Lolicons are for _____
Lolicons are for _____
Other urls found in this thread:
Loving lolis.
Being perfectly sane.
The name of the manga is in the picture.
I just assumed that was a description and not the title sorry it's not exactly the most creative title
Sick retards
being locked in a place that has never and will never have lolis of any kind.
Over the line
No way fag, it's fitting for lolicon losers.
Rape by 40 year old milfs with 100+ cm breasts.
Buying a Prius
Volume finished fucking never.
Presidency. Some things need to be legalized.
Death sentence
Lolidom is the only form of lolicon that isn't utter shit, and even that's questionable.
But what if the police are lolis?
Then it comes down to the age old questions:
How many Lolis could you take on in a fight?
swarming with lolis
Nothing in the bible against that.
Jesus was a cool dude.
Outing and murdering.
Fully grown women who still look like little girls
Of course it's an attack on titan thread.
>normalfags freak out at a dollfucker
Is this their first year using websites other than Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Reddit?
I've been looking for that gif, cheers.
Eat a dick, I like it.
The guys an actual pedo, not just a doll fucker. He treats it like his daughter, buys it clothes, reads to it etc
It's a whole rabbit hole you can look into if you want, but he tried to pay a namefag to have his child etc etc
Blogs and blogs worth of content. Lolicons are pedos. Death to both.
>It's a whole rabbit hole you can look into if you want
You gotta realize theres not a rabbit hole for everyone. If you really wana say that might as well say it works for weed, drugs. even Anime which spawns NEETdom
Theres a huge thing people don't get, would you rather have them look at a fake drawing and a doll? Or have them touch real children you can't just kill them because they havent done anything wrong lawfully. Because if we can might as well just scoop up all the niggers in the ghettos because one of em sold drugs.
At least he was using the doll instead of real little girls.
The doll is pretty cute
>normalfags getting mad at what other people do in the privacy of their own houses
You have to go back to facebook.
>death to all lolicons and pedos
more like the Daily Mail comment section
loving lolis.
I wish I was a loli with lots of disgusting otaku wanting to do lewd things to me.
My opinions on it are shallow. I don't like people that are wired that way and I think they should kill themselves.
As for blacks etc I couldn't care less.
True, but I would prefer it if people like that didn't exist.
>The doll is pretty cute
It's scary looking. Dead eyes you know?
Go pretend to be a soccermom somewhere else.
>I don't like people that are wired that way and I think they should kill themselves.
Congratulations, you've found out the reason homosexuals were oppressed.
being bros
I think you should kill yourself.
Eat two dicks.
Not the same.
Does anyone's heart beat faster when they see this?
wew, earning hypocrisy points fast I see.
Are you gay or a tranny?
Yes, Rin a sexy, cute and deserves happiness.
It literally is though. "these people think something I don't like, so they should be killed".
big bro is waifu material
Gays want to fuck guys.
Pedos and Lcons want to fuck children.
There's no problem with hating the latter.
She also has the best butt of the three girls.
>still giving (You)s to an obvious shitposter
I feel that way when I look at the loliball bunny figs. My biggest regret is not buying any of them.
I would kill myself, but I have a family, you know? I'd cause less pain in the world by being a flat-out rapist than I would by making my parents lose their only child. Shitposting about lolis on this vietnamese buffalo farming site is how I cope.
I'll stop blogposting now
Only out of fear that someone will see it through my window or something
It was a pleasant surprise for my penis when that tank got translated.
If you're for real, do you not hate yourself? Seriously, I couldn't live with that sort of thing.
People who like money are potential bank robbers.
>wake up
>see this
What do?
Still not the same.
Marry all of them.
So, in your opinion, it's okay to kill people who think things you don't like?
Why does her butt look all squishy and flabby? It was not like that in the manga or anime!
Hate myself for what? I haven't hurt anyone. If anything, I hate society in general. It's not a rational hate, but I know that I can't fit in no matter what I do, so I can't help but hate it.
She got older, but only her but grew.
Praise henreader and submit
What do you mean? I thought Rin was a loli?
Now that's a boring loli thread. You people give too much credit for the normalfag, he already admitted being a shallow person and not caring about reason, he just hates what he hates.
By the end of the manga she grows older and ends up together with the sensei. But even after the time skip she's still loli-sized.
OK, so then why does her butt look so bad in that image? It's drawn by Wayashiya.
Do lewd things with the qts.
I don't know. but Rin is inspired by Watashiya herself, maybe that's just how it went for her, she got trough puberty and got a fat butt.
On the internet you don't argue with someone to convince them, you argue to convince anyone watching.
It's okay if they want to ruin the lives of children.
For being that way. I don't know how you can look at a child and find it arousing without feeling repellent.
I know that's a popular theory, but has she ever said anything to that effect?
Orgasm as they stomp on my penis.
But I don't, and I don't think anyone here wants to either. I have no idea why you would think anyone wants that.
Are you fucking insane? Her butt is, like, tiny! Where do you see the booty flab?
So this conversation has no place here, with fictional characters and people that find then attractive.
Somebody kill me already.
If kids get you off, fuck you. That's all, I'm out.
Do it yourself, and take the normalfag in this thread together with you.
>anons get triggered over a fucking lifeless doll
This is a good way to out newfags. I bet they react the same way towards Dakimakura Pillows.
It's fat just in comparison to how it was before the timeskip, heh.
We don't like 3DPD over here.
>take the normalfag in this thread together with you
OK. Do you have a pic of pre-timeskip Rin then?
Also, I ask again. How does it look fat?
I don't have any, but just check the initial chapters of the manga.
Don't forget to kill yourself.
I can see you're avoiding my question.
Don't just go around calling her butt fat when it's tiny.
What about loli oni?
Sagiri is the cutest, bestest loli this season.
Getting mugged