Do you support foodstamps?
Do you support foodstamps?
How does foodstamps work?
pls explain to a non-american
Did you have a certain amount and you can use it for whatever you want or what
yeah you get a certain amount, and it was intended to just buy basic food necessities, but these days most food stamp recipients buy Doritos, and fine wines, and filet mignons and godiva chocolates with them. Basically, if you are not getting foodstamps, your getting cucked by the system.
food stamps means you get a certain number of dollars a month on a debit (EBT) card. They are restrictive on things you can buy though.
Food Stamps don't exist anymore; it's all EBT cards.
Basically, if you qualify due to low income and you're able to prove you cannot work, you can a credit card from the government that comes loaded with a direct deposited balance every month. You can then use that money to buy whatever you want.
It used to be limited to essential groceries like produce and meat and bread, but then people complained that they couldn't get chips and soda, so now there's no limit to whatyou can purchase with your EBT card.
Most black people use it to buy designer sneakers.
>Do you support foodstamps?
Well I fucking pay taxes so technically, yea, I do. Just not by choice.
Sure, Why not. I dont want people to starve to death. Especially children.
But there has to be restrictions. Shouldnt be used in a restaurant, to buy Tobacco, Gas, ect. Just food in a store..
private industry and federal gov't agreement on cheap and most times free food subsidies given to poor.
No you can't get whatever you want
No the food isn't good
No it's not more costly to tax payers than the funds used to pay Iran
I'm not opposed to it
And those on welfare shouldn't be able to vote
>Most black people use it to buy designer sneakers.
>t. Crypto nigger
So Trump shouldn't be in office, huh?
I support foodstamps but only when they're limited.
And lose it after 12 months
The illegal votes shouldn't have counted either
niggers used to be worthy
tell me, today, who in the hell would waste 1250 dollars on buying a nigger?
>pls explain to a non-american
Food stamps (and by extension, their replacement in the form of government issued EBT cards) were created in the 70s as a form of reparations for blacks. People can claim otherwise, but food stamps and welfare were pretty much created as a way to say "sorry" to black people and give them an alternative to working or contributing to the USA in any meaningful way. Section 8 housing, too.
You can't buy alcohol with food stamps numb nuts
No it creates dependency and is unnecessary in a country with obesity being the main health problem
More than enough private charity to help the true needy
All food stamps do is subsidize single mothers and the lazy/criminal
Well...its burger taxpayer money that doesnt go into israel, saudi, lgbt, feminist groups, isis...pockets so, until you stop funding them, yes. Like never. Go go food stamps ! The more the better ! Destroy the economy ! Accelerationism ftw
I buy Niggers' ebt balance for half the price... So that they can buy designer sneakers.
You aren't able to buy those with it, however things like energy drinks and soda are typically fine. Ironically you can buy less cost-efficient energy drinks from a cooler with EBT/SNAP but not the 4+ packs. Also that doesn't stop niggers for selling EBT for cash.
Yes. Just because you are poor doesn't mean that you should be forced to eat only bread and asparagus. I was homeless when I was 18, and then I used food stamps to get me back up. People are entitled to good food, and the occasional junk food.
It should have a better vetting system, but I don't think we should get rid of it entirely, or take junk/luxury food out of its coverage
I used to until I saw that fast food restaurants can accept EBT and food stamps. That pisses me off.
And 21% on top of Obama’s 33%
Obama went from 9000 to 12000 trump went from 20,000 to 25000
Yes I do and so does the Bible...Jesus took us that the poor would always be with us and to help them and the widows
>People are entitled to good food, and the occasional junk food
Unironically kill yourself
>The alleged (and this is the highest number i've ever heard from you idiots) 5 MILLION illegal votes for Clinton
>The factual, proven, 12 million welfare and ACA participants votes for Trump
Math that and tell me which one is bigger. Ohhhhh
>People are entitled to junk food
Ah, I see why our country is so fat and worthless, now: People who think the way you do.
I prefer minimum guaranteed income. Cheaper to run.
>Jesus meant for an authoritative state to steal from people rather than people giving out of the goodness of their hearts
Fuck off nigger.
How it works if you try to buy alcohol or else that is not food? How come they can buy shoes and else?
so what buying a box of chocolates should be crime...they are poor what part of being poor dont you understand
Well women shouldn't be able to vote either.
And assuming you are opposed to them buying designer sneakers, why do you support it
what happen to common sense you asswipe
19th amemdment was a massive mistake.
So was the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 21st.
Where did the money come from? How does the gov. mantain this welfare? If taxes then I would be 100% against. Why should you pay so people who don't even work have free food. Fuck them.
>that the poor would always be with us
Did he mean spiritually poor or materially poor?
No I dont it could be money spent on keeping best ally safe from muslims, they need more MOABs
>go to welfare office
>prove your low income and no assets
>get what looks like credit card in mail
>can buy anything at a supermarket that has calories sans alcohol
Nig version
>get card in mail
>sell card for 25% what it is worth, recieve cash
>buy drugs
Thats against the law and you should be reported for stealing from the government and taking advance of poor people
>it's common sense to create a gov powerful enough to take what you worked for and give it away as they see fit
Checks out
You can't buy shoes with SNAP. The stores mark items in their system with identifiers whether it's covered by food stamps or not. When you would check out and swipe the card it would only take out the balance of those items, leaving the rest non-grocery to be paid. IIRC at Walmart if you look at the right margin of a receipt anything marked with F and something else are eligible, while X and N are not.
they can't buy food or alcohol or cigarettes. I think you couldn't buy prepared (hot) food either. I think now you can if it's served at a counter at the grocery store i.e. not a restaurant.
There is however a black market trade in cards at about .50 on the dollar. then you can get the things that they won't buy. Mind you It's not a ton of money every month. it depends on how many dependents you have. I knew a guy got a couple hundred as a single man. I've never actually had them just know how they work.
income taxes
As a replacement of regular welfare and only exchangeable for actual food: yes.
I support death squads
both look at the Book of Acts when the Church was first starting out...
That's it. That's why everyone hates it.
Fast food does not take subway. The only thing close is cold deli foods and cold pizza from Papa Murphy's that take home and prepare yourself.
Well I personally never came across an adidas store accepting EBT's so I think you're assuming the information given to you on this image board (like niggers buy designer sneakers with food stamps) is factual when it isn't.
>If taxes
>then I would be 100% against.
Most people who pay taxes aren't a fan of it. Illegal immigrants can also get EBT cards from the government; they aren't even citizens. That's the main reason why we have so many Mexicans flooding our country; they know they just have to make it to California and they can get an EBT card, which alone is enough to improve their quality of life than what they had in Mexico.
The legal citizens who pay taxes then foot the bill so all the illegal Mexicans can sit around getting fat and doing nothing. That's what a "Sanctuary State" is, if you've been hearing that term recently. And no, no one will do anything about it because welfare/EBT are primarily used by minorities, and taking something away from minorities would be "racist".
>Fuck them
Kek was never so wrong. People don’t always choose to be poor. How can humans not care for each other?
im looking at your flag and you are a retard...helping the poor is not about race, creed or color
>leafs with cuck attitude
Color me surprised
And yet it's still a better use of taxpayer's money.
Yes you can buy hot foods now with food stamps, I'm not sure on the specific limitations however.
It's highly abused. Basic income would be a better way of doing things, that way no one is subsidizing the lazy and unemployed.
>helping the poor is not about race, creed or color
I agree. Fuck if your solution is to use for to steal from people, then you can fuck off and die.
This goes many ways
1. Nigger women state that they work as "maids" or some shit and fake thier income for the foodstamps and don't work a day in thier life
2. Niggers use other niggers ebt card and they pay them cash and with that cash they buy the yeezys or whatever nigger shoes are out there
3. Niggers know that one ebt ghetto store that takes ebt. The clerk puts in something like 200.00 and the clerk takes a cut and gives cash to the nigger.
Etc. Many other ways. Niggers shouldn't be allowed to have ebt. Only poor white people. Even then it should only be limited to 6 months max until you get a proper job.
How about that but mandatory community service? Pick up trash 10 hours a week with other people and a supervisor to collect your check. Transportation provided.
Naap. I have seen the big neon signs visiting LA accepting EBT at Jack in the Box, KFC, and fucking In 'n Out.
>inb4 hurr durr California
California is a massive disease whose symptoms always spread. There will be hell if it spreads to Idaho, where I live.
>Illegal immigrants can also get EBT cards from the government; they aren't even citizens. That's the main reason why we have so many Mexicans flooding our country; they know they just have to make it to California and they can get an EBT card, which alone is enough to improve their quality of life than what they had in Mexico.
you people are dumb pretty much your consensus is "taxes go to support poor. therefore I no like" but I'm like..... Israel
Then you have to hire people to manage them and deal with all the bullshit that comes with running a below minimum wage workforce
I thought you're capitalists and this is one of the most disgusting forms of socialism I've ever seen/
No, families on public assistance should have to report to the USDA to receive staple, surplus commodities.
It should not be a luxury.
Of course I do, every fascist supports social welfare. Socialism is like guns, the gun is not the problem, the person wielding it is. In this case bloated beauracracy and a system designed to trap people into poverty rather than lifting them out. Why work or try, when pumping out a kid and living on the county pays better than both people in a couple working full at minimum wage jobs?
Thanks, I was wondering how it was working and it seems everything is in their systems, F and X . Good to know it is really limited about what type of food is eligible and what should be or not? Seems to be working
Care =\= Providing with taxes
That's why red states as always trying to get rid of it
Starving people revolt, fed are too fat
Its also a subsidy to farmers, so if youre okay with hurting them.
>implying I want to support Israel with my taxes
I just wanted roads, man.
Isn't what Germany had under National Socialism? Welfare = some work for the state.
That's how they made the Autobahn, right? There was no free welfare
Bless those that need a blessing and let God worry about how they use this resources...
>I thought you're capitalists and this is one of the most disgusting forms of socialism I've ever seen
Welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing and most other forms of government provided, tax-paid "gibmedats" were pushed during Liberal administrations. Liberals are essentially Socialists, yes, and push for Socialist policies whenever they're in power.
Noice trips
The fat cat 1%ers pay for it
The middle income familes barely cover the resources they consume
Just give the supervisor like 10% more than the others and outfit him with a camera to make sure he isn't slacking.
How much do they get a month ?
That's capitalism for you, kid.
If you're poor you still have the tools to be someone in life and make a living out of it.
There are plenty of examples of poor people who ended up millionary with nothing but their brains.
In any case, welfare only work in a ethnic state.
That's still not the same as
>fucking just take shit from whoever you think has too much and dole it out as you want
How do they pay for bills and a car. You need transport and the internet to find a job.
funny thing was the first edit was "until your roads start getting fucked up"
>when Juan needs to shut it down
>Liberals are essentially socialists
That was the apostles though not JC.
If I remember correct.
No. I could apply for them and get them if I wanted but me being poor isn't my fault and it would be morally wrong for me to demand others have some of their money confiscated by the state to be given to me. People help me when I need it out of the goodness of their hearts just like I help when I can, but I would rather die than be an immoral man. One day I'll get out of this spot but it will be because I did it, no one else.
Have you ever worked with a black female before? Almost nothing would get accomplished and you'd just be wasting the time of people that would have to supervise them.
It's not really limited, at least at large retailers like Walmart. Pretty much anything edible and non-medical can be bought with SNAP, the energy drink packs were an exception. I think that's because in a cooler as an individual can it's sold as a drink while a pack is classified as a "supplement" so shit like SlimFast isn't able to be bought either.
>Isn't what Germany had under National Socialism? Welfare = some work for the state.
No idea. I just don't like the idea of minimum guaranteed income no strings attached.
Yes, for a limited supply of items like Rice, milk, cereal, bottled water, fresh fruits, vegetables, etc...
Yes with severe restrictions on what foods can be purchased. I know money is fungible to parasites but it would make me feel a lot better about paying for these handouts.
>You need transport and the internet to find a job.
Illegals will literally stand in front of a hardware store and wait for some one to hire them for the day
>How much do they get a month ?
It depends on how much they can "prove" that they need. Have you heard of the term "welfare queen"? Black women will continuously shit out children because the easiest way to get an increase on your EBT card is to have more kids. You can't work because you're a single mother who has to stay at home and take care of your children and you need money to cover all their expenses.
Spoiler alert: They don't do shit to raise, feed or clothe their kids which is why most black people grow up to be criminals or just stupid drains on society.
At what, 2 usd a day?
When I had EBT I mostly used it to buy groceries for my grandmother and mom but I also occasionally would buy limes and sparkling water.
>has permanently stunted health and growth, affects cognitive abilities for the rest of his life