Just found out I'm trans AMA
Just found out I'm Transexual
So am I congrats life is hell
do you hab feminine benis xDDD
post boipucci xD xDDDDD
there, i've exhausted this thread's comic potential. you can fuck off now.
This is a shitpost, right? How do you just 'find out' you're trans? Unless you decide to be to fit in with the in-group
Hi sis
congrats bro
I asked my mom if I was trans and we went to a doctor yesterday and they said i am trans and should become a girl
Cut off your penis already then and get in the kitchen.
you people are babies, I am a transtransexual
In my mind I am a women who identifies as a man, and I am in a male body
Thanks you for this 0.5 sec of laugh, this is 0.5 sec more than this thread could ever give thanks you so much
do you plan on lookin like a man or woman?
and then are you ready to look like a dyke or fag instead?
Kill yourself
I identify as a girl user and I'm in my 30s but I look like a girl and found out i should become one. Super stoked!
>The thought process behind the realization?
I asked my mom and she helped me find a doctor yesterday and he said I should become a girl which I realized he was right and am transitioning soon, I dont have clothes yet and my hair is really short still
Vroom vroom
When do you plan on blowing your brains out?
>just found out
Fuck off, reddit.
why would i kill myself
I have a three inch clit. Four when I'm really happy.
I'm not one for all the Sup Forums conspiracy theories and this thread is 100% a shitpost, but this is an actual problem. People with run-off-the-mill depression or simply a few sad days are being told by (((doctors))) that they need to pay thousands of dollars for meds and to get their dick chopped off or they won't be happy.
Congrats! Is it a boy or a girl or something else?
are you saying everyone with depression is a transexual?
Because over 40% of people with that particular mental illness do.
Show flag, faggot. I can't tell if you're a leaf or kangaroo fucker.
>women and children first
Itsa mee, Marionne
Trans woman or trans man?
What does suicide caused by mental illness have to do with being trans?
This isn't even remotely politics. This is just the retarded ramblings of /tttt/.
holy shit hirojew just sell the site to somebody who cares if you hate us this much
The mental illness is being trans.
His statistics come from the fact that 40% of all trans people kill themselves.
When do you plan on getting a job at Starbucks and putting dog shit in wyppl coffee?
fuck off shitlord
have you heard of a concept called "co-morbidity"?
Your argument is essentially "Depression=Transexuality"
I've met depressed people who didn't find out there were trans. I'm pretty sure the two are unrelated states.
when are you killing yourself?
45% when?
tru trans confirmed
kill yourself?
40% kill themselves what do you mean unrelated.
You've fucked this entire board.
Again, 40% of transgenders kill themselves.
It's possible almost all transgender just happen to simultaneously be depressed, but that's incredibly unlikely.
My argument in "co-morbidity" is that transexuallality can't seem to exist without depression, but that depression can exist without transexuality. Like squares and rectangles.
not all depressed people are trans but all trans "people" are depressed
what the hell does squares and rectangles have to do with transexuality? Do you not see how you are drawing together all these unrelated ideas in a non sequentir argument?
No offense but you sound schizophrenic
For a man to love traps is not gay by any measure for traps embody the true form of feminine Beauty which suffers no constraint by any earthly gender but is rather fulfilled in all feminine bodies regardless of their biological origins. For example one might love and admire a statue of a woman but we would never call such a person a statue-lover for it is the form of the Female which is instantiated in the statue that this person admires likewise with traps. We see that there are some who love traps but despise overly-masculine bodies and for these people it is not proper to speak of them as being gay at all for the nature of gayness, if gayness were to exist is the love of a gender which is the same as yours. This love is something which has its timeless origin in the domain of Forms before it could ever become instantiated in the world of bodies. Therefore it is not gay to love traps for one loves not the earthly body of a young boy but a transcendent Woman-Beauty that is fundamentally female in nature and completely incorporeal.
When are you going to kill yourself?
40% of all transgenders kill themselves.
Get that through your thick skull.
>Have you thought about killing yourself yet?
You gotta do it to prove you're a tranny
whenever a lgbt flag slides on Sup Forums I go to their board and start shitposting dumb shit
in islamic countries it's all about gender roles.Fucking a trap is not gay, not even fucking a man. Because you are the one who does the fucking. You stay in the male penetrative role.
If you get fucked (even if a woman fucks you with a strapon) you become "female" because you get penetrated and THAT is what's gay.
Fucking men is not gay, being a faggot is (to them).
So the discussion if traps are gay can't be answered correctly because it depens on cultural background
>You've fucked this entire board.
The lifespan of any board that popossesses the Sup Forumsirari is always brilliant and short. Trap threads have always been the death knell.
Congrats OP.
I found out I'm a M1A2 Abrams Tank last month and have decided to enlist in the Army so I can drive around in my new tank body.
Is it wrong if I loved that game and I'm a 26 year old battle tank?
Great job MODS,
No need for a flag reveal now, leaf.