Happening, cliven Bundy to walk free
Just think how badly the spooks had to mess up to have this happen.
This is a big win for libertarians if you are one.
They're unfit to stand civil trial because what they did was deamgougery and treason et al. God should just shoot them all in the back of the head for being mormon apostates on top of that.
fucking BASED
too bad tarpman had to die in the other incident
I'm happy for you Americans, that made me smile - fuck the feds
someone give me a quick rundown. Why did Bundy make a stand-off?
The Feds were trying to enclose grazing land that his family used since before the Feds even imagined doing such a thing.
so, expropriation?
Essentially yes, except it's a little more grey than that. He never held title to the land but it was just commons and then the Feds tried to reserve it.
>Judge Navarro declared a mistrial last month in the case, stemming from an armed standoff at the Bundy ranch in 2014 that had arisen over land-grazing fees. She said then that prosecutors had erred in failing to turn over important evidence to the defense, including video taken surreptitiously within the ranch during the standoff, and evidence that F.B.I. agents were involved in the incident.
Over here we have a law called "usucapião". It literally means someone who works on a piece of land for over 50 years automatically becomes it's owner since no one else has laid claim to it or obviously used it. This applies to state land as well.
This was essentially the Bundy defense, but the Feds disagreed.
Reminiscent of Renaissance England
I'm glad they had weapons then.
The law that applies in this case is the Taylor grazing act and the territorial clause of the constitution. You don’t get to graze on federal land for free regardless of how long you do it.
...for the purposes of mining uranium.
but if the state does not use the land for anything at all then it ipso facto loses all claims to it the moment someone else does for 50 years.
anyways, this () is circular logic at best. Thanks for the very informative post.
They worked this land before the Act was passed. Their family were among the original settlers of Nevada.
False. He bought the ranch in the 50s. 20 years after the grazing act was passed.
You're right
They still tried to fuck him over, though.
I used to hate this guy until I watched a video about his daughter and I kind of admire him now. He's a good man.
>God should just shoot them all in the back of the head for being mormon apostates on top of that.
It's called adverse possession here and only 10-15 years depending on the jurisdiction.
>Feds use tax payer money to maintain land that Bundy uses for grazing their cattle but doesn't even own
>they charge them for being able to graze their cattle there
>he refuses to pay it for years
>they try to enforce it
>he gets away with the 10s of thousands of dollars he owns from decades of not paying grazing fees on land he doesn't own
He had better ways of dealing with the situation other than stopping fee payments and the armed standoff.
>Feds use tax payer money to maintain land that Bundy uses for grazing their cattle but doesn't even own
And Bundy paid his taxes so why should his cows be able to eat some grass like they have for generations.
and yet, the armed standoff worked
might = right
and the federal government wasn't willing to risk potential fallout from dealing with bundy violently
They can eat grass on the land he owns.
They can eat grain on the land he own.
He can pay to use land he doesn't own so that it can be maintained.
clearly not since in so doing he got what he wanted and helped inspire a neo libertarian movment.
pretty much.
he was a piece of shit but pol thinks its ok to dodge taxes because MUH WHITE SKIN
>He had better ways of dealing with the situation other than stopping fee payments and the armed standoff.
What ways? This didn't just start. They had been fighting with the Government for over 20 years and it did nothing but cost them money.
>when the momentum hits hard
End the fed
Right wing grazing herds now
He didn’t get what he wanted. The cows still have to be removed and he still owes millions in fees. All the dismissal means is he won’t go to jail as well.
>He can pay to use land he doesn't own so that it can be maintained.
He does by paying taxes.
how does the government maintain that grazing land? do they pay someone to come by and water it?
this is why you're still a territory faggot
do et pussy u wont
My boss officially conceded his defeat on this issue today and agreed with my analysis, it's only a matter of time until I convince him about the kikes.
for the same reason i can not go to the land and kill the cows to feed people it is against the law
He still has to pay grazing fees in addition to taxes.
Idk why don't you ask the bureau of land management.
Why do you think he should be able to not pay for privileges he uses?
Feds are the shitheads if they "maintain" land but don't fence it in right.
>for the same reason i can not go to the land and kill the cows to feed people it is against the law
Laws aren't always just.
Why? Does the government take care of the grazing field physically?
Wew lad
Nigger. Fuck your government. Come at us bitch. We will lay you down to rest.
Its taxes on mcfucking nothing you twit. Do you think they go out there and pull weeds or something? Gubbamint just wanted to steal land for god knows what.
Which is robbery since he already pays taxes to maintain the land. This is rich coming from a Common Wealth that collects more aid than they pay in taxes.
The Feds provoked all this with their (((tortoise))) landgrab in 1989. It's good that it blew up in their faces.
Oh actually I think he should pay for the land he uses. That is done through taxes. Which he paid.
If you're going to have money forcefully taken from you then you might as well exploit it.
i could be wrong but after the grate dust bowl of the 30s the government set aside a lot of land so that it would not happen again.
So they should use the IRS to take the grazing fees out of his bank account?
Good to know but I think that he might loose his ranch like that.
Is it robbery to pay bus fare if you already pay taxes? No faggot. He’s making money of federal land, the law says he has to pay $1.50 per cow a year. Go cry about it.
True but taking up arms against people that enforce the laws is not the way to change them. funny thing is the only reason these people are not 6 feet under is cause there white if a group of black farmers had done the same thing there would have drooped a moab on the place and been done with it
No no haha. He already paid. It's maintained by the feds? People are taxed. They now have funding. Oh and he would be taxed by income so there would actually be no change to the taxes he has already paid.
Lies. Raise arms against those niggers charged with keeping you enslaved to the Jew.
He already pays taxes, can you not read? Tax money is used to maintain the land which was stated earlier. They shouldn't be able to take any land maintenance fees from him since he already pays them anytime he pays a federal tax. It's really not that complicated. You're saying he should have to pay taxes (which go to land maintenance) and a secondary tax to land maintenance again. That's like paying child support twice in a month. Do you think taxes are just a subscription you pay to America? They are already supposed to go to the shit you're saying he should be fined to do.
didnt the feds kill a guy in the snow on the side of the road during this ordeal?
Didn't he come up to Oregon as well for some standoff? Is he in jail for that?
Big deference between state and Federal taxes
I guess I should be able to hunt bears without paying for a tag because I pay taxes too right?
I should also be able to drive without paying for a license right?
There are costs to doing things and he can either pay for it or loose access.
I suggest he starts feeding his cattle grain.
>Black farmers
Who here has paid taxes since Obamacare? I'd like to know so I can PURGE.
Why should I have to pay the same percentage of my money as this guy has to for maintaining land I don't use when this chump should be paying a grazing fee?
Other law abiding people are paying it yet this fucking white nigger can't fucking pay it.
Any salt coming from nigger lovers saying he got off because he wuz wh*te n shiet?
I just did some research, that was his son Ammon Bundy who did the standoff in Oregon. The father, which this article talks about, is for his ranch in Nevada which they protected from the feds in a separate and earlier standoff from the Oregon one.
Actually yes. As a living soul, you have as much of a claim of right to those things as anyone else, which means that yes, you are a god. Can you handle it?
>I guess I should be able to hunt bears without paying for a tag because I pay taxes too right?
That's poaching, much different than letting an animal eat fucking grass. At least attempt to make a realistic comparison. Do you think you should be charged to use a public trash can, park, rest room or sidewalk?
t. blue-balled statist
You are a fucking idiot
Actually yes you should be able to do all of those things.
Did you suddenly forget how to drive a car if your license expire?
Do you not die of starvation if you cannot hunt and it's one of your only food source?
The man is basically self sufficient and didn't need government to begin with.
Do things yourself and have to pay the government for things you never use.
>Why should I have to pay the same percentage of my money as this guy has to for maintaining land I don't use when this chump should be paying a grazing fee?
Why should I have to pay for poverty cases to sit on their ass and pump out babies? Because that's how taxes work you dumb faggot. You're the one sucking the federal governments dick throughout this thread kek.
God gave you dominion over all the animals and plants. There is no such thing as poaching. The government makes you pay for a license to fish while the commercial fishing industry sells you fish in the grocery store.
Looks like I'm going hunting boys.
better visit a American Bison before I do.
we are charged to use parks
You have to admit it. The idea of black farmers sounds kind of funny.
>I guess I should be able to hunt bears without paying for a tag because I pay taxes too right?
Unless it would endanger the species I see no reason why citizens shouldn't be allowed to hunt whatever the fuck they want.
>I should also be able to drive without paying for a license right?
Licenses payments are usually used to cover the costs of the bureaucratic process of producing said license.
A more accurate parallel would be if you were forced to pay a fee in order to be able to drive your car in the highway even though your federal taxes are in theory already going for the maintenance of the road.
Press f for respect boys!!
He's literally sucking on the govt teat by using their land.
He should buy his own grazing land instead of acting like a nigger.
Have at it, but we're all hunting the Jews.
You must a real cup cheer at parties.
Nothing better than dying a Martyr. Shit just works.
Didn't this guy get killed by the cops?
I could have sworn they drove his truck off the road and shot the guy, was that somebody else?
That is the thing it is only sucking the government tit if you are of color if you are white you are using the benefits you have paid for.
Go for it. I don't particularly follow laws ever. In fact I pretend they don't exist. If I just so happen to be following a law then fine. If I want to hunt bear I will. Simple as that
They forget who they work for. Good to see em' taken down a peg. Huzzah for the Bundys. They make me proud.
He isn't paying for shit that is why he owes money on grazing fees he isn't paying for.
Are you a sovereign citizen?
I understand that BLM land is considered public land in the most literal sense.
So your problem is that the species will be drawn to extinction?
That's is not a legal, moral nor principled justification to tax hunting, is a justification to stop hunting completely, but since that was not your argument it seems you just chose a side of the argument and will use any irrelevant information to justify it.
The reason they got away with it is because the Feds still remember what happened when they went in shooting at Ruby Ridge and Waco and lost a Federal building as a result.
Maybe national parks which are owned by the federal government (which you pay taxes to maintain and still get charged to visit) but if you're getting charged for state parks or a local park you live in a shithole. I can easily go to the city park for free anytime I want. You're getting robbed blind by the Feds, face the facts.
Can the federal state lawfully own land within a state? Or enter into contract with a human? Is it human?
Taxation isn't theft, is voluntary slavery. Fight for your rights. Know your strawman
Sorry man I can't take my cattle to graze a camping ground just because it's on public land.
Other people are paying for him to be able to use this public land.
It is not the same thing you fuck.
Do you think the welfare parasites are paying taxes?
No, they are putting nothing in and getting something out.