Scientists have proven that Oriental people are the most intelligent. They even have larger brains than the other races.
When they wake up from their passive slumbers and realize that they can be the only true heirs of Darwins predictions of racial apocalypse how will you deal with the death ray from the east?
They're smart enough to preserve culture that isn't their own. >White people will be kept as a treasure >The rest...
Brody Young
Cooper Anderson
This thread again. Do you really think that China even has a fucking chance against the US one on one? They don't even have joint command, their military is corrupt as fuck, their training is limited, physically inferior, shittily equipped, and have barely any bases outside of China and its coast. Meanwhile the US has 800 bases globally and a far more impressive arsenal, that is being phased out by improved variants. China is having enough trouble right now as it is, preventing fucking wide spread famine. They literally had a campaign across the entire country that was glorifying potatoes because their crop yield, and ability to grow in shitty soil/etc. And don't even think that all the East Asian countries would unite under one banner to stomp out "inferior whites," they quite literally hate the fuck out of each other and have racial slurs for each other. In a nutshell: Jungle Asians fucking hate the shit out of island and city Asians. The US has better equipped and far more numerous allies.
To be fair, it'd be a long and costly war because the Chinese soldiers would be blades of grass to a US lawnmower, except that field of grass would be fucking massive.
Interesting how that's the most common in South Scandinavia and then in eastern France of all places. Should I really trust Eupedia?
Josiah Bennett
Ha ha! Like an ape you see the future as a continuation of the past. There won't be any war. People will just start dying in America in huge numbers from a complex and undecipherable virus.
Jaxson Gomez
I think these threads are a new form of despair/concern shilling tactic being pushed by our enemies.
The White race is currently being fucked from all sides by degenerative (((parasites))) who are exploiting and suppressing us whole-sale. We are not at our strongest by any means.
If anything we are actually in a similar situation to where China was during under their last Dynasty before the CCP took over. A massive but cowardly, demoralized, and docile ethnic majority (Han, Europeans) being ruled over by a small class of parasites (Mandarins, Jews).
We need to be reforged in blood, and our biologically defective soyboys and nigger infestations need to be eradicated.
Austin Walker
The same thing will also happen in China then too, chinkboi.
The US has a massive arsenal of biological weapon, many of them race specific.
>The US has a massive arsenal of biological weapon, many of them race specific.
But the fact of the matter is old boy you won't be able to create a biological weapon as complex as one created by Orientals simply because they have higher IQs.
I don't see what's so hard to understand.
Lucas Walker
>none of them race specific.*
Thomas Anderson
lol, no. tasians might be a marginally more intelligent in visuospatial thinking, but not much else. ashkenazi jews are the only race that lords over all of man.
Jason Long
Should we create an euroasian hybrid master race to rule over all mankind? Gibe japanese qt for procreation please.
yes. the future is hapa. dont believe eurasian tiger's antihapa propaganda. wmaf and amwf is in accordance to the breeding laws.
If you look like a typical dane, you'll have no problems with qt nip girls.
Nicholas Foster
Arab and sephardic jews arent so bright.
Charles Price
either one of two things is going on, or both:
1)IQ tests don't test other more important factors
2)Orientals are cheating on the tests out of pride. You telling me Red China allows Western fags to tell them how to take random samples of kids? Japan? I don't think so.
I sorta believe India would allow Western researcher to go around unfettered, with is why India also has some high score individuals but averages about 80 something.
Look at the vast majority of Chinese peasants and tell me they score higher than Germans and Nordics.
Isaiah Kelly
Even the Japs only produce good stuff out of sheer effort.
Sure they make Walkmans, superbike crotch rockets, bullet trains, good cars, etc but all the underlying tech was created by The White Man.
I hear all the Jap tech giants have mostly Euro engineers hidden away at the top levels for the tricky shit, like finer points of engine design and electronics.
Alexander Wood
>I hear all the Jap tech giants have mostly Euro engineers hidden away at the top levels for the tricky shit, like finer points of engine design and electronics. this. my dad works at nintendo
David Kelly
Andrew Adams
They are also collectivist conformists and that offsets most of their advantages.