Why are people bitching about him annoying the Japs for a few days when Filthy Frank has been doing it in multiple countries for 5 years?
Why are people bitching about him annoying the Japs for a few days when Filthy Frank has been doing it in multiple...
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joji is soy enough
The Pauls are asshole prick bastards and anything they do is annoying
Joji is funny, this kid I'm not sure what he's famous for desu
Everything that fag does is twice as annoying as anything anyone else could ever do.
He's a scapegoat for all the cancerous shit that youtube has done and continous to do. People are sick of that whole youtuber thing and want to see blood. The hanging nip was just the trigger.
Cause faggots like you shill for this ape on Sup Forums.
This guy has much higher profile and there are lots of weebs who want to defend "muh japanese respect culture"
It's true that someone having a spastic fit in the middle of the street in the US isn't exactly news though
what's with that hair
Combs are hard
Because he is a reddit version of this guy
only his rap videos are good
Looks like his hair is about to be blown away any second
He also looks like a cherub
It's to hide the fact that's he's bald.
because, Frank wont back down or even acknowledge the commentary. The leftists must attack people who allow them to attack. does that make sense?
They have no power.
Being the dumbest white guy in America
Normally I would tell a baldcel to stop being a pussy and just shave it off, but Logan's career would be wrecked if his baldness were on display all the time.
Frank is Japanese
I like how filthy frank shits all over weeaboos and yet they can't do anything about it because he is Japanese
>joji is funny
Lol no
anyone here member of the LoGang? I love Logan
Then why don't we wreck it by spamming bald Logan memes?
Y'all aren't smart enough to understand performance art.
Just looks like a faggot round head to me
Be pretty odd for a hairline to recede like that
Filthy Frank is half jap first of all, and he was obnoxious but never in a "I'm a powerful internet celeb, I can do whatever I want" kind of way. Filthy Frank's shtick was that he was below everyone else, this guy's shtick is that he's above everyone else. I think that's why, but I never followed internet pop culture stuff so I dunno.
Frank is actually from japan
because frank is ironic
Frank and Logan need to collab to piss off the smelly weebs on this website
>it’s okay when joji does it because he’s ironic/japanese/laid back about it
That’s retarded. You’re retarded.
Frank is retired
Because people get mad if it's an alpha Chad doing something because these people always get held up to higher standards.
A thread died so you can post about this white nigger. Sage.
I never said I liked joji I just said that the conditions are different and therefore people interpret the actions differently.
He's the most Chad-looking person I've ever seen.
Also, if you don't think there's a difference between a native humiliating himself and a foreigner humiliating natives then I don't know why the fuck you're on Sup Forums in the first place.
The conditions don’t fucking matter if at the end of the day you’re just acting like an obnoxious cunt to the general public.
>it’s cool if the Japanese guy is racist and disrespectful towards the Japanese people because he’s Japanese!!!
Must be nice being 14.
Guess I'm the only one old enough to remember Tom Green in Japan.
That was before SJW culture took over
Everyone nowadays gets offended at everything and anything
>The conditions don’t fucking matter if at the end of the day you’re just acting like an obnoxious cunt to the general public.
Clearly they do if people are reacting to them differently.
>>it’s cool if the Japanese guy is racist and disrespectful towards the Japanese people because he’s Japanese!!!
Again, I don't like filthy frank. I don't like either of them.
Video was done in poor taste but all you have to do is not watch it. Maybe give it a dislike and move on. This moral outrage for internet points is cancerous and the truth is that other Youtubers are monetizing their reaction videos to Logan Pauls video. Kinda ironic.
There are 4 billion jelly gooks with internet access out there
Who's FAS baby?
joji is half japanese and doesnt film dead bodies
He is hapa.
Never heard of these guys till last week. Him throwing pokeballs and running around in the toga was actually fucking funny. Also like super annoying retards getting nailed to walls.
Logan's fan club is comprised of the worst types of children. That's why.
Nobody cares who this bogdannof is.
stop posting this shit.
Reminder this guy is an ashkenazic jew not White
no one cares about ur tripcode or ur reddit spacing
kys retard
>Filthy Frank
Hes actualy likeable
>no one cares about ur tripcode or ur reddit spacing
reddit doesn't use spacing like this.... that's a tired old shill line anyways.
and YOU seem to care about my tripcode white a bit, don't you, shill?
(You) must go back to plebbit
That fucking faggot is setting back relations and foreign reputation by years.
>(You) must go back to plebbit
I don't visit reddit, yo.
is that literally the only tactic you shills have left?
Are you with richard spencer?
Filthy frank honestly does make a good point. If you want people to like your stupid shut in shit maybe you shouldnt be a shut in
So that's why he combs it forward, always did look very thin haha baldy prick