Aesthetically, it's of course the Swedes, but what about in terms of ability to achieve? Southern English? Southern Germanics? North Italians? Some area of the Benelux? Still Swedes?
Only areas in pic related are up for debate, and even then Southern Italians shouldn't be on there - I'm just too lazy to edit it out.
For me, it's between the Southern English and the Southern Germanics.
Christopher Gray
This may be controversial and I may be met with a smidge of pushback, but I would propose that America is a beacon of whiteness (and freedom) that stands alone among the countries of the world.
Jonathan Hall
Euromutts don't count, but Boston Brahmins are arguably a more refined population than Southern Anglos.
Luis Scott
regional triangle lyon-milano-stuttgart
Evan King
If all the ultimate whites come from Western Europe, I'm 100% pure white.
Elijah Adams
So, basically the Swiss?
Jacob Carter
>"let me tell you what countrys are white"
Adam Wright
>swedish >white
top kek
Ian Brooks
The Greeks of course, they're the ultimate IndoEuropeans, the rest is b-class lieutenants.
Jaxson Taylor
show flag then.
>Bergjuden/Hill-Jews no.
Lucas Edwards
N1c1 haplogroup is literally the definition and origin of white people if you arent from the baltic sea region then I am sorry - not white
Oliver Long
French people are the only good human beings on this earth
Charles Butler
So, Samis were the first whites?
Luke Phillips
Chase Cooper
Then why did you let all those Africans into Europe?
Levi Fisher
My ancestor!
Carson Turner
fuck you. you are hurting my feeling. i thought we were Enemies fo ever n sheit
Aiden Wood
Depends on what you need really; Work ethic etc :germanic Creativity/Inventiveness: celtic Cannon fodder/slav(e) labour: slavs cuckold porn actors: nordic
Asher Jones
Poland is white you inbred muhammadan
Nicholas Anderson
I'm Northern Italian, French, German, Dutch & Anglo. I'm only a 3rd Generation American, dude.
Daniel King
The Baltic states are out for consideration, not a hope.
William Smith
Cheaper labor.
Carter Nguyen
the ones that will go extinct first
Camden Diaz
spending some time on Sup Forums made me despise whites, don't ever associate us north Italians/Tuscans with you rabble
Christopher Ortiz
That's what the Americans said, and now look at them
Ian Bennett
My descendant!
Anthony Howard
Fuck off.
David Evans
Agreed. Europeans are secondary whites. Only American whites are Alpha Whites.
Luis Young
I am american with blonde hair and light gray eyes. My ancestors are french and german and dutch. Most people I know of here in america are of similar ancestry.
Nathaniel Howard
Nords are literal muts.They are heavily mixed with non white/european admixture
Lucas Lee
Some serious discourse please, would be good for once Sup Forums
If you were the chief of a eugenics program after the Nazis had occupied all of Europe, which population would you choose to population the Lebensraum? (Forget the German Nordicist bias of the Nazis, though don't exclude Germans/Nordics)
Samuel Sanchez
Only Italians are humans. The rest is filth.
Parker Nelson
La creatura
Samuel Gray
>your picture >was around 2008 Holy fuck, good times. I remember the old days when you went out clubbing and there were no immigrants, only extremely few and everybody ignored them. No feminists either.
2008 was 10 years ago but so much have changed. I hope it will get better now.
David Myers
Heavily? Also, the original Aryans had way more East Asian admix...
Samuel Lewis
> If you were the chief of a eugenics program after the Nazis had occupied all of Europe, which population would you choose to population the Lebensraum?
OK, serious discussion. I would pick only Americans to populate the Lebensraum.
Connor James
Topkek, i love you Danish faggots. sorry for Schleswig-Holstein Thingy btw ;-)
Benjamin Williams
Why are Swedes so cucked? Is it genetically related to your low sexual dimorphism? Also, no offence, but you guys seem to have less vibrant brains - imo that's why you guys are so clean and your art so modern.
Jason Thomas
WASP used to differentiate from dirty Catholics Rh- blood used to differentiate from mixed monkey DNA Rh+ We can play this game until only people left are the inbread royal family.
Kayden Baker
If I wanted to be honest, maybe my great grandfather should've stayed in Northern Italy.
Adrian Diaz
Nathan Martinez
Parker Evans
>I hope it will get better now it won't
Oliver Ross
>OK, serious discussion. I would pick only Americans to populate the Lebensraum.
>OK, serious discussion.
Do you even Rassenlehre, Slowenia?
Oliver Carter
That's true, but you also see there's limits - you have to distinguish at some point between Whites, and even within W. Europe, as there is quite large variation.
Jace Wood
German, who would you pick?
Michael Wilson
Talking about south england without including northern France. Anglos have good genes in the south only because the french fucked all their wifes and now they are frenchies.
>My DNA test from northern french ancestry gave me 60% anglo cause the anglos have the same genes
Andrew Torres
If you have more than 10-20% you are heavily mixed.So Nords are the most mixed Europeans
>also East Asian admixture >aryan It's literall mongoloid mix top kek
Elijah Rivera
Swedes are barely Germanic, Poland has the same amount of German genes as them
Mason Anderson
In typical American fashion I'm going to have to go with the American's of the 13 colonies. But if you are talking about nations with pure euro blood, I'll have to go with British until they were defeated by the same 13 Colonies.
Dominic Ortiz
The Normans basically left any genetic imprint you mong, and they weren't even truly French.
Jeremiah Taylor
>uk included >im too lazy to edit it out
Cooper Harris
*left no genetic imprint
Joshua Nelson
Gibs me those € and i promise, i`ll breed. Baltics will rise once again.
Lincoln Butler
He probably means """Aryans""" in Iran and India
Christopher Collins
Ireland is definitely out of consideration too :) You're such a fucking troll, don't even get me triggered
Ryan Lewis
You see the 20% normans, im not talking about them im talking about the real French that invaded england 1000 years ago.
Dominic Jenkins
Not sure which invasion you're talking about if you're not referring to the Normans.
Jack Watson
Elites wants us divided and to blame each other. We need to go after the inbread royals that is the source of all the worlds problems. Peasants Unite!!
Kayden Kelly
Fucking hell how are sliders so adept, WHO ARE THE ULTIMATE WHITE PEOPLE?
Lucas Perez
Jaxon Rodriguez
Nicholas Garcia
Tier1 Germans, Italians Tier2 French
Tier dogtrash angloshit. Die scum.
Levi Turner
Yes but they're immoral and unartistic.
John Nelson
>ability to achieve?
glory? so that's us.
Nolan Russell
>ill stay irrelevant on my island thank you
Owen Reyes
if the anglos arentcucks then how come my genes are mistaken to be anglo genes lmao.
>French invasions
Robert Walker
Charles Babbage = English Konrad Zuse = German John Vincent Atanasoff = Bulgarian/French/Irish Alan Turing = English Tim Berners-Lee = English John von Newman = Hungarian/Jewish Herman Hollerith = German
The vast majority of computer inventors were "American" so their ethnicity is not easily discernible. However, they look some combination of English/Irish/German
Owen Ward
You guys love them why is there a road in Tel Aviv called Rothschild
Brayden Taylor
Protestants should not be divided by threads like this
Jason Evans
We have high IQs and have survived thousands of years of people trying to destroy us,basically superior.
Thomas Jackson
Italians are good people. always care for the Family first. >inb4 Mobster i rather have the Mafia in my country than fucking Niggers, Mudslims and rapefugees.
You Bongs, some of my beloved/Hated Frenchies, couple of Austrians,Germans, Polacks with pure Genes and Czechs without Slav Ancestors.
Ian Jenkins
Oh btw, I think you should have the whole island. Irish is definitely out of consideration. Also, this is partly because of England and Germany's high populations, and their top institutions.
Angel Russell
best worst ally
John Edwards
Germans are the heart of Europe, but every time they chimp out they screw up everything.
Adrian Bailey
In terms of ability to achieve Northern Italians, Germans, Brits and Austrians, just think about the scientific discoveries throughout the centuries and all the technological advancement these countries brought.
Carson Lee
It's the Swedes! Our compassion never runs out!
Elijah Morris
Yes, I agree, you guys are the smartest on the planet. But no Beethovens or Rembrandts, plus you have a history of fucking peasants through usury. If you ignore the Renaissance and classical music, Northern Italy falls away.
Joshua Morris
Balts are literally the whitest though, doesn’t matter how much you dislike them
Adam Collins
English and Scots have always punched above their weight. Southern English especially I suppose. Dutch to. t. Ulsterman
Tyler Watson
Financial capital is Tel Aviv spiritual capital is Jerusalem. We just moved our embassy F you NWO
Sebastian Gray
come home
Robert Hernandez
A question to ask you - would you say Swedes are more obedient/less able to think critically and independently? Yes but like the Irish, they (at least phenotypically) heavily resemble hunter-gatherers, and historically have been relatively primitive.
Jeremiah Williams
this is what I don't get, you already had the eastern church that doesn't recognize the pope and allowed translating the bible to other languages (mind you latin isn't even the original) and you guys made a third church just so you could translate the bible and not recognize the pope?
William Rodriguez
>finland white
nice try eternal anglo
Lucas Flores
you mixed up the tier1 with the 2
Connor Jenkins
Jace Cooper
the only white country you mentioned is netherlands
>Aesthetically, it's of course the Swedes Depends on gender
Matthew Campbell
I didn't know until a few years ago there's such a widespread hate for them and focused on the bright side, which any lowbrow pleb can dismiss and shout YOU ARE BLUE BLUEEE
Jack Gomez
If you're going by pure aesthetics, then Northern Europe. If you're going by accomplishments, then Portugal to Greece. The Mediterranean is the master race.
England, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, France. If you didn't explore the world and had colonies, then you are a beta country.
Brayden Myers
Nice D&C thread, chink.
Landon Brown
"850 Nobel Prizes awarded. 20% were Jewish or people of Jewish descent, although Jews are less than 0.2% of the world's population. People of Jewish background have won 28% of the Nobel prizes in medicine and 26% of the ones in physics."
Cameron Fisher
Okay this isn't getting anywhere, so between the Southern English, Dutch, and Southern Germanics, who wins?
Kevin Ortiz
>N1c1 haplogroup is literally the definition and origin of white people
"Blond hair appears to have originated among Mesolithic Northeast Europeans, and is therefore be more common in populations with high levels of (Baltic, Slavic and Germanic) R1a."
you forgot the best thing,no smartphones. People were much more natural and relaxed without them,especially girls.
Jeremiah Sanders
Eh some people just like to stick to themselves. The Spanish empire was so bad that its 10x better not to have an empire than to have an empire of subhuman mongrels