What are your opinion about mulattos? are they white or black and on which side will they fight in the race war?

What are your opinion about mulattos? are they white or black and on which side will they fight in the race war?

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Black via the one drop rule.


Neither. Which is why it is a cruelty to make them. Damning your offspring to genetic and cultural limbo.

As long as they are sterilized it's ok with me.Theyll do the jobs the all whites don't want.

They are fucking ugly and stoopid

Most mullatos look almost full black and act mega black.



They are Black however there isn't going to be a race war if we can help it. Can Sup Forums please stop using stale memes and start taking action to improve White nations?



these debased monstrosities, product of the semites’ insane crossbreeding experiments, often have the body of a bipedal negroid creature and the upper torso of a caucasoid. the mongrel hordes will form their own warrior regiment in the great war. whaling lost souls doomed to fight eternally with no reason, no guiding vision of their own ethnostate. it is said that they only fight in the hope that they might one day receive the sweet release of death in combat.

>which side will they fight in the race war?

Depends on how we treat them. People are always looking for an excuse to side with the winner.

Goddamn that thing is hideous, looks like a reptile.

Kek. This. With no real identity a military will create one for them.

Imo, only caucasian mixes should be allowed in the ethno-state, though not encouraged. I don't consider people from the caucasus, jews, albanians or iranians etc white, but they can be bleached out if they are half white

If history is any indicator, they see themselves as more white than black but are overall wildcards in any racial conflict, e.g. Haiti

If you treat them good they'll join your side and marry your daughter :)

>they see themselves more white than black
LMAO You've never met a mulatto. They're usually more black acting than full blacks to compensate for being only half. Also most are rabid SJW types.

My neighbors are a bunch of drug dealing, crack head mulattoes. They sit in their car or on their porch and smoke swisher blunts all day. I fucking hate section 8.

lol redneck idiots here. I married a redpilled mixed girl who acts more white than all the slag roasties I see. She was a virgin, mulyiple degrees, conservative as fuck and bore me a blonde haired blue eyed daughter.


I for real know a mulatto that hates niggers because they are homophobic. Too bad he isn't white, he would be a woke gay.

They will fight on the loosing side

You're about 6 months too slow, Hans.

>are they white
I'm not sure how I'm supposed to react to this

Yes, mutt.

I had a mullato freind who hated his parents and himself for being "Half-Breed", what makes people to do this to there children? How strong is the Racemix propaganda?

Who does the half-white Obama side with?

They are black.
They will fight for the blacks.
If the blacks succeed in murdering all the white people, they will then kill the half and halfs.
At any rate, this has been the case historically. Consider Haiti. Once liberated, the former slaves slaughtered every Frenchman, woman and child. Mission accomplished, the blacks then turned on the lighter skinned blacks and killed them. Ironic that what provoked the bloodshed was the blacks being given freedom.

the one drop rule is bullshit
their genetic code defines who they are and not some religious nuts or political groups. they're black and white.
ergo our relatives and must be treated with respect and love.

>on which side will they fight in the race war?
there will be no race war if we fight racism. means killing all white and black nationalists.

Says a britbong. Hows your burkas n acide attacks achmed

Mutts either try to be ultra black like that take a knee fag or ultra white. They can't even accept themselves.

Ultimate jew slaves. Why do you think the media pushes nigger/white so hard?

Top bantz

>t. 52%

They're just your everyday american

where did all those white people go?

The ones in the background looking on in disgust hahahahahaha

This picture is utterly disgusting.

absolutely disgusting, I cannot even see it


I don't mind Americans.

Whites think they are black because they look too different.
Blacks think they are white because they look too different.

Obama hate the Black Community.

How else can you justify trafficking cocaine into US communities to destroy it from the inside.
