Facebook, google, tumblr, the independent et al all make the banlist but Sup Forums is completely free to access in China.
Are they based or are we just too insignificant to care about?
Facebook, google, tumblr, the independent et al all make the banlist but Sup Forums is completely free to access in China.
Are they based or are we just too insignificant to care about?
Other urls found in this thread:
Yeah, but captcha is google, so our Chinese bros can't post without a gold account
We should ask Xi to be a bro and help us out with that
If they get the captchas to somehow work in China, you bet this place will be overrun.
Was surprised they can still lurk in a state sponsored fashion and they haven't intentionally tried to block access.
It has more to do simply with Chinese people not on Sup Forums. It's the same thing with Reddit. There's no reason to ban a website if no one in China is using it.
Not really, they don't speak english. Just like all koreans and japs posting here are expats.
That's true, china has their own nationalistic boards.
We could meme a revolution in China so fast.
I'd love to hear from more Chinese anons here. Its like Russians we hear a lot about what they think from other people which is often very contradictory to what they express themselves. It would be interesting to get more Chinese perspectives here
I mean, there's still roughly 10,000,000 English speakers in China, not to mention a dozen thousand Whites living there.
more like 4chang amirite
Lived in Vietnam for a while. It was about the same there. Faceberg was blocked about 30% of the time, but Sup Forums was blocked for about 2 or 3 days every 6 months or so. Odd that they would block the social media jew before they'd block the bastion of free* speech.
*conditions may apply
i would especially love to hear more of their thoughts on africans, since they seem to be extremely redpilled on the topic.
Sup Forums doesn't horde user data.
Chinese here
immigrated to Canada back in 2013.
Gotta say, we are some of the most racist group in the world.
people in China are literally begging an ethical cleansing so the niggers can't procreate with Chinese woman
>[urge to ignore infrastructure upkeep intensifies]
The Chinese fear Sup Forums's autism.
They are pretty deep involved in Africa too. I was in East Africa for a while there were a lot of Chinese lead projects going on and Chinese people in the higher end accommodation. Was in a luxury block of flats in Nairobi and the Chinese had the whole of the top floors. The food they cooked smelt so good but never worked up the courage to go and try and make friends with them to get some
What do they think of white people and Europeans?
Also have travelled a lot this year over Europe and to the US. Tourist sites like museums in cities like Madrid, Amsterdam, Washington DC have all been heavily populated by Chinese tourists. This kind of travel was a luxury mainly for westerners before but have seen so many lately enjoying European and American tourism their middle class must be absolutely booming now. Fair play.
China uses technology to find websites that pop up and are used by dissidents. It's like how YouTube checks Sup Forums users for videos to review. The only people that would use Sup Forums are Chinese weeaboos, nationalists, gamers, etc.
Chinese weeaboos are a thing???
Can confirm you can look but not shitpost
I'm pretty sure the Chinese have neutral to positive feelings for White people. Although it depends who you ask.
Quads confirm shock
Stop lying chink.
You hate us and are doing everything in your power to undermine our countries.
Chinese corporate espionage costs the US 200 billion annually and a good portion of Chinese "immigrants" are spies or plants for the CCP.
Canada/Australia are being colonized by China and their citizens are being rendered second class in their own country.
Any white cuckold who thinks China is "based" because it's people are racist is delusional, because that racism extends to you too. And guess which country is growing stronger while the other is in decline?
Nationalists huh? That would make for interesting conversation.
There are a lot. While we get most of our cartoons in Germany from France and America, China used to get theirs from Japan.
i cant speak on their board content, but no, china is not based.
they are working for (((them))) 100%
im watching the jews and jesuits in my government hand over every vital piece of infrastructure to those chink cunts.
defo on side with one another. Fuckem.
Hiro is selling our data to the gook government. Sup Forums is a honeypot.
Well, the flag checks out. So I am willing do believe you.
But then, again - it is a canadian flag...
probably both for a couple reasons:
1) most chinese don't know english
2) if 1) they wouldn't know it well enough to browse on Sup Forums
3) if 2) almost no one knows wtf is 4ch
4) if 3) they'd just find it ridiculous and a waste of time
that just about covers the entire chinese population
well what is the fucking point of that
They dont post on flag boards really. Most of the chinkposters I've seen were on /x/
we're redpilled on everything. talking to westerners is like talking to retards. it's extremely taxing
>You hate us and are doing everything in your power to undermine our countries.
kek, you destroy yourselves
We're not manlets though
Aren't like all Chinese IP banned by Sup Forums?
Like they can't even try to post without buying a pass. It's been that way for a long time I believe as they are like the worlds #1 scammer/bot farm only second to Russia.
Average height in China is 5'8" now. Chinese people who are taller than 6 foot are quite common in northern China.
eh, depends where you are
Let's never forget the kind of thing the CCP spends money on.
>56783st why aren't you learning mandarin thread
You are ok if you're in your own country and don't expat in China.
Alleviate Sup Forums poverty when?
I have been to China trice. Once as recently as last December. I brought my computer and was unable to connect to Sup Forums at several hotels and more than one private residence. Despite my best efforts, it would seem it is banned.
Wow! You even picked up on some of their language!
I rarely see Chinese flags here which is odd for a gigantic country like that so this seems fake
> doesn't like white people who go to a different country
> is in a different country
Sup Forums isn't banned but google is, and you can't post from China because the recaptchas don't work. Only workaround is having a Sup Forums gold account.
Chinks cant read english
You don't see them because they can't comment/post. Captchas are powered by Google, and Google is banned. Plus they have their own nationalistic boards, so they don't want to post here anyway.
No, China thinks it's Asian because of the anime and since they blur all their porn out of Japan, they'd rather see full penetration with cartoons than nothing at all.
Around 10,000,000 English speakers, just in mainland China, and another 3mil in Hong Kong.
Are blacks fucking your women too? WTF brah?
That's bull, i see all sorts of jungle gooks with broken english posting here, viets, russians, poos etc
I'm guessing you need gorillion of Chinese internet goodboy points to access this place
thank god they don't post here.
America doesn't count since it was never white. I would never expat in UK, a historically Anglo country
We're a honeypot.
Honestly, whenever I interact online with anyone from the PRC, I always post them the tank picture from Tian An Men Square to try to get them IRL banned for a thought crime.
Jesus user
How is that bull then? Google isn't banned in the places you've mentioned.
I don't know, they're pretty redpilled. Although, too many of them might be a problem.
Yeah they usually disconnect after that. One time the chink got all mad and tried to insult me after that. It was pretty funny.
It has been Native American conquered by white Europeans with an influx of African slaves. That is a weak defense for claiming its ok for you to emigrate but not others.
Redpill me on chink trolling - where do you meet them
it doesn't matter what he thinks. the gov't controls who gets to immigrate and who doesn't. i wish china had more whites, we could do with the creativity
US wasn't only not white, it was never homogenous--it was a mutt country long before even the earliest Chinese came. By the time I came here decades ago, the streets were already crowded with amerimutts.
Meanwhile China is 90% Han and the rest are relatively Han-looking ethnic minorities, not counting the muslims. I just don't want to see Beijing become Mexifornia
The Chinese Dream was really just to post on Sup Forums, Xi Jinping Thought is really just shitposting
>people in China are literally begging an ethical cleansing so the niggers can't procreate with Chinese woman
Are you Chinese? Or a sexpat? The CCP has always praised the Yihetuan and starting to realize westerners aren't gods. And the nigger problem, especially in Guangdong
Herbity blerbity let's misdirect and distort until we reach the conclusion that America never had a European identity t. You, t. Academia, corporate D&C intensifies
chinese, but haven't been back in a couple years. what's going on with guangdong? why're blacks going there?
Yeah yeah ok you WUZ yer-peenz
Nice meme, mutt
Apparently because China ""colonized"" Africa and sent some Chinese workers there. Now there's way way more Blacks in China and they're causing trouble on the daily. People in Guangdong complain all the time. It's just black nature. There's a lot of articles on it and calling China racist and xenophobic
I recognise how bad expats can be though desu. I'm planning a trip to China later in the year and am hitting the Mandarin hard, know a guy who lived in China six months and all he did was take drugs and hang out with other expats. Definitely could see a negative view of white people developing if all you get is derpy degenerates on gap years
Chinese gov't will probably genocide/deport them soon, like they're doing with the Muslims, currently.
>Apparently because China ""colonized"" Africa and sent some Chinese workers there.
>Now there's way way more Blacks in China and they're causing trouble on the daily.
connect these two for me. are they citizens or on a work visa?
don't mind the other poster, we like whites. unless you're a sexpat or something, then it's just creepy
Yeah sexpats are the worst. Are they common in China? Thought they go for Thailand more, or Cambodia if they are nonces
>slapping some sense into psychopatic towel heads from the depth of the gobi desert = genocide
Nope, they took draconian measure but its understandable given that the Uighurs themselves were quite the unruly and blood thirsty bunch, often doing knife attack on publics spaces and shit like that.
Yes, they're too busy killing each other and shitposting on Wechat
>genocide/deport them soon, like they're doing with the Muslims
Huh? More info please.
What's a gold account?
Newfag asking.
Cheese Nips speak English
I just made a quick google search, here's the first link. It's from not too long ago.
leddit isnt either.
>Are they common in China?
i've never met one, but have heard stories. yellow fever fags and the like. could be sensationalized
It's not gold, it's just a pass for captcha. I think it's $1 a month or something
Fuck that. Never let them in you cuck.
Care to share why Hong Kong user?
Put your credit card details and postal address in the name field to purchase one.
it's not really a physical genocide, it's a cultural one, mostly to do with crushing separatist mov'ts
Cause he's a salty HKer, duh. That's like asking a Taiwanese why they hate the PRC.
I don't have a credit card. Do I have to use a pre-paid?
Fair point
I think it would be less common in China because you literally aren't a person in China unless you're Han. Every person who decides to make a go of it in China past their initial foray gets married to a Chinese woman who then buys the house, the cars, etc, because you aren't allowed to.
Cause they are the scum of the earth. If you thought niggers were bad, you haven't seen anything yet.
Chinese people live in a fantasy, blocked away from any sense. They disregard morality, culture and freedom. Can it get any worse?
> shit in street
> rude and obnoxious
> spend money on frivolous things to impress others
> incapable of logical reasoning
> be chinese
Pick every option