The Fake News Awards which will be held on Jan 17th, will be the day Mueller exonerates Trump and show the world who the real criminals are.
"The Fake News Awards, those going to the most corrupt & biased of the Mainstream Media, will be presented to the losers on Wednesday, January 17th, rather than this coming Monday. The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!"-DJT
It was also the day the Monica Lewinsky scandal broke out back in Jan 17 1998.
Jacob Brown
holy shit I didn't realize this, amazing
Nicholas Adams
Logan Sullivan
David Powell
I think I discovered the 4D Chess ultimate master plan as well OP.
Aiden Brooks
>The interest in, and importance of, these awards is far greater than anyone could have anticipated!" Most important sentence in his tweet.
Josiah Hernandez
Michael Sanchez
This is gonna be amazing. I'm convinced Trump replied to me in a Sup Forums thread now. Not only have the media KNOWN that Mueller wasn't investigating Trump, they have been covering up what he's been investigating for over a year. They probably expected Trump to have been ousted by now and their careers to not be in jeopardy.
Jaxson Martinez
Christopher Gomez
Mueller will hold a Press Conference on Jan 17th. MSM will be forever BTFO.
Eli Green
Andrew Martin
>be mueller >charged with task of helping to impeach trump >as a businessman he definitely has skeletons in his closet >find a few, could probably trump up some convictions >see relative peace in middle east >peace talks on the korean peninsula >tough talk on china keeping them from annexing philipines or taiwan >decide to release info >trump and all aids impeached >pence out too >paul ryan president now >proceeds to launch war against iran and syria >russia retaliates due to perceived threats to its dominance >NATO v Russia nuclear bungalow >China sees weakness and annexes islands, genocide en mass >Kim launches
>mueller is become destroyer of worlds >hated by all
Adam Sanders
>Be Robert Mueller >Helped cover up 9/11 in addition to a bunch of other things. >Forced to by Zionist deep state. >Either do it or they kill your and your family. >Trump offers deal. >Prison or Redemption. >Mueller is a marine veteran. >Mueller chooses redemption.
Ian Russell
Twenty years to the day holy shit
Jaxson Powell
Guessing for Mueller to be the guest star who tells the public about satanic elite
Mason Collins
Two voices will cry out in silence that all can hear.
Kushner and Mueller
Kushner is the one who is really gonna go in depth exposing the kikes.
Nathan Harris
Christian Williams
Angel Martin
So these fucks arent just gonna give up their empire.... are they going to finally do the bio-attack on the world? the plague is still active in africa
Jayden Collins
Dylan Perry
The only people who will believe that the fake news is fake are the people who already know that fake news is fake. The mindless leftist robots cannot be convinced. They are told what to believe, and they do. They do not question. That would actually require some intelligence. They are just mindless attack robots, which we need to exterminate.
Brandon Edwards
1. Mueller is going after the big crimes and knows they are not Trump's. Trump believes Mueller is looking to go down in history books to be a monumentally influential investigator. Mueller is a good guy who did bad things who has been given a chance for redemption and fame.
2. They needed a way to get Flynn to reveal his DIA intel on Clinton/Obama/Holder/etc without it looking like a witch hunt / corruption / coup / whatever. And to make it legal perhaps.
3. They got the left / public / media to place immense faith in Mueller. They did this by having quite obviously anti-Trump investigators on his team. However ALL of those investigators were had overwhelming proof of being compromised - so that they could be removed at a moment's notice. Remember that we got DIA and NSA on our side - how were those comprising anti-Trump texts obtained? Maybe through non-NSA means, sure, but NSA insiders could have found compromised FBI agents by looking at ALL FBI agent text messages. And then chose those agents for the investigation. And then later the compromising information on them is revealed and new patriot agents placed in team (public now is too overwhelmed to care).
4. Flynn's plea deal requires him to tell the FBI "any and all crimes he is aware of". No scope at all is given, he will have to write about every time he drove over the speed limit (and he likely will, to show how serious and truthful the rest of what he writes is). Flynn openly said back in May that people should question him - Flynn now has exactly what he wants.
Nathan Green
5. The charges against Flynn were BOTH miniscule AND a set-up (made as OBVIOUS as possible as you can see in the OP image). So he will not get punished for lying to FBI (already a stupid charge, especially when you see what he actually said to the Russians was just one sentence).
6. All the dirt will be only told to the FBI because the FBI "forced" witnesses to come forward or they face jail on (stupid/unfair) charges. And the FBI will "not know what they signed up for" when they force the witnesses to "reveal all the crimes they are aware of" - so the FBI cannot be accused of "witch-hunting" either by intentionally digging for Hillary's crimes. It will be impossible for Clinton's cronies to finger point to anyone for "setting them up", as everyone did exactly what the Clintons/left was always demanding of them. They'll be given everything they've been asking for.
Grayson Parker
Jeremiah Howard
lol trump will cancel the fake news awards or push the date back again.
Anthony Brooks
Owen Rogers
This would be the redemption arc of the decade.
David Young
its almost like instead of doing something productive, Trump is being a fickle-crybaby... I did NOT see this coming
Cameron Richardson
This all sounds interesting, but it isn't how the real world works. Example: Manafort being charged for the same exact thing Podesta Group is guilty of with the same exact employer (European Center for a Modern Ukraine)...oh, and Podesta Group was paid double of what Manafort's Mercury Group received. Both Manafort & Tony Podesta failed to register as a foreign agent, yet Manafort is the only one charged with a crime that has only been successfully prosecuted 1x in history
Logan Cruz
I wish that you were right. I actually hope that you are, and I am just a pessimist. I would gladly eat my words if you turn out to be correct.
Michael Miller
At least that's all you'd have to eat. I took a screenshot of this guy because justice is about to be done.
Lucas Miller
Isaiah Johnson
Dominic Scott
is this just LARP or do drumpftards honestly believe this?
David Moore
I wholeheartedly believe it.
Do you realize Mueller was interviewed BY TRUMP the day before Comey got fired? Do you realize that Trump and Comey were both in on it? Comey said during the hearing he leaked the memos in order to get a specal counsel appointed.
What reason is there to believe Mueller did all his crimes unwillingly?
Option 1: Mueller was "good" but he's forced to cover up lots of crimes or else family dies. He keeps doing this for years and years and he never figures a way out. After his 10 years are up, Obama makes him stay a couple more years.
After his 12 years are up, he gets his GOOD BUDDY JAMES COMEY to be the FBI director so that HIS family can be threatened with death for noncompliance.
Option 2: Mueller is a bad guy who willingly covered up crimes and is continuing to do so.
Occam's razor blows #1 out of the water.
Noah Barnes
Because people get assasinated for less, their families get destroyed for less.
again with the 'this isnt how the world works'. what kind of nonsensical, nebulous statement is this? you expect this decree to lend the rest of your hogwash some measure of credibility? you have only seen 3 charges stem from the Mueller investigation. many, many more indictments are coming. this -- THIS -- is how the real world works: >prosecutors issue sealed indictments >when there is a complex, multi-pronged investigation, those indictments are kept under tight seal as to not tip-off other suspects in the investigation >prosecutors will indict suspects of crimes unrelated to the overarching investigation while the main investigation is still ongoing >shilling faggots try to come on Sup Forums to spread disinformation >shilling cunt thinks she can get away with it since Sup Forums is anonymous
little girl, you tried but you failed.
shilling faggots/bitches always get btfo on Sup Forums. and this time is no exception.
wanna tell user more about how the world really works? ya fuckin bitch. >sorry but your vagina is of no effect on these threads >ask me how i know you're a bitch
btw, you seem like a decent person...probably some leftist true-believer (useful idiot). you should know that there's going to be an unprecedented backlash against your kind in this country. it will be more than warranted; and, unfortunately, many innocent/true believing dingleberries like yourself are going to get swept up by it.
you should reject your affiliations now; before it's too late.
>friendly warning from the gentlemen at Sup Forums
Isaiah Turner
it's actually all true, jackass. you should probably be afraid. this was never supposed to be about rep/dem, liberal/conservative. the foundations were being laid to bring these people to heel long, long ago (user became aware about 20 years ago). this criminal enterprise got going in earnest under regan (regan was a good enough guy, but bush sr. almost killed him. they gave regan the 'come to jesus' speech after the near assassination; and he did what he was told afterwards -- he was just a GE pitch man to begin with). the bush/clinton/cia thing was a progressive campaign to transform the federal government (and the intel agencies) into a criminal racket -- and satanic cabal.
whether fortunately or unfortunately, the principal actors are now almost all 'progressives' or 'centrist' republicans; and that fact is going to stain your side of the political dialectic for decades to come. there will be not just a taint associated with progressive politics, there will be something of a cultural bounty on your heads. and user, for one, supports this. in that most progressive policies are just bolshevism cloaked in post-modernist euphemisms.
if i were you, i'd rethink everything i've ever believed.
t. went against everything i believe ideologically to support obama in 08. i didn't at the time know he was CIA all the way. thought he was an outsider; thought he could damage the bush/clinton/cia syndicate. user was wrong; but he worked hard to make good on his error. i recommend you do the same.