Where does Sup Forums stand on us Dutchies??
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You guys are alright. Kind of quiet and weird but tall, white, and usually good athletes. Also very religious and conservative. Super tight nit communities and very proud of being Dutch.
I live in an area of the united states where it's predominately Dutch. The most "Dutch" area in the U.S (Northwest Iowa)
Really nice people
>Also very religious and conservative
A-user, !...
Here they're. Probably why a lot of them immigrated from Europe.
also youtube.com
inb4 fuking normie
>Here they're.
Here they're what?
We're whiter than you, muhammed.
bunch of bilderberger nwo rule the world subverters hiding behind a tulip dealing business and legeal weed.
Fucking bike riding terrorists. Red light means stop you utter faggots.
>French flag
>"Holland is die geilste stadt der welt"
This will surely trigger some Dutch fags
He's talking about farmers: they are.
For example in America most shops are open on Sundays, in must Dutch villages Christians completely freak out if one shop wants to open.
In some Dutch villages you can't even get a parking ticket on Sundays.
I want Adidas clogs now
You have a neat tulip bond with Canada. But you can probably stop now, all the imported new Canadians don't know what it means.
the hollandese empire was pretty jewy
Its true - we fear the samurai
I don't think I've ever seen a Dutch poster participating in a Sup Forums debate seriously, they are always bantering or trolling, makes me wonder if its something about their culture or maybe its sample bias.
Dutch(Moroccans) enter Sup Forums debates all the time.
its the weed, the butthurt ones are foreigners, pretty useless flag overall tbqhfam
English(Pakistani) are probably the funniest posters
Honestly I think ethnic dutch have the one of the best genetic of Europe.
You'd have to browse the pedo threads regularly to know that.
Why the hate for Poland?
Poland is doing quite fine at the moment, redirect your bigotry towards other countries pls
Had a student exchange when I was 14. The first thing they teached me was a racist line "Red, white, blue, this country is not for you" (but in durch ofc) and they forced me to say it to a black person.
Funny people, hot girls, love their hardcore techno scene.
Go back to your country mohamed.
I like the dutch..always friendly..had never any problems with them
Could be better but eh look around at all the shit everywhere, in comparison we're off really well.
Shame whats his face didnt win.
Otherwise, I'd love it visit.
Don't really ever think about you guys, although Hollandaise sauce is pretty tasty.
Most of our posters try too hard to be shittier than leaves. On Sup Forums most of the Dutch posters seem to be faggots. Dutch internet culture always is cancer, wherever we go.
You mean this wannabe Trump?
>On Sup Forums most of the Dutch posters seem to be faggots.
It is known
Trump avant la lettre
yes jokes aside, most dutch women are beautiful. good looking nation.
>The first thing they teached me was a racist line "Red, white, blue, this country is not for you" (but in durch ofc) and they forced me to say it to a black person.
Kek, where was this
Thats my Geert.
*here in iowa they're religious
He looks like Bill in that thumbnail.
Our identity on the national level is an accident of history, which causes quite some problem for grounded nationalism
I'm a huge fan of your culture and how such a small nation manages to be so dominant and important on a global. Is it possible for an American to go to college over there while working some simple job? I have a passport.
lost cause, just like most of Europe
>Is it possible for an American to go to college over there while working some simple job? I have a passport.
Yes it should be relatively cheap compared to US colleges
Kees, ik..
pretty much cucks
Based country (sometimes)
>Well run
>Incredible infrastructure
>Too tolerant of scumbags and bad immigrants
>Weed + prozzies
>Amsterdam is a shithole
If you ain't dutch you ain't much . Let's split Belgium between us . How did you end with so much moroccan even there are not the worst but still , i hope it is not our fault again
>i hope it is not our fault again
This one is our own babyboomers fault im afraid
Dutch and Swedish people make me think genetics matter more than culture and society. Whenever I talk to them online, besides a faint accent, they have personalities that are so identical to white Americans it seems like I'm talking to a neighbor. It's weird, either they're just highly Americanized or there's some consanguinuity that makes us 'click' in a way that others dont due to deep, race-deep differences in personality
Probably one of the best countires.They are very similar to us,they just don't have german autism and are more friendly.
I enjoyed it when I stayed there for about a year.The country and city look beatiful and the people are nice.
Plus they have the best weed(inb4 degenerate) and the insanely good electronic music.
i like you because you send us flowers
>If you ain't dutch you ain't much . Let's split Belgium between us
Wallonia is historically part of the low countries, just as parts in the north of France.
Language nationalism is silly. Wallonians aren't French.
Dutchies brought your country a lot though in a time where the country was closed to all others, not exactly learned on the matter but i'm guessing the fac that we were protestant and not trying to aggressively convert the japanese like the portugese helped matters
Holland is shit and deserves to drown.
the future belongs to Brabant
Yeah take Wallonia, Flanders are earning al the money, the wallonians can't do shit... Flanders is the Catalonia of Belgium
Ah yes - the southern Italy of the Netherlands
We like you because Canadians did the toughest work in Liberating the Netherlands
Although I love Brabant (even lived there) it is a huge catholic shithole
Amen broeder
Brabant is pretty much a failed state at this point
>Economic heart
>Southern Italy
You know that Eindhoven is the most profitable city in the Netherlands right?
>Wanting to live in a Protestant shithole
>pic related
out time will come, Broeder
>You know that Eindhoven is the most profitable city in the Netherlands right?
Just because of Randstand expats running Phillips
If we go by that all France is yours since the Franks were a mix of romanised , frise , german and we could go one lol . Nonetheless , you have a good country , so sad you never win at football
And then is must believe that Amsterdam and Rotterdam is successful, while they are filled with African and Asian expats.
Brabant is Braindraining the Netherlands thats why we have the future, Your future is getting Blacked for all eternity.
Maybe its time for Brexit.. wait
lost virginity to a dutch girl
every dutch person i meet is friendly
turks ruin your country
thats all
Nice country, nice people and historically a worthy enemy.
9/10. -1 point for mid-lvls of cuckoldry.
I'm only talking about a very tiny bit of France that still speaks some Dutch.
>klaagt over de Randstad
>wilt Brussel inlijven
You're fucking ruined. Your women are 1-2 steps behind Americans now, polluted with feminism and irresponsibility, raised by their mothers to dominate men. The men are becoming pussified. To add to this you are helling bent legaists, consumed by socialism and statutes.
A pox on you soul false Europeans!
shht don't spill our pills goyim
Braxit is the future, After the Hollanders have faced their punishment for their historical Sins.
A whore in Amsterdam doesn't coun't and they are not Dutch.
After firebombing it will be all right.
We can firebomb the Randstad
I enjoy LARPing about my own province, but the future lies bigger, not smaller than modern post-renaissance states
Jullie bier is slecht!
They must pay for their sins, Capitalism, Liberalism and Calvinism will not be forgiven
I lost virginity to a Turk.
The Dutch had some fiddeling in your culture back in the day (new york and such) the banter probably rubbed off before you guys got cucked by (((them)))
The catholic parts of the Low Countries are just the protestants that lost, the revolt for a very large share took place in Flanders
These random happenstance nationalisms are retarded
Is die wijn nou Italiaans of Frans?
i've literally never met a hardcore feminist
New York used to be a Dutch colony before the English took over (We traded it for Surinam, major mistake). That had a significant influence on American culture.
Are your young women looking for stability and family, or are they vacationing, getting high and chasing nigger cock?
I'll let you guess what I saw every time I was in St Maarten.
kill them all
Flanders maybe, The 80 years war was a Civil war for Brabant. basically a war between the urban centers and the countrysides. Anyways the wrong side won and the world is a worse place for it. But anyways my podcast is over so i'm going to bed.
The worst thing that happened was the Habsburgs marrying into the Spanish royal house
It's not even 1 o'clock midnight, and you're already going to bed?
gay faggots
Your language is weird like some type of sandnigger speak. Your ancestors were merchants in a similar vein to jews. Your women are lanky and hirsute.
Have at you dutch scum!
Kek, how long have you been googling when searching for shit like that?
randstad whores don't count as Dutch
Tho they might be a bit degenerate most women actually just want a nice job and a family
>>Your ancestors were merchants in a similar vein to jews.
1 Guess which modern day country has inherited this trait and has taken it to the next level, basing its current success on it.
>the Habsburgs
the worst thing was habsburgs and austria ever existing
Jutland is the best
Nat danelaw should be your furer