos (plantations), using them to farm votes and student loans, keeping them stupid with badly funded inner city schools and thug culture? Yeah, totally not akin to owning a bunch of (debt) slaves.
No, modern KKK is 90% FBI, DEA,ATF, DHS.
>fought against freeing the slaves
>passed the civil rights act
Yeah that really sounds like the same sort of people.
Modern democrats fight against racist lending policies enforced by people like Trump.
Modern democrats enact policies designed to help minorities lift themselves up (affirmative action, for example)
It is republicans who want to keep minorities under their bootheel.
The man in the front middle has black hands...
That's what happened.
we don't defend democrats here. yes, those are democrats
No, Sup Forums hate democrats
>arctic service ribbon
>navy expeditionary medal
r a r e
Custom made. May start selling them
The KKK is just a few hundred weirdos. Race realism doesn't need white robes, and like Hillary Clinton I generally see blacks as less intelligent due to the IQ distribution curve and their propensity for violence.
Oh by the way, Hillary kissed a grand dragon of the KKK and was good friends with him. Sooo I guess black people are fucked by real capitalism or crony-capitalism.
Perhaps some people on /pol support the KKK. I don't. I think the KKK is responsibility, that which black people tend to not have.
I unironically think the Klan did nothing wrong.
>Modern democrats fight against racist lending policies enforced by people like Trump.
This is what the politicos say to the voters, but when they talk to their (((donors in the financial sector))), it’s business as usual.
>Modern democrats enact policies designed to help minorities lift themselves up (affirmative action, for example)
Affirmative action mostly helps white women, not blacks.
Highest crime rates and highest rates of black on black violence are in Democrat controlled areas. Harshest crackdowns on Occupy Wall Street were in Democrat controlled areas.
What is a "racist lending policy"? You mean traditional risk analysis? How'd it turn out when standards for that stuff were relaxed in the early-00's?
Not Pelosi and company again.
go on
>highest rates of black crime happen in democratic cities
>black people vote Democrat
>highest rates of white trash occur in Republican areas
>white trash vote Republican
Fantastic analysis, faggot.
>you dont get it, only WE are allowed to draw false equivilancies through time because it was HER TURN!!!!!!
I'm talking about Trump refusing to lease apartments to black people, even though there was 0 difference in the economic standing of white families who were approved.
>thinking the brand image you were told is an accurate representation of a hilariously corrupt political insitution
Oh, sweetie... honey.. No.
Back in the day in rural areas there was no one to take care of and protect vast areas of scattered people. The Klan made sure the towns were safe by making sure all the guys were on the same page instead of them all having their own gangs and not uniting for the good of their collective well-being.
Why would we defend the Democrat party?
no, but democrats will
Yellow Guard, or Purple Guard?
You bet a will Faggot. What you gonna do about it? Now fuck off!!