What's one thing you don't like about him?

What's one thing you don't like about him?

he's at least 60lbs overweight


At least change your memeflag to make it look like proper b8.

He's waiting to long to expose the deep state, considering he has aliens helping him. They know everything.

He has the vocabulary of a 12 year old.

Nothing, best guy ever, no faults or flaws

>*rubs hands furiously*

he hasn't gassed the kikes yet


He didnt show Ivanka's BBC gangbang movie.

>arrogant asshole totally in it for the power
>constantly lies
> claims to be republican even tho hes been a degenerate his whole life
>divorced couple times
>wife is not American

He lacks the value and integrity one should hold as president. This doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to be president just my own opinion of him.

I know it's politically motivated, but if Coal is not economical compared to natural gas, let the market decide to phase it out.

The coal will still be in the ground if it makes sense to mine it again.

while I hate to agree with this raging faggot, Trump could lose a few pounds, however my biggest complaint is that he hasn't locked up hillary, schumer, and pelosi yet and built the wall

He makes me feel so stupid! I'm a surgeon but I can't compete with him

I wished he'd eat more healthy. That shit's going to catch up to him. I also wish he could work just a little faster to lock up all the fucking criminals, but I do know he and his administration is working diligently.

No wall.

He's not my precedent

You won't have to wait much longer. The storm has almost made landfall. Just need to wait a little longer.

Haha I see what you did there bromigo.

his hair IS rather silly

That's what happens when you're looking at pure genius level intellect. Don't be scared of it, embrace the genius.

The fuck? How're we paying for the wall? With tax cuts?

He's too much of a goy.

His GOOD looks

Is a raging crybaby overcompensator

Missile attack on Syria. Worst thing he has done.

his grandchildren are kikes

>is clearly not conservative


>puts Israel before the US

>is too easily pissed off by what others think or say

Not much else really

He could open a few more recycling/nature cleaning programs as well as selective logging.
But other than that, nothing.

Doesn't dismantle mockingbird

He supports Israel

Why? It changed absolutely fucking nothing

In terms of politics..
>not socially conservative enough
>too much pandering towards Israel
>too much hate towards Iran
>quite neo liberal in terms of economic globalism

And as a person..
>degenerate who's gone through like 3 marriages
>married to a prostitute

Overall he's 7/10 politically, and 8/10 as a person. I like him.

his crassness

He does not believe in justice.

He doesn't really give a shit about anything other than what he perceives will make him more liked. He's basically a typical boomer watching Fox who can be influenced easily.

>What's one thing you don't like about him?

small hands

Too much winning.

5th captcha attempt.

He's a racist, and his policies mirror that of Hitler. He committed treason by colluding with the Russians to influence the election in his favor.

His love for Israel

>colluding with the Russians to influence the election in his favor


He's not in charge of my country.

His hair. He'd be better bald and with an eye patch.

Twitter. Its too easy to criticize him for his uage and posts. Hes almost too transparent




>He committed treason by colluding with the Russians to influence the election in his favor.

Provide one piece of evidence individually analyzed by a law enforcement agency.

Feels bad, man.

We'll be waiting a while user. Grab a drink

I wish he was Hitler. He's like Bush but edgier.

he doesn´t share his gorilla channel with the rest of us

>>colluding with the Russians to influence the election in his favor

Too reactionary


can't really think of anything honestly

He's not Hitler like I was told repeatedly.

I love that he calls out the loony lefties and the idiotic critics, but I wish he'd tweet in a more Presidential manner.

His eyes

I cringe at the obvious timing of his Fox And Friends tweets, but it's ok in the end because it really fucking pisses the left off. So nothing, I guess.

I wish

too friendly with jews
probably unavoidable but unpleasant nonetheless

>Is Republican only in name
>An easy target/subject for ridicule (and psyops), though a good part of that isn't his fault
>Could use a guy like him over here; you burgers can have Duterte

>8 inches

Are you goys thinking what I'm thinking?

In time. Realistically you know it's going to turn out he was involved. Do you honestly believe that his sons, his daughter, his lawyers, his employees, his campaign volunteers and his general associates ALL had these weird connections and meetings on their own, and that it's a complete coincidence that they all work for Donald?

Let's hope it turns out that collusion truly isn't illegal, because if it is, he's fucked.

He sold his daughter to a jew to make a business deal.

Does not realize that the biggest enemies to his presidency are the international Jews. Thinks pandering to Israel will pacify them (like every Republican for last 40yrs).

I really want to fucking sexually violate you right now. I REALLY want to.

No beard, it would really suit him.


He’s orange and an accused pedophile.

Second scoop

It's not really possible to limit it to any single thing. If pushed I would say that it's that he germinated from the mould that grew off of satans shit.

>accused pedophile
Where the hell do you reddit fags find this shit

He hasn't dropped the import ban on Russian firearms

>His mouth looks like a butthole when he gets too serious.
Kidding. I love that too

No self control; gets involved in childish issues that are below a man and certainly the POTUS.

>quoting yourself



He's friends with Putin but not with Berlusconi

He's perfect

shills for kikes too much

Doesn't have Tiffany around enough

That he wasn't president sooner, and he'll only be there 8 years

that's called effective communication faggot. How else are the suburban rural retards going to know what he's talking about?

He's nothing like Dubya. Dubya was a pos sellout.
He's like Nixon.

He's a racist. I don't l like them.

you know it is!

You said we will be friends!


what did Trump say that was racist?

Too many jews around him, and too much working in their favour.


The fact he's sucking Israel's cock way harder then any president in US history.
Even Obama or Bush didn't pander this hard to Israel; through i assume it's likely to stave off critics that say he's literally Hitler rather then genuine.

>The fact he's sucking Israel's cock way harder then any president in US history.
>If i say it enough it will be true

>Weebing over Trump like he is your sacred waifu
I somehow knew Sup Forums is full of weaboos.

Haha. No one replied.

Obama let the arabs smash.

>makes fake companies to rent ads on FB
>litteraly gets cucked when trump arms the Ukraines

>What's one thing you don't like about him?
He will sacrifice America and the White race to protect Israel and the Jews.