All are equal

All are equal

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Pick one

Me too

Black people, disabled people, retarded people, and ugly people are all equal?

Really made me think.

Three of them are obviously retarded but what's wrong with the one on the far right?

Kill, marry, fuck, impregnate.

Equally displaced by sexbots.

A nigger, a cripple, a potato, and a woman.

I disagree.

Well leaf if you didn't know yet then being White is wrong

>Among physically and mentally disabled
The left inadvertently said being black was a disability.

I really want fuck that cripple. Or the one on the far right.

Right. all are getting gassed equally.

The one on the right is unironically making my dick diamonds
what am I missing?

so niggers are equal to actual retards and cripples?
seems about right

Absolute equality is an ideological myth.

Demonstrably false

maybe its a dude?

In the eyes of God, yes

Good taste.

You do realize that these campaings tell you to TREAT the equally (with dignity and respect etc) despite them not being the same right?

Only the weak preach equality

It's funny when the retard isn't the dumbest one in the picture. You know she's thinking "FANKS MIGGER"

Equally going to the oven.

It's not about looks,intelligence, or physical appearance.
fair and equal treatment of others
Why can't you understand that?

Blobert Downey Poonior got some big floppy titties, famalam.

to what?

They all have the same god-given rights.

This is the only sense in which they are equal and should only be the way in which they are equal.

Liberal utopia: a society of passionless robots in which everyone is exactly equal in every measurable quality...forever.

Keep us divided so we don't pay attention to the real satanic baby eating Adrenochrome addicted elites

Would bone 2 and 4. 1 if I were blackout wasted just cause jungle fever.


WTF is Adrenochrome

Probably the hottest potato I've seen. Would bang from behind

Objectively untrue.

Equal in spirit.
Glorifying physical illness contradicts spiritual equality.

There is no one more inferior then those demanding to be equal.


>pls nerf white folk.

I am so glad i am not the only one who saw it


i agree, they're all equally unattractive

>tfw you'll never have a qt blind gf who will touch your face with her delicate hands
>tfw you will never have a qt gf in a wheelchair and walk twice as much just for her
>tfw you will never have a qt deaf gf that will teach you sign language
why even live

God that crip is cute, I don't care what kind of horror show she's got going on down there

>comparing negroes to actual diseases

kek, niggers confirmed for disabled.

Would fugg wheelchair girl desu senpai

>All are equal
Except the downy, the nigger and the crippled.

Good and evil aren’t equal.

The one on the right seems normal

Only to God motherfucker.

All human life is equally valuable and important.