I was at the grocery store today and found myself inspecting the ingredients of a lot of products I wanted to buy, only to find virtually EVERYTHING had soy in it. Needless to say, I spent a lot less money than I otherwise would have.
How do you avoid soy 100%??!?
Is all this soy talk legit or just a Sup Forums meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
You tell me.
that guy broke his own neck, didn't he
Did he knock himself out by slamming the back of the head into concrete by trying to slam the other dude or did his neck break? I can't really tell.
Did that idiot just break his own neck?
Either that or he knocked himself out by slamming his own head into the concrete.
Don't try to slam people if you can't grapple bros.
Did he died
Whitebois can't fight.
It's a meme. There's thousand times more of this estrogen bullshit in 1g of beef in comparison with 1g of soy.
to contribute, your hormone levels are pretty resilient and will fluctuate naturally over the course of any day in a pretty big way. realistically you'd have to consume a lot of soy to have it impact you in a noticeable way. that's just the fact.
that said, yeah, why not avoid it? there's no reason to not seek to minimize that crap in your diet, even if you'd have to bathe in it in order for it to overpower your balls
the soy talk is legitimate because it is a better epithet than "beta" because it doesn't even grant manhood to these faggots
Just eat raw meat bro
>Idiot posts unrelated picture that is more interesting than his intended topic
We won't be discussing soy here bro.
He quad / dead, that webm never gets old lel
>Remember lads, practice your judo in the dojo before taking it to the streets, webm related
He broke his own neck on the ground by trying to slam the other dude on the ground. He also died. I imagine that went a lot differently in his head when he hatched the plan.
>Yeah, I saw this move in a movie, or on MMA or something. I'll pick him up above my head like a juiced up monster, then I will slam him down like the hammer of Thor! Yeah, this is going to be great, I bet everyone here will clap when I accomplish this feat!
>Oh, I didn't realize that 130lbs was so heavy!
>Oh well, it's too late to back out now, this is going to be awesome!
*please clap*
There's so many impotent beta faggots on Sup Forums constantly posting threads worrying about their testosterone levels. Beer/Dairy and ground beef have more estrogen than soy.
How fucking stupid are you faggots that you base your opinions on fucking memes?
>vs the untrained attempts
these guys both look like complete pussies maybe 150lbs with zero muscle so it's a good post
plus it involves a display of aggression (that doesnt work out so well)
in fact i'd say it's one of the better images OP could have used
start reading the ingredients on packaged food, a lot of stuff has soy you wouldn't expect. Ranch dressing, butterfingers. just two i noticed, but i think they put that shit in places you wouldn't look for it, they sneak it in to lower your T. be careful and watch yourself
soytalk bullshit is bullshit. broscience tier bullfuck.
if you want to be healthier, avoid anything containing processed sugar (especially HFCS)
protip: 90% of your diet just went right into the trash, you fat american fuck
i cant tell either. I think hes dazed by the impact but it almost looks like the guy he was attacking saw it coming and capitalized on the way down and he ended up in a real bad position.
audible kek
He's unconscious before the punching starts.
Pure Grain Alcohol and Rain Water
The guy in that gif broke his neck and died on spot
This is what happens when a soyboy tries to wrestle
>t. typical euro skinnyfat dyel
Stop being so homophobic, just eat the soy.
may give you man boobs, jury is out
but not turn you fag or weaker, its a meme on that regard
Guys, that neck is broke. Heads do not end up and that position if it's still attached.
Please give me a link.
Something about watching someone die makes me feel so fucking good.
it won't give you gyno
there is nothing you can do in terms of diet to make a dent in what your balls are doing and your pituitary etc your entire hormonal apparatus
that said, if you eat soy and drink beer regularly you will absolutely look like shit just from the opportunity cost of not being on something like a ketogenic diet or even a higher protein diet like atkins
This is why we need webms with audio
>may give you man boobs, jury is out
No, the jury is in. It's documented in medical journals and while they noted it was "excessive" consumption, it was basically all he ate/drank.
However, if that's what happens when you switch entirely to soy, you better believe it will fuck with your hormones at large levels. And given the amount of soyboys like Wil Wheaton who brag about downing entire bottles of soy milk every day.. well, you do the math here.
Remember that the diet industry and science are not friends. The monied interests in all food groups are huge. We just re-taught everything about fat vs sugar, because the prevailing wisdom used to be that fat was very bad, and sugar was good. ((((Coincidentally)))) you can track this down to sugar industry funded research.
Nobody's doing large research on the hormonal effects of soy, I fucking guarantee it. If there are any outliers, there will be more research bought by the soy industry to introduce FUD. This is a big growing market. They don't want to scare away men.
>head snapped back at a 180 degree angle
dude is dead.
Notice how they dont run to help that black they just walk by and stare at him, what a fucking inhumanely nonempathetic race.
I found the vid on youtube, but it has no audio.
>it won't give you gyno
>may give you man boobs, jury is out
Read niggers.
they sense our power
Source? I've never been able to find it
Post moar faggot fights
>when you survive your 2000th rape attacker
Not today sucker.
>if you kill yourself, your ennemies lose
90%+ soy is GMO, which means it's doused in pesticides. Soy can be included as:
soybean oil
vegetable oil
soy lecithin
soy protein
mono and diglycerides
natural flavor
mixed tocopherals
vitamin E
vegetable solid proteins
also most canola oil is also GMO, and therefore filled with pesticides, most olive oil is shit, but not yet GMO so stick with that
>this is why you weigh 150 kilo
try and slam me lol
Dude loads of speedrunners are trannies now, I think the common factor is wasted energy and obsession
>soy is GMO, which means it's doused in pesticides
No, that's not what it means at all. Genetically Modified Organism is what it means. GMO farming doesn't involve more pesticides, it uses specific pesticides for the plant, this is part of the Monsanto Megacorp strategy to ensure you can't just farm their plants without the rest of the products to go with them.
If you're worried about pesticides, know that organic farms use MORE pesticides, precisely because they don't grow plants that have some resistance to getting bug infested or dying on the vine. They also tend to use older, more aggressive pesticides - ergo, more dangerous for consumption.
The ONLY way you'll ever have a pesticide free meal is if you grow it yourself.
i know this
your post above is great
but read what i'm saying. i'm talking about incidental consumption. regular dietary consumption. if you're on a mission to become a woman, you have real pharma grade hormones. you're not going to bathe in soy. could it fuck with your body? absolutely. will putting your sushi roll into soy sauce give you gyno? no way on earth. your balls can't be swayed that much by diet
you can find a published diet study to support any argument. that said, there's no benefit in consuming soy as a man who cares about his physique and mind, so there's no reason to do it. a man who cares about his physique and mind should be eating a lot of dietary fat, minimal carbs, and moderate protein maybe .75g per lb of bodyweight
there's your macros. you're not going to tell me having a soybean is going to give me gyno. excessive consumption of anything that hits the body and gets hormonized could fuck you up long-term, but you're not going to find a subject for that study who will be able to eat soy long enough that his own natural test levels won't decrease. you'd have to have weekly checkups with trt in guy with levels higher than 300 or whatever they write scripts for now and he'd have to megadose soy
missed that, fuarrkkkk
>t. sassy american
Who punches dead people, wtf
Probably to a degree, but the biggest problem seems to be that people (especially Whites) have become too sedentary and reclusive in this brave new world and aren't developing their bodies correctly or knowing how to use their bodies anymore. It's no secret that White people suck at fighting and aren't seen as tough anymore because there is no reason to practice fighting. We've become overcivilized and will allow ourselves to be destroyed by the uncivilized.
>will putting your sushi roll into soy sauce give you gyno? no way on earth. your balls can't be swayed that much by diet
I agree. The problem isn't that touching soysauce will make you a woman, the problem is the entire food industry is switching over to soy based production in a lot of foods. Lactose intolerance is "increasing" (by mass importing nonwhites) which means milk product is being replaced by soy product so it's "accessible". I've seen this in my own local stores. Soy products used to be some specialized vegan store shit, now they're common.
> your balls can't be swayed that much by diet
It's likely a big factor the gentleman in the study was 60, and his natural T production was low. But let's remember there's a lot of natural variation. The "soyboys" are weak effeminate skinnyfat betas to begin with. It's not a stretch to suggest they're already low-T for men.
> a man who cares about his physique and mind should be eating a lot of dietary fat, minimal carbs, and moderate protein maybe .75g per lb of bodyweight
That sums up what I've been reading the last year. That's the latest research and it goes counter to the mass sugar, refined grain normal diet people eat.
Only a complete imbecile like yourself would drink soy milk while i drink regular milk like a human. Nutrition facts idiot!
Last I heard he didn't die but was paralyzed from the neck down
Just eat like your great grandparents ate. If you eat a little soy it isn't gonna hurt you. People used to do stuff like drink from lead pipes. You'll be okay as long as you're not getting doing something like drinking liquid meals.
Do x how your great grandparents did is a pretty good default position. Whatever they did led to 3 generations of descendants. They weren't right about everything but they couldn't have been wrong very often.
Well, only fat people eat butterfingers and ranch dressing
>reduced fat milk
By hunting game like a true male. By learning to farm successfully. Then by tearing the still-beating heart from your rival's chest and eating it in front of a beautiful woman over the height of five foot 8 inches with good genetics and natural intellect equaled only by her subservient nature. Then put your children into her strong healthy womb. Once these children come of age (6 months old) you will start teach them to hunt and farm and tear the still-beating heart of their rival out of their chest and claim their woman and they will train their children and so on and so forth. This way of life produces no soy, it only produces pure cosmic machismo and testosterone given forth by the Great God in Heaven himself. All you must do is take this great gift he has given and decide your own fate and the fate of those who stand before you. When you do this, you will be free.
there is a massive difference between downing gallons of soy milk a week and consuming soy lethicin products weekly, which is basically in everything from chocolate, pasta, cheerios, etc
He's most likely a very gross fat neckbeard.
This was all the motivation I needed to get back into BJJ. Gonna go check out a gym nearby today.
cool blog post faggot
Basically this. Caring about the healthiness of a candy bar or ranch dressing is stupid. If you're eating enough of these that the soy content is not negligible then you're already fucked.
oh yeah
your post way up above though is 100% and should be saved and indexed, particularly the point about the diet industry
but the 60 year old man is the problem. that's what i meant by you'd have to find someone willing to be topped off with real pharma test for many years while consuming incredible amounts of soy and he'd have to be otherwise healthy, hormonally. someone will fully-working balls and pituitary. ideally an athlete, too, so it's obviously going to be hard to study
my point is it's not needed. soy will feminize you. in most bodies even megadosing soy will not show any obvious feminine traits, but it's there in some capacity, just beaten out by the balls
i posted on ketogenic diets here literally years ago when quasi-/fit/ posts would pop up and they told me it was a meme diet. i would bet my life right now that in ten years from now eating sugar will be viewed like smoking is viewed today
Said the Cucknadian. Day of the rake soon.
We don't disagree as much as you think. The soy meme has a real kernel of truth. More and more people are consuming actual "gallons of soy milk a week". It's really popular if you look around twitter.
People underestimate the hormonal impact of diet. More than warning people about excessive soy intake I'd like to suggest men look more toward how they can eat to increase their T levels. Good testosterone levels are key to male health and we barely talk about it outside of jokes.
Also LOSE THE FAT. Fat stores on your body will suppress T and increase your production of estrogen. Exercise and muscle gain does the opposite.
This is shit it took me years to learn. Thanks to no father or father figure. There is an entire lost generation of boys who need to know this vital shit and there's nobody around to tell them.
every man instinctively knows how to use his body to fight
it's like how elk know to lock their horns up
some men are biologically weak and unable to really pull this off, but that's only because of modern medicine and a whole lot of indiscriminate mothers
Holy fuck
That guy looks exactly like me and even has the same clothes. This is the spookiest webm that gets posted.
Eat my brazillian soy you american faggots, we will effeminate all of you and then steal not only your women, but now your asses too
eat meat and vegetables
oh calm down hes only paralysed from the neck down
why do niggers have such a wide stance?
why do niggers keep their hands up but don't have them in front of their face?
why do niggers just swing wildly?
every time I watch a nigger fight, it's just two or more dudes flailing about until someone gets knocked out. that can't be how they actually see themselves when fighting, can it?
What do you think 'Roundup Ready Soybean' means you dunce? It means it's Monsanto's soybean that is genetically modified to be "ready" for their pesticide product called Roundup. This is literally GMO 101.
But I'm thankful you GMO shills are so aggressive with your shilling because it makes it very fucking obvious to your average person. I wonder what it feels like to go to sleep every night knowing you're a lowlife scum mouth breather shill who's only skills is copy pasting talking points to cover for genocidal maniacs who are poisoning humanity?
Make all of your own food from scratch
It's how monkeys fight.
People that practice fighting are gonna be better at it. People that grew up being active are naturally gonna be good at fighting. Those that play vidya are not.
Me on the right
Bummer, was kinda hoping his last moment was the sensation of eating knuckles for trying such a faggy throw, but he didn't even make it that far.
literally my story
but i am 30 now so only exercising doesnt skyrocket my T levels to face the next decades and off set all my mistakes
you cant really eat anything to boost your T contrarily to the damn Estrogen
>Beer/Dairy and ground beef have more estrogen than soy.
yes, and we've been consuming those levels for a long time, but now everything else has it, bread, butter, precooked plain white rice, everything.
we've exponentially increased the dosages over less than 50 years
Science proves that a single dose of 1ml of soy oil causes alpha men to become a hormonal train wreck and shoot menstrual blood out your ass.
>that guy broke his own neck, didn't he
Yeah, looks like it.
You cannot. Take a selective estrogen receptor modulator (a "SARM") to block estrogen and increase testosterone. Then eat whatever you want because you have defeated the soyjew.
of course, as with anything
but every real man has the tools, biologically
it's like when you played baseball and certain guys would throw like a girl would throw
THIS is the soyboy. it's just more fun to say than beta-male. but in terms of actual science and actual soy, it is flimsy. real, but flimsy.
By eating organic, and not eating boxed/frozen pre-made meals....
Cook your own meals from meats, vegetables, rice, noodles... Suddenly there's no soy in your diet.
>everything has it
soy lecithin is an emulsifier used in just about everything because soy is cheap to grow and a hard to kill.
you literally have to be a grocery store detective to find things that its not in.
>every single prepackaged bread, white, wheat, rye, all of it.
>almost all prepackaged pasta
>processed meats
>salad dressings, even vinegar and oil (soybean oil is substituted for olive oil)
>many other condiments
>breakfast cereals, granola bars, eggos poptarts, basically all breakfast items
>protein bars, protein shakes, protein powder and whey has a shitload of soy, often even when the packaging claims "soy free"
>most prepackaged stuff in the freezer section
also remember that "edamame" is renamed soybeans
things ive found without soy
>some types of corn chips, most salsa
>unprocessed poultry
(cooked poultry and other meats are mostly ok, however, sometimes they're cooked or fried in soy oil
>eggs and milk
>most cheeses
>juices and teas
>fresh produce
yeah, it's ridiculous how infested it is in the food chain
>However, if that's what happens when you switch entirely to soy,
the problem is the sum of the total exposure of endocrine disruptors which includes phytoestrogens and xeno estrogens
basically, the soy issue is a not insignificant part of a larger problem
Literally necked himself. Wish some shills followed suit.
t__d meme
you can get soy free vitamin E.
I had to go to a vitamin specialty shop though, couldnt find it in any of the box stores.
also its hard to find omega-3 without mixed tocopherals, you have to find the krill oil
>If you eat a little soy it isn't gonna hurt you.
no ones arguing that.
the problem is limiting exposure to products containing soy, which is becoming increasingly hard due to it being added to EVERYTHING