Before Sup Forums hates Houki

Before Sup Forums hates Houki
Now Sup Forums loves Houki
Im so glad for this

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Nope. Houki is still worst girl.


>Houki worst girl
Obviously is laura the worst girl, Faggot

Laura is best!

Fuck off, ESL faggot.

>Now Sup Forums still hates Houki
Cecilia best girl.

Laucrap Sucks!!!
Fuck you/off Sup Forumsutistic shit

She has luck not be the worst girl because laura is the worst girl

Houki is okay.

I wrote a script that renamed all my image macro folder files to tumblr format to trigger artists like you.

After extensive research in collaboration with TokyoU and the Denver Broncos, Harvard University has finally published the indisputable and objective Best Girl rankings for Infinite Stratos.

Chifuyu > Tatenashi > Laura > Cecilia > Nohohon > Maya > Charlotte > Kanzashi > Fan Rin > [POWER GAP] > Houki

If you disagree, you're going against the brightest minds in the world.

>Now Sup Forums loves Houki


heck no

Houki was always the best.

>liking cheapfuyu
Your taste is shit.

Charlotte has no business being that low and deserves at least a 2 point increase in the rankings. But otherwise I agree.

I still don't like her much.

Houki has the right to kill you bastard faggot