Starbucks in full damage control mode

Starbucks in full damage control mode

>an image went viral showing a supposed employee saying that it was contaminating white customers food
>Starbucks is saying that the screenshot is fake and the person mentioned does not exist
>some believe they are real, others say it’s an elaborate Aussie troll
>Starbucks has stated they are working with authorities to find the culprit

To see Starbucks in full damage control mode

Other urls found in this thread:

Image in question

And Isis support

Fake and gay

It's a troll. We figured it out 20 threads ago. Keep larping faggots



>Shills from Starbucks corporate
>Starbucks shareholders
>Soyboy baristas
>Black Nationalists??

Normies @donald know more than newfags. (YESTERDAY). Try to keep up.

Megathread Locked

>inb4 hurr durr it's a troll we figured it out over 9000 threads ago keep larping faggots lelelel hyuk

I left a poop in starbucks toilet last thread

too much material to be fake



Check all of them


Old thread


Everybody in this thread should go to the nearest starbucks. Shit on the floor of the bathroom. Wipe your ass, stick the paper to the stall walls.
Write #poonotintheloo on the wall also

Why does this keep getting reposted when no new evidence has come forward?

An user from Seattle needs to go to the storevand ask employees. Any white employee would have had issues with this person if real

This happening is in atlanta

If its fake or not they'll find the origin. I turned everything in to the fbi this morning when I first saw the thread for domestic terrorism.


shits fake

Newbro here.

Jumped over from the old thread, where I witnessed some pro sliding firsthand. Is this the sliding anons speak about in habbenings of ages past?

It is a troll. We figured it out 21 threads ago. Keeping larping faggots

That is a very astute observation young man.

ITT: Sup Forums gets trolled hard.

Snopes confirmed it as a hoax

Shanell Rivers may not be the name. It's also been seen as Tamiyah.

It's an elaborate ruse since she's posted back in November.

t. Trap-nigga stirring coffee w. its dick

>Do you ever wonder how many users in Sup Forums are actually real people and not robots?

Soyim on suicide watch, niggers & overpriced coffee, everything they hold important is falling apart

This gay thread again

What thread then?

doing God's work user


It's a meme you dip; try to keep up.

Nigga your just so autistic you can't understand why people are sick of seeing this reposted

This is weapons grade autism

>mfw starbucks closed due to AIDS/HIV

It's not about the starbucks. It's about Tamiyah and or Shanell or whatever its name is and this can easily be another restaurant, another racist anti white. If this is a troll shit talking about something it didn't do, this troll should still have consequences rain down to discourage others in the future from following the example elsewhere

So don't shit in a bathroom where people who aren't this piece of shit work

How much could I get paid to post this?

it has a tattoo on its right arm

2 hot pockets

Its a troll you morons
(I need (You)s its the only thing I have in this world)

>People are sick of these threads!
>Not of blacked, is X degenerate?, commie, hurr muh trannys threads tho
Fuck off kike, we'd rather see justice server in the face of a fucking sheboon ratehr than reading your degenerate filth all day long you fucking cancer


So we hate niggers so much we troll ourselves by pretending to be niggers then headhunt ourselves while screaming nigger

Then what? Trolls get charged? Then we lose. We end up like Germany

We'll wind up with laws about what we can say online just because we can't keep a few user's autism in check

>hurr durr look at all these bots

here, have a shekel

cesspools closed

Suspect this is a black transwoman who either 1) did it, or 2) is shitposting about doing it, and either way, this person needs to be exposed for shitposting about doing this. The former is a serious problem for the public the latter a serious problem for starbucks and they'll have to pursue it, and either way anyone who thinks of doing this shit to food and encourages others to do the same needs the bright light of day glaring on her/it

Who else do you go to for domestic terrorism bro? The "CIA"?

Silly user, POC can't be terrorists. Only white men can be

Real and straight.

I am not a robot. Shalom

Just went to that Starbucks (I live in Decatur, 15 minutes away- this one was in Dunwoody)
It's actually a pretty cozy spot. There was only two employees there and a bunch of people lurking in the back so I didn't really feel right just taking pics inside. It was clean. No female employee by the name of Shanell Rivers.

It sort of bummed me out, there's only two dudes there fielding phone calls from Sup Forums about a nonexistant Shanell Rivers. They seemed a little depressed. Real polite

We're about 10 threads past thinking her name is Shanell

You're right, my bad user. Ill be sure to call them back and see how many lashings I need for turning in a humble afrikaner who jus bein a gud boi and my obvious white male privilege.

You're an absolute madman. How's the nigger situation in that shopping center?

Theyre probably just lying.

Hasn't anyone actually gone in there today to order something and take a look? Ask some questions?

I shit inside a dearborn bathroom, left my turd on the floor.
Wiped my ass, and stuck the paper to the wall. I pissed all over the toilet seat, and shit paper dispenser.
Washed my hands, and took back the hub cap that had the key attached, thanked the shit skin, and left.

i said i was from Sup Forums and they called the cops on me

If you were to fake this, you would pick a more common name.


Her name isn't shanell! Its just a fake FB name.

Ask them which one of them had their tongue down a black tranny's asshole.

Maybe, it didn't seem like it. They just seemed really really tired. The health inspection thingy was hung next to the registers
Most everyone there was white, old, young etc. Not as hipster-y as you would expect from an Atlanta Starbucks

thats a pro tranny vogue dancer. no need to work at starbucks. located in nyc i think anyways.

impossible for a black person write like this.
too correct. not even americans know english this well.

Thats real nice. But you know they'll get one of their female downtrodden women to clean it.

>hi I'm from/pol/
>I'm looking for a tranny nigger
>supposedly the manager licked her ass


Its Photoshoped fucking dumbshit did not clean up the blurryness

I'll ask next time fampai but odds are slim

pic related
turns out i DO give a fuck

I wish you would have live streamed it

Newfags. We have determined while ago Shanell is not the name she used for employment. Please keep up.

Bring children in with you so you can stream on periscope without arousing suspicion.

That's the thing the store is so damn small. You would have to sit by the windows to livestream

Bread from last night with user posting pictures of said Bucks.

Two accounts with last name rivers on "Shanell" Fb account: damion.rivers.9 , will.rivers.754

Both damion and will had "shanell" as a friend and also moesha. Moesha was not a friend on "shanell" page. Actually no other rivers Other than will and damion were on "shanells" friend list. Seems unlikely that two brothers/cousins would have the same "shanell" friend thats a fake account posing as both their family member trying to trick them. One of the 3... will, damion, moesha would seem to be behind the "shanell" account.


Better image

Of course it's fake. You can watch Starbucks employees make yourv drink. There's no privacy for the employees where they could do shit to your drink.

ask them if there's a black tranny working there.

Mostly the tranny said she was contaminating food.
When they heat the food, their back is turned to you. There is enough privacy, the tranny could have contaminated the food then.

The images all belong to this person ...

m.facebook com/sanasiadesinea.Winns

I've dug around for a while and this person seems legit. Pictures/posts with family. Also, this
The original name seems like the best shot to find this person as it's tied to GA


wilbert clay rivers
damion davanta rivers
jamica stephens

no connection to moesha yet. there is a group photo on will FB page with her. So yes, they all know each other.

Now it's how exactly does "shanell" fit in. Who runs the account. Will and damion were the only friends named "river" in Shanells" friend list The family is based in alabama and north carolina.

Shanell is a fake account run by will, damion or moesha.

pictures look like 2005. thats fake


Stupid argument, most people dont hover there and watch their drink being made, and theres plenty of machines to hide behind, all it takes is a 2 second dash of somethjng from a sugar packet, IF I want to put something in your coffee I will, no one is going to see.

For all you know I have it pre mixed in a certain milk container in the fridge with your name on it.

This nigga is a cunning nigga

Archived it


Hope they find this mofo!

Still fake and gay. Still no proof this person even exists. Sup Forums LARP confirmed. Why are you doing this?


it's from the account (tamiyah007) where shanell rivers selfie pics come from
also shannell rivers describes itself as ts

This is hired corporate sliding for damage control. Most sliding you see or hear about here is generic professional political sliding by lefties. The political sliding is generally more effective and has more actual humans posting, as opposed to the blatantly obvious botting you are seeing ITT that has a corporate sponsor.

Starbucks would know if they employ a.... Will Rivers, a Damion Rivers, or a Moesha Nicole Rivers.

Jumica Vangell Johnson i believe this is the mother. jumicajohnson27

google searches show both will and damion as related to her. no moesha though. Who is dis bitch.

There is a war on white people and normies need to wake the fuck up

Is moesha another transgender family member?

You are a shillbot. We figured it out about 21 threads ago. Keep botting, Starbucks.

Is calling someone a bot the new "I was being retarded on purpose"?