
What's their endgame, Sup Forums?

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The establishment of one world religion.
The establishment of one world government.
The overthrow and elimination of the Catholic Church.
Raping little kids.

there’s a leaf blowing around who may have good insight

Clearly to reclaim the term "Gangsta" for STEM.

they are satellites of the kikes
i recently learned that the local freemason lodge undermined the last local elections to install a social democratic party female
they are a bunch of corrupted fuckers they do inside trading and god knows what
the lodges needs to burn

the lodges in norway is connected to the swedish ones
and guess {{who}} controls the swedish lodges ?
i dont know where they are controlled from centrally, but yeah its one giant corrupt pile of shit

It's a bunch of old dudes larping as wizards and blowing each other. The end goal is to summon literal semen demons.

>What's their endgame, Sup Forums?

Listen carefully
> youtube.com/watch?v=ydAIdVKv84g

the true teachings of free masonry are pure. What it is today is completely a contradiction to what guys like James Madeson and GW wanted. Hamilton was a satanic bastard

pussy worship

From outward appearances the endgame is to let their lodges fall apart and degrade the surrounding neighborhood while they fleace new members to pay for their retirement communities. Maybe I'm wrong and the fact that every Masonic lodge I can think of is a pile of shit is a grand masonic ruze

Opening the seal on the final watch tower.

i saw that letter from your national library gw wrote about illuminateh and such. spooky.

ama i am a mason.

our true aim is to enjoy more hot dinners, without the company of woman, than any other group of men.


you hide women so we wont see all your symbols are "divine" vaginas. there's nothing masculine about you all

Bunch of old dudes who like drinking and supporting their local community and raising money for charity. You local golf club contains more vicious sociopaths trying to rule the world

we dont hide them anywhere? in fact at dinner we are served by women. they just arent allowed in the lodge.
this is correct.



youre not answering anything. i dont care if they wipe your feet with their hair and tears. youre a divine vagina organisation and it sickens me

this makes sense to me

>The overthrow and elimination of the Catholic Church.
>Raping little kids.
You can only pick one

Getting to H

ok. so what do YOU actually know about masonry?
answer = nothing because most of the stuff on the internet is wrong.

For all you masons who shill here. You see all the degeneracy that your kind wreak on humanity. Is that what you really want your legacy to be? Just a bunch of perverted useful idiots who destroyed humanity?

No, you don't want that. That's why you have a chance for redemption. Devote yourself to Kek, so that you may rise up and infiltrate their ranks at the highest levels, so that you may be able to gather evidence. Evidence that you will share with the world, for the good of mankind. This is your chance to gloriously become a hero, but if you instead choose to just submit and follow orders like a chump, please become an hero.

i have been on Sup Forums longer than i have been a mason :)

Fraternal greetings Brother

At this point I don't even think they know

sincere & fraternal greetings to you as well.

Our end goal is to leave the world better than the state we found it in.

in a*

To transcend physical reality and reunite with the hidden forces of this world.

A fucking leaf. Put down the maple syrup bottle before you tip your canoe.

Excellent. I look forward to a great happening when you expose them from the inside.

agree with this
not so sure about this

i joined because my grandad was a mason and because i was nosy.
i vaguely thought that i might expose some shady organisation :)

but now i just go along for the festive board!

Join up and find out for yourself, faggot

right, right, just for the festive board, gotcha

pretty much. obviously we have to have a lodge meeting where we discuss the other stuff before we get to eat.

I am always surprised by the outlandish conspiracy theories put forth on the internet regarding Masonry. It was Masons that introduced the world to state backed individual freedom and prosperity. Many of the Founding Fathers of the United States, and indeed the great thinkers of the world were Masons. From medicine, to liberty to the car you drive down your street, Masons have helped build up your life one way or another to what it is today. Rather than hate on them, why not visit a local lodge and actually talk to some of them? I am from North America and I guarantee you, leaf, that they are all awesome dudes.

Do you have a bar in yours too?

Are you mistaking it with Rotary Club, Lions or you're a shill for them?
They rule my country btw.

i mostly go to a daytime lodge and we dont have a bar in that hall. other lodges i have visited have better bars that actually get used as a bar.

And by charity they mean... "Hey Mr., donate to this shriner charity, it's for the kids". Meanwhile they pocket 90%+. But hey, it's charity guise!

you should probably google how much masonry donates to good causes.

you might be surprised.

Evidence of this claim?

look up and listen to Manly Palmer Hall if you want to know

in the uk we are the second largest charitable donor!

>you should probably
So do the mentally ill pedophile homosexuals in hollywood, does that make them good people?

In the US alone, Masonry directly contributes $2 000 000 a DAY to charity. You referencing Manly Palmer Hall indicates your lack of knowledge on the topic of which you speak, unfortunately.

With their membership fee and connections, everything is possible.

>why not visit a local lodge and actually talk to some of them?

>Manly Palmer Hall
Ya, after all, they accepted him into their Secret Society after his blasphemous book.

Fuck off, Hiram.

Yeah, sorry I'm not into being a dues-paying useful idiot chump or doing gay shit with old men and getting blackmailed to progress.

If it's so great and mundane, why don't you publish your full membership lists? Until you do, shut the fuck up and stop shilling, or do something useful for us like exposing crimes from the inside.

They are the traitors who served as the footsoldiers for the jews.
They are literally faggots as well.

the membership fee is pretty reasonable. most of the money is raised little but often and it all adds up.


Anyone know about the 5,7,11 thing?



>Good goy. Join our club. It's for charity. We do so much charity in fact, that you need to take dozens of oaths that we can disembowel you if you tell anybody how much nice things we do.

You seem to have great difficulty with the concept of 'freedom of association'. That means I don't have to share a list of all my friends with anyone who asks, just like you don't have to. I hope this helps.

The world of "esoteric studies" is the same as the world of the mundane, it has been infiltrated and subverted by the evil ones amongst us.

Friday 13th

>What's their endgame, Sup Forums?

The abolition of the nation state and all borders.

The abolition of all religions save theirs (secular humanism)

Shackling "the mob" (that's us) in a totalitarian one-world communist dictatorship.

Learn the tale of Hiram Abiff and the symbolism of the three wounds which killed him (the church, the state, and the mob). These are the roadblocks in the path of the "Great Work".

For disrespecting the will of the Pope and Holy Roman Catholic Church you shall burn in hell, heretics.

its allegory not literal.

Shouldn't it exist for politicians that wan't to be elected - a registry of conflict of interests or something at least? Only in that case?

>Opening the seal on the final watch tower.

The magazine?

You mean the communist one? I'll take my chances.

Judging by all the muslims they hire in Minnesota and want in their organizations, I would assume their end game is the submission of the human race to Allah.

top kek.

i am not a great fan of the pope and catholicism but thats my personal opinion not a masonic one.

Freemasonry, at one point at least, was obviously a force for Good. They started the Renaissance, gave the West its Enlightenment values, and literally wrote the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of these United States.

It would appear however, to an outside observer, that it has been subverted for the purposes of Evil. This is plainly obvious when you notice that all of the Deep State actors, most politicians, and Cultural Marxists are also Freemasons.

it has not been subverted but it certainly is slightly out of touch with the speed of modern society and it definately has an aging membership.

You're the one shilling here asking people to "go visit your local lodge". Nobody's infringing on your freedom of association snowflake, just don't expect people to flock to your faggy rituals when everyone knows that the legacy of freemasonry is absolute degeneracy and secrecy.

Should they register their soccer club too? How about publishing where their kids go to school? Where do you draw the line? How is it a conflict of interest specifically? Especially when being a Mason means to always do the right thing.

mate. it could probably do with a bit of degeneracy and we might get a few more members! jk.

I would agree with this statement.

I believe the opposite. It seems to be the bonafide source of leftist and liberal backed Cultural Marxist popular scourge of this nation.

Can you name one prominent Mason who supports Trump? Can you explain why Newt Gingritch said the reason the Establishment is flipping its shit is that Trump was never "initiated"?


this article is a recent one on masonry. interestingly enough its probably rooted in fact. There are a lot of masons in the police but as they are all good members of society its not a bad thing.

i live in the uk so dont really follow american politics.

LARPing aside.

I know you hide some dirty secrets, as every member of your order does. I always find it funny how Sup Forums always only talks about Jews, but completely avoids the Masonic infuence. I always knew there were lot of Masonic shills here.

Since this is anonymous board, you can answer. Give us some secrets only high ranked Masons know (of course assuming you are not just some entry level grunts). What are some of your secret rituals? What is your creed? What is the ultimate goal of your Lodge?

Prove you don't hide anything and are on /our/ side.

I never asked, sweety. I suggested so that you obtain primary evidence to better come to an opinion beyond reading some baseless nonsense on the internet. But hey, for you that would require hours of shovelling and a very warm toque, so I don't blame you for not wanting to go. I have no expectation of anyone visiting, leaf. What actual, hard evidence do you have of degeneracy? See, I have been, seen and know. You haven't. The fact that I am even posting here means one of two things. I'm either a mystical shill here to piss in your corn flakes or just some prick who might actually be saying something truthful. Either way, it doesn't matter to anyone what you believe. Just don't be such a degenerate and actually do some research.

A valid question. Initiation when coming from good ol' Newt likely means to the BS of Washington to be quite frank.

Member of my Parliament always register their shareholder stocks, participations, except your organization accesible online to every citizen of my country except your organization.

To rebuild the third temple.

du bor sjekke ut bildene som ligger på solkorset.org fra da nasjonal samling åpnet dorene til frimurerlosjen i Oslo.


Also as if giving away money you have stolen yourself makes you a good person.

>why not visit a local lodge and actually talk to some of them?
>i never asked
are all freemasons bald faced liars like you?

stop shilling here

Considering that the overwhelming majority of Washington figures of power are Masons, are not the initiations of Masonry and "BS of Washington" one and the same?

i am not LARPing.

you can actually find most of the rituals online. however they are mixed in with some rubbish so dont believe everything.

you actually have to physically participate in everything to start to understand it.

I'm getting initiated this Thursday.

Would you betray the trust your best friends? Being a Mason by its very virtue requires one to not be a degenerate.

congrats! have you been busy memorising everything?

While I have severe doubts about the agendas of the utmost levels of Freemasonry and wish not to financially support them, as well as an aversion to the rumors of the requirement to participate in homosexuality and pedophilia for higher levels of initiation, I have an insatiable curiosity about the ancient mysteries - hermeticism, alchemy, squaring the circle, antediluvian civilizations, and the like.

Can you speak to whether or not Freemasonry guards such secrets, and to what extent the knowledge therein can be attained from independent research versus initiation?

Yes. I'm also from the UK and know that the Masons here are less formal

See, financials makes sense to ensure you aren't being bought off.

You're just angry. Take a deep breath and relax. What have I lied about?

we do get lectures in our lodge on some interesting subjects like history, architecture, geometry etc.