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Antisemitism World Map
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All the countries near Isreal, hate jews.
Hmmmmm... really activates the almonds
It's not the native French is it.
It's the new and improved French that really hate the jew.
wow look at those bigots!
>allowing the french to post
get out
I love my country.
This map isn't correct. Saudi Arabia is fundamentally a Jewish proxy-state. So says the first President of Israel (same house in power now).
Can you frenchanons explain why France is so antisemitic (relative to other Western Nations)?
Estonian women are great
I thought gooks love jews for their smarts?
>hating kikes AND shitskins
get on my level weaklings
indeed 'only' 72% of the saudis are antisemite, the lowest score in all the arabic countries kek.
She's comically ugly for an Eastern European woman
Decolorize the hair and eyes and that's a gook.
Not even surprised desu, calling greedy people jews is common an accepted here and the fact that so many Israelis come here for summer doesn't help given that they are by far the worst kind of tourist a hotel can get.
based juche
Estonians are inferior biologically.
Why do the South Koreans hate the Jews so much?
wait fuck, wrong gooks. didn't know south koreans could be that based
South Koreans hate everyone.
Is this really antisemitism or inbreeding statistics?
because Jews aren't Koreans
get out of here you fucking cuckold
If youre telling me you wouldnt impregnate her till your nuts explode you are fucking gay.
It's true that shitskins are one reason why we're so antisemitic, but France has always been antisemitic anyways, even before mass immigration. We even had white scholars denying the holohoax in the 80s.
But the pro-jew government tries to shut it down with new laws against antisemitism
I know that it is not /r/ but does any user have that comic about 2 firefighters that almost axe the door to burning apartment but they see that jew/feminist/xyz lives there and they turn 360 and leave?
This could've been a chart of the most successful to least successful countries from green to red and nobody would've been able to tell the difference.
Really makes you think.
>Vietnam, Phillipines green
>argentina and mexico more succesful than chile
Why have so many elite Jews promoted importing the most anti-semitic people on earth to Europe?
Are they trying to get the Jewish diaspora to move to Israel, while fucking over the white people who have persecuted them for 2.000 years?
Sounds about right to me.
Stay strong French bro. As more new French pour into France jew hating will rise...then comes the purge. Which will then motivate the natives to have one of their own.
>South Korea is super anti-semetic.
Can one of you based gooks please explain this to me?
>green in africa
>Author describes himself as "Apolitical"
>entire post is a political faggot anti-white rant
Based chile & urugay
This only proves argentina isnt white
Dude we're orange because we're full of sandniggers nothing to be proud of.
I heard that Chinks, Japs and Gooks also hate kike so much
why is that? they had no interaction with them
>Not enough info
because it would be dark orange
apparently you don't know history, believe me we have muhc more reason and we always hated jews more than sandniggers
Kek based gooks
Have you heard about Dieudonné ? That black christian humorist spreading antisemitism in France among shitskins ? He was censored by the government and was pretty much advocating christian-muslim friendship against the jews. A big turn down is that he's the typical nigger whining about muh slavery (even though he blames it on jews kek)
That makes it sound like all poles do for fun is talk about how racist they are.
>be proto-jew
>hate jews
no can do Pierre
>reminder Italians invented the bank
> israel: data N/A
Christianity is large in the East.
Shitskins or not we've always been very antisemitic, only Napoléon was a kike lover before 1968
top kek what's the deal with South Korea?
> t. gay
She looks manlier than most Ukrainan soldiers I see on liveleak. Small eyes, thin lips, total lack of estrogen
>Greatest man in modern French history
Really makes you think.
for all i care your country will go full red. france is lost, bitch.
Its good for us. the rich smart jews come to israel. you'll stay with the camel fuckers.
Pretty sure that maps demonstrates Self-Hate.
Its kind of strange. The most antisemitic nations in the world are also those closest to israel...
Really makes you think...
and you are the ones behind it
you kill the snake by cutting its head
Alluh akbar mother fucker.
> be filthy inbred European
> go to Middle East
> Call everyone Antisemitic
I don't know why the fuck France gave you nukes
and why Anglos saved your butts many times from getting purged by sandniggers
True, Muslims are great judges of character, if they hate someone, then he certainly deserves it.
Really makes you think..
Have some mercy pls
>Dieudonné refused to apologize and >denounced Zionism and the Jewish lobby
Kek, I think you have just given me some homework
>the rich smart jews come to israel.
Your country is 1/3 Muslim already merchant. Turbo kikes could careless about Israel.
Well, I don't know why the fuck the American Jews who invented nukes gave them to Gentile Americans who then shared it with more sordid gentiles, desu
ha I remember that passage in Sartre's The Wall where they beat the jew
why tho
Their country is extremely compromised.
Circumcision became the norm after ww2, education departments literally promote TALMUDISM.
Antisemitic, i suspect, because jews have been heavily meddling with theor society.
Daily reminder the former president stepped down because her whole government was a satanic cult, importing dried fetus pills from china. Look it the fuck up
Well, you know what they say.
Wherever you find anti-semitism, you know what else you usually find?
only 17% are muslims you dumbfuck. and their birth rate is going down + many jews from europe are coming to israel now. we're doing just fine faggot.
That can't be right.
Japanese people I don't even know what a Jew is. I'm half kidding.
why do the koreans hate the jews?
are you the israeli guy who has been trolling Sup Forums for the last month with his shitposts ?
If so, Props to you sir, most of them are hilarious
If i recall, the parasitical ultra-orthodox are pretty much on the verge of taking over your nation by birthrate alone, and american jews are so interbreeding with filthy goym that they are soon bred out of the tribe.
It will be fun to see the state of israel actually trying to fight against the ultra-orhtodox jews, and being called an antisemitic nazis for doing it.
And wherever you find stagnation, you also find Slavs.
they see jews just as average americans.
"Poll: Japanese have low opinion of Americans"
Chile is much smaller, but they have higher average standards of living than Mexicans.
Wrong you fucking moron. usually children who born to mixed parents see themselves as jews almost every time.
Sounds right. But I don't think we are more successful than south Korea. What's the deal with them?
Not in this modern, deconstructed world, my lovely mister noseberg. Otherwise the american jews would not panic so much about the massive rates out outbreeding going on in the secular jewish community.
Even if its true i dont give 2 shits about them anyway. most of them are fucking liberals.
the conservative jews have higher birth rate.
And you don't?
I’m kinda surprised that we are so anti Semitic. I honestly think most people here would be pretty indifferent really. What is truly astounding is Botswana. I doubt there are any Jews there. Why would they even have an opinion about them?
> if you hate jews it means you're dumb and inbred, goy
I think people would notice because no one is retarded enough to think that poo in loo is more successful than South Korea
It's the same deal in both nations, obviously:
>"Botswana is a Christian majority nation"
And of course South Korea too. TL;DR some 19th century Christian missionaries taught them to say "Jews killed Jesus" and that's pretty much the only thing they know about Jews, much less even knowing whether or not Jews still exist today.
What's up with some of the Latin American countries being antisemitic? Have the Jews tried to jew the region up as well?
Israel supported France when the Suez canal crisis started(and the US did not which convinced France more that the US was not a realiable ally and hence started the nuclear program that achieved full sucess in a decade with miles ranging from strategic to tactical nukes) hence Israel got some help from France when they needed nukes and the US didnt want to share(the US felt the Heat when the oil crisis started and took stability in the region more seriously without taking direct dices)
Oddly enought part of that technology ended in South África when the same situation happened: US doesnt share nuke technology but Israel supports SA so they did share what they has.
Not my much, especially when you count out the ultra-orthodox who are, in a funny way, just as parasitic on the jewish state as the jews are alledgedly to normal nations by antisemites. More and more of your population is refusing to participate in conscription, and is wrangling out as much benefits from the state to their own fanatical group as possible.
I am just waiting for the tipping point when they take over your nation, and then the real fun begins.
Old serpent seed. A
Ashkenazi, southern italian, greek people from certain families ans principalities are genetically and physically similar
go back cleaning the streets in england you dumb cheap pole. you always were and always will be the shithole of europe.
>TL;DR some 19th century Christian missionaries taught them to say "Jews killed Jesus"
mad kike XD
Worst Korea somehow being red while Nazi ally Japan is light yellow is merely the result of European Goyim doing IRL shitposting through Christianity.
It can't even be classified as true Anti-Semitism, it's like a software program.
>south korea red
this map is fake, they love kikes there
lol pierre
implying it's not muslims
totally agree, racism against jews and whites from japanese is pretty much just oh you're white...? then you're like this
but also, while japanese people, and this is super general, do think of white people as lazy, hairy, loud, whatever, they still usually have a positive view of western cultures like US.
>three-quarters of Japanese (75%) voice a favorable view of Americans.
sounds fun to me :^)
Perhaps you’re right. Who knows. Here we get a lot of BDS propaganda because of muh Israel is an apartheid state bullshit. I never thought anyone gave it much notice.
how the fuck do you know about this shit? seriously, why do a man from estonia even care about whats going on in israel?
Those basterds better pick up their ass's and get to work. this situation cant go on like this.
Because im one of you, Chaim.