Trump can only "brag" about success in the stock market and "his" success doesn't nearly match the gains seen under the leadership of Obama.
>how do percentages work
I wish death on all reporters
You're going to get unironically reported to the authorities for that.
4d chess my man
cry more you pussy little bitch
Makes no sense
Reporter to the authorities for what?
>being illiterate
fucking lmao
It's all gonna crash horrendously.
Too much QE
Too much debt.
Note enough fundamental correction since 2008
>Obama takes office shortly after a recession
>economy rebounds
>Trump takes office well after recession recovery
>has already pulled off 21% in one year
And 21% on top of Obama’s 33%
Obama went from 9000 to 12000 trump went from 20,000 to 25000
This Thread is Painful
The reason The stock is going up now is because of trumps 15 trillion tax cut and his plains on putting higher taxes on material imports from China This is making large company's bring back work to America and also majorly increasing American steel /copper/ iron ect Also he is eliminating useless rules on building so it will be easier to build in America plus he has plains on building the Wall... My suggestion is this is only the begging in the stock market rise.
Thank You Donald Trump I Believed you and your coming through ten fold.
FU, Obama had no gains whatsoever to write home about. We know they fluffed all his stats to look better than it was.
Regression to the mean. Look it up. Obama did nothing.
Let me continue your thread
Corporate is just buying thier own stock to drive up the price. Manufacturing is never coming back to the States you fool, it will forever be cheaper in third world countries. Putting tariffs on imports just means business goes elsewhere, were not the only ones with money anymore.
>our industries will forever be permitted to outsource
>our CEOs will forever be permitted to move their wealth offshore
>there's nothing you can do about it, goyim
That's protected speech. He didn't say he was going to do it, or order someone else to do it, merely that he wishes it.
And by God's decree, all reporters will die.
Stating facts not ideals
>please don't try to upset the status quo, goyim
>this is how it will always be
>hurrr Ima gonna use the numbers after the biggest crash in the economy durrrr that relatrive change shows Ubumuuuu was great!!!!!!
I know! Bitcoin just dropped 8% its over bitcoin is too high for dumbshits like you that didn't invest months ago so suck on my ass
Why does no one mention this boost in the stock market does not really equal any kind of large scale jobs, return of domestic manufacture or guarantees for worker quality of life?