What is it that makes Sup Forums so fond of this particular negro?
What is it that makes Sup Forums so fond of this particular negro?
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He was redpilled about the Jews and media.
It's either because he experienced the paradox of longing for the norm while being considered a monster by everyone, just like each one of us, or because he did everything to become white.
Either way, miss you Mike.
He made good music.
He thinks he’s white like all of Sup Forums thinks it’s white
He allegedly said things about "da Jewz" (but it was really about the lawsuits for kiddy-fiddling he was referring to) - in a song which, oddly enough, produced by a Jew. Niggers on Sup Forums say this means he is BASED and he should have been allowed to fuck as many kid as he wanted
michael was too good for this sick jewish world. fuck off you meme flag cuck
He knew about the jewry. He tried to keep kids safe from their grip.
You tell me..
He was chosen to become white. God gifted him vitiligo because he made good music and outed the Jews
The story is rather tragic. I do believe that had the internet existed in 1994 in it's current form, Jackson would still be alive today. Jackson was very much the victim of public perception. Yes, he was clearly an eccentric with many quirks, but the "child molestation" thing was hogwash. GQ published a non-bias article in 1994 entitled "Was Michael Jackson Framed?" that you can find all over the net. Here's one link: floacist.wordpress.com
Anyone unfamiliar with what actually happened there, I'd really recommend reading it. The TL;DR: version is pretty god damn fucked up. He befriended a young boy, his mother and step-father. The biological father wanted money to produce "Robin Hood Men In Tights" so he brainwashed his son with sodium Amytal in an attempt to extort money out of Jackson... knowing full-well he wouldn't want to go through a long career-tarnishing trial. There's taped conversations between the father and step-father where the father lays out his entire plan. > “And if I go through with this, I win big-time. There’s no way I lose. I’ve checked that inside out. I will get everything I want, and they will be destroyed forever. June will lose [custody of the son]…and Michael’s career will be over.”
It's whack. Seriously... read it. FYI, the father ended up killing himself in 2009 only 5 months after Jackson died: en.wikipedia.org
My point is, public perception in 1994 was so heavily dependent on shock media, magazine covers, radio, talk show monologues, etc. Had Reddit existed back then, we would have seen the smoking gun. People would be chatting over the details on a daily basis. It would have been very difficult for the public to remain that misinformed and warped by rumor and heresay.
it's those sick ass dance moves. and he can sing. and it's not edgy annoying songs.
But the perception stuck. And clearly it weighed heavily on Jackson... someone who had dedicated his life to helping children in need. He was clearly depressed. He turned to drugs. As we later found out, he needed to be medicated to even sleep. I can't imagine what that had to have been like..
That was the only time anyone ever accused Jackson of wrongdoing... until 11 years later in 2005, but this time it was CLEARLY bullshit and a clear attempt at extortion. Anyone following that trial was aware of how ridiculous the claims were. I'll summarize. It was right after the huge documentary "Living with Michael Jackson" that Martin Bashir did. Jackson was all over the news for the "baby dangling" incident. In the documentary, it showed that Jackson took in a young cancer patient, his mother and sister and was paying for the boy's treatment (last I heard, he's now cancer-free). He was close with the boy and the family. It made the news, because of the scene where Jackson says, "What's wrong with sharing a bed with someone you love?" in reference to the young boy. The public took it (or twisted it) to be a sexual thing... Jackson intended it as an innocent remark... hanging out late playing video games on a massive bed and someone passes out. Inappropriate? Maybe. Molestation? No. Anyways... the mother of the boy had been in and out of mental institutions and had attempted to con money from celebrities in the past (the reason for Jay Leno and George Lopez being at the trial). She also claimed her family had been "sexually fondled" by JC Penny security after her punk kids shoplifted... she settled out of court for $152k. So anyhow, the Bashir documentary was a shitshow, people like Gloria Allred were petitioning to have Jackson's kids taken away... and Jackson's handlers told him to distance himself from the young boy and the family... so he cut them off. It was only after that, that the woman and the boy accused Jackson of misconduct.
As if Jackson hung out with the kid, let them live at Neverland, passed out playing videogames, filmed a documentary admitting that it was innocent... and then when the entire world started looking at the relationship with a magnifying glass and wanted to take away Jackson's kids (and apparently the family had already been interviewed by police)... THAT's when Jackson decided to start molesting the kid. Come on... Whole thing was a crock of shit. The woman also claimed they were held hostage at Neverland... to which they pulled up the creditcard receipts showing all the shopping sprees she was doing with Jackson's money during the "kidnapping". At one point they point out, "How could you be kidnapped if you were shopping at Nordstroms, Tiffanys... here's a receipt for a body wax". The woman snapped back , "IT WASN'T A BODY WAX!!! IT WAS A LEG WAX!! HE'S LYING TO YOU!!!" .... Total shitshow. Read up on it. It's was fucked. You can read most of this on wiki: en.wikipedia.org
That 2005 Trial doesn't happen without the 1993 situation. It was the same DA (Tom Sneddon) who tried to get Jackson in 1993 that was pushing for the 2005 thing. It was only mildly plausible, because of the 1993 thing. They tried to find other boys to step forward (out of the thousands who Jackson had been in contact with over the years) and nobody stepped forward. They had a former body guard (who had sold his story to National Enquirer and had previously been arrested for armed robbery) claim he saw Jackson blowing Macauley Culkin in a shower... they brought Culkin up there to respond and he's like, "WUT?" ... As one journalist put it:
>MJ about the Jews:
>MJ collected Nazi memorabilia
>MJ talks about conspiracy:
>MJ about the Media and Tabloids:
>Complete Rebuttal of the Allegations
>Evan Chandler (the accuser in the 1993 allegations) is Jewish
>Paris Jackson claims MJ was murdered:
>"They are going to kill me"
"the trial featured perhaps the most compromised collection of prosecution witnesses ever assembled in an American criminal case...the chief drama of the trial quickly turned into a race to see if the DA could manage to put all of his witnesses on the stand without getting any of them removed from the courthouse in manacles.""
Nobody following that trial was surprised by the outcome.
It's some sad stuff, man. Despite this, the perception stuck. People continued to hate him and paint him as a monster. People continued to take the rumors and tabloid gossip as truth... and I think ultimately it killed him.
He was the anti-kike and was framed, may be rest in peace.
He overcame being black and became a rich white person which shows they can all do it too if they just apply themselves
>He was redpilled about the Jews and media
Was pretty redpilled about your average negro too,
He is an honourary white, like Mr Sotomayor..
Corey Feldman says he was ok.
MJ named he Jew.
He was talented.
That is all.
can't forget beat it either
he knew what was up
(((They))) don't care about us
Rubba, Turdle, Bucket, jesus juice, duck butter... brick city, you'll understand if you search for these key words.
Good music and good values. Also because he literally turned white
does Sup Forums unironically think he diddled kids? further life goes on, the more i think it was a setup tbqhwufam.
He was a once in a generation talent, perhaps once in a century.
his pill addiction started after his head caught on fire for a Pepsi commercial
He wasn't racist. He had white children as friends.
I think it’s kinda funny how one of the biggest, if not the biggest music star ever is the only one to openly hate the Jews and call them out on multiple occasions. I mean if you make it to the plateau he was on you’d probably feel invincible or just wouldnt care anymore but I know all other musicians just gladly suck Jewish cock
>suck Jewish cock
That's why they are still alive and MJ is not.
Actions speak louder than words. He wanted to be a white man so bad and was so good at music that he's welcome.
I don't think he abused children.
I don't think he diddled. Dude had one shitty ass childhood. Imagine getting the belt because you missed a note singing or some shit like that.
I love Michael
Can we all agree that Man in the Mirror is the most redpilled song of a generation?
>im starting with the man in the mirror
>im asking him to change his ways
>if you wanna make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change.
he was a phenomenon. very hardworking, talented, and ambitious.
He was based
He hated niggers and kikes.
Reminder that Micheal Jackson was completely innocent youtube.com
He was such a successful black man he turned white.
>I've been a victim of a selfish kinda love
>It's time that I realize
>There are some with no home
>Not a nickel to loan
>Could it be really me pretending that they're not alone
>A willow deeply scarred, somebody's broken heart
>And a washed out dream
>They follow the pattern of the wind ya see
>Cause they got no place to be
>That's why I'm starting with me
He called out Sony Music and told that they were no more than exploitative jews who pump and dump artists.
Sony went down the fucking dumps after Michael left.
Sony finds some spic and pays him to frame MJ for kiddy fiddling.
No evidence ever found, no one other than fat spic claim MJ diddled them, career still ruined.
MJ went Hollywood when he was a kid.
During an interview once, he said his greatest dream would be to watch the Jackson Five perform. Keep in mind he was IN the Jackson Five at the time.
Jermaine broke in, excitedly saying he had a dream about that the night before.
Without missing a beat, Michael asked "Did we sell out?"
Jackson used his money to buy his own records so he'd have number ones and gold records. Cheaper than ad campaigns.
He also used his money to transcend his race, age and gender.
All the weirdness aside, he was a genius and his dance moves, their attack, put him on a Bruce Lee tier of awesome.
> Sup Forums so fond of
Sup Forums has no love for that kid fucking piece of shit.
N-no I'm not sad. I just didn't ask for these feels.
Was he an Angel?
This entire thread says otherwise
He was only any good when Quincy Jones was producing.
>He didn't read the thread
Back to plebbit
This thread proves you otherwise though
>kid fucking piece of shit.
Fake news
>jew me sure me, everybody do me
>kick me, kike me, don't you black or white me, all I wanna say is that they don't really care about us
>Michael Jackson has been taped making overtly anti-semitic remarks during a phone call, describing Jews as "leeches" that conspired to leave him "penniless".
>"They suck," said Jackson. "I'm so tired of it ... they start out the most popular person in the world, make a lot of money. It's a conspiracy. Jews do it on purpose."
And after he was murdered, his daughter posted pic related along with a bunch of other stuff to her Instagram, before she was taken in for "rehab" and MK'd.
Jeff Buckley was also murdered by (((them)))
This is the place where he """died"""". See that pyramid in the background?
this is an ape that was painted to look like a man
a homosexual man
a fashionable homosexual
> Sup Forums so fond of this particular ape?
the ape made music, Sup Forums likes music
MJ was undoubtedly strange, and started to become really disconnected from reality in the last 15 years of his life, but I still have respect for the man.
He genuinely believed in what he was preaching, and seemed to have a lot of respect for white people. When he talked about equality, he actually meant it, and didn't just use it as an excuse to shit on white people or to give black people an unfair advantage.
Of course, he was also an incredibly talented performer.
He's the only negro who did what all of us wanted: rejected his skin and became a huwhite man.
When I saw the photo... I thought NOOO
don't tell me the ghost of Michael Jackson is running for president now. It seems like everybody else is.
Michael Jackson created neverland ranch as a place to keep kids safe when they needed a getaway from Hollywood.
Mcauley Culkin was being PROTECTED not raped.
Even Hendrix called out the Jew
>But as far as I know, (((they))) may even try to wrap me up in cellophane and try and sell me
>Brother sell me, and don't worry about lookin at the score
He actually was, Neverland Ranch was a sanctuary for kids that have been abused by Hollywood. I'm currently working on an infograph about this topic.
He was too good for this world.
Fuck I'm tearing up lads
True. If MJ was actually gulity of molesting kids, there would undoubtedly have been dozens of people speaking up after his death, particularly when you consider how many other celebrities who have been exposed.
I do suspect he was gay, though. He talked and moved like a gay man, but I think his religious upbringing (his mother was a Jehova's witness) made him reject that notion, and he tried as best he could to be straight. Of course, this is just conjecture, and there's a good chance his strange personality was simply a result of the abuse he suffered at the hands of his father.
You need to go back scumbag
It reminds me of this Sup Forums post.
Everyone misunderstands this place. It's not that we are hateful and angry for no reason.
It's that we care too much.
Love him. Can't decide if his whole personality is an act or not, though. Torn between believing that he's actually a terribly damaged individual who just wanted a childhood, or a manipulative pedo who used his backstory to create a sympathetic persona.
Love his music either way, listen to Off the Wall daily.
The numbers have spoken
>gonna feel real good
>gonna make a difference
>gonna make it right
>he did everything to become white.
Big lie
Micheal was deeply saddened when he caught that disease
it's the whole "sort yourself out and clean your room" in music form. glorious.
I think Michael knew what was up. But it is a shame that his odd upbringing lead to a weird lifestyle that caused people to question him.
Talented human being, though.
>that pic
It's such a shame Micheal didn't live long enough to witness God Emperor Trump's ascend to the Presidential Poistion
He wrote a song about them , then got accused of pedo and then died
Im not saying that the pedo part was fake or planted , but those two are a related
Yep, MJ had a healthy pride in his race. I don't get all the skin bleaching accusations. I mean, what would he gain from it?
An even skintone. Vitiligo creates ugly white splotches all over your body, so it's understandable why he'd do it.
Kick me
Kike me
Don’t you black and white me
Jew me
Sue me
Everybody do me
All I wanna say is that (((they))) don’t really care about us
Yeah but people here make it out to be like he wanted to be white when in reality he was doing just the best he could to not look horrible
>put him on a Bruce Lee tier of awesome.
well put, faggit.
tell me more. why jeff?
>Yeah but people here make it out to be like he wanted to be white when in reality he was doing just the best he could to not look horrible
There are stories that he took a lot of female hormones because his voice started to get too deep as he aged. But the hormones fucked him up mentally.
>Not posting the uncensored version
Also the pedo shit was fake as fuck
There's no proof he ever did anything
Trump is getting revenge and it's personal.
oy vey, these goys are sure getting uppity wouldn't you say herschel.
He's the most misunderstood man ever.
Dude was just a music autist, the media crucified him because he was weird and successful.
Plus he made actually decent pop music.
Find me one interview where somebody actually asks him about his music, you fucking can't.
He left a lot of clues in his songs
>Well it's my time coming, i'm not afraid to die
>My fading voice sings of love,
>But she cries to the clicking of time
>Of time
>And the rain is falling and i believe
>My time has come
>It reminds me of the pain
>I might leave
>Leave behind
Last Goodbye
>Did you say 'no, this can't happen to me,'
>And did you rush to the phone to call
>Was there a voice unkind in the back of your mind
>Saying maybe you didn't know him at all
>You didn't know him at all, oh, you didn't know
>Well, the bells out in the church tower chime
>Burning clues into this heart of mine
>Thinking so hard on her soft eyes and the memories
>Offer signs that it's over... it's over
Lilac Wine
>I lost myself on a cool damp night
>Gave myself in that misty light
Remember that Jeff was "swimming" on the Mississipi River at Night when he died
So Real
>We walked around til the moon got full like a plate
>The wind blew an invocation and i fell asleep at the gate
>And I never stepped on the cracks 'cause i thought i'd hurt my mother
>And I couldn't awake from the nightmare that sucked me in and pulled me under
>Pulled me under
Eternal Life
>Got my red glitter coffin, man, just need one last nail
>While all these ugly gentlemen play out their foolish games
Dream Brother
>That dark angel he is shuffling in
>dream asleep in the sand with the ocean washing over
Nightmare by the Sea.
>I've loved so many times and I've drowned them all
>From their coral graves, they rise up when darkness falls
>With their bones they'll scratch the window, I hear them call
Murder Suicide Meteor Slave
>Underneath the skull of a moon
My favorite must share
He attained a level of notoriety and stardom among human beings that only really Elvis Presley can be compared to. To see what that life and that situation did to him physically and mentally is interesting.
Also he was framed as a pedo by Jews when he started to break loose off the plantation.
If only you knew how bad things really are.
Who is the man in the back? What does he know?
You should listen to this: youtube.com
Guy thinks Liz Fraser from Cocteau twins (dated Buckley) was possessed/channeling the entity that we know through the siren archetype. Fraser lived down the street from Ewan Cameron, one of the central figures in MK Ultra, and she has large gaps of missing time in here memory and is in general a dissociated seeming weirdo. She sang Tim Buckley's (Jeff's dad) Song to the Siren, and met Jeff because he heard her cover. Lots of Cocteau twins songs have allusions to drowning.
mental illness intensifies
is any celebrity death or worldwide event not part as a huge conspiracy that has produced zero proof over several decades?
He made more than "decent pop music"
He was not called the King of Pop for no reason. He was the one who was leading Pop.