I have a time machine. What point in history do I go to to prevent all of today's problems?
I have a time machine. What point in history do I go to to prevent all of today's problems?
I didn't work, faggot.
I want more than one suggestion, what if it isn't 1914?
You go all the way back to before Egypt. Before the cataclysm.
You tell them not to trust the Jews.
65 million BC, make sure the mammals die too
Can you go back to 2010 first and tell me to stay from the chinks first.
impossible, earth is 7k years old
You tell them that hiding the knowledge they possess and allowing this evil inversion to perpetuate should not be allowed. You tell them that it will lead to their destruction. You tell them that no more sacrifices will be made and Moloch should not be worshipped.
Please print blueprints and schematics for atomic bombs, modern stealth bombers, nuclear submarines, spacecraft, rifles, pistols, etcetera. Even vietnam-era shit will do.
Give them to Hitler in 1930.
stop the slaves from reaching America
Go back to the abolition of slavery, and make sure that all the slaves are either exterminated, or shipped back to Africa. Then find the slave trading Jews, and infect them with AIDS.
April 30, 1945
Do you wanna go back to that point and stop the earth from forming all together?
1930. Make sure Hitler defects from the Rotschilds so he wins the war rather than backing down and get transported to Argentina
I'd rather there be a white utopia I probably won't be a part of than this shithole of a timeline
serious post: before the invention of agriculture
Pretty sure that's how the second coming of jesus christ accidently happened.
Time doesn't work like that.
defend lincoln from getting assassinated so he can complete the remigratiion back to liberia for the nogs.
He had all of those, the CIA stole the blueprints, and it is well documented they even had UFO's in the *official* CIA reports.
That is what I was going to say. Stop Booth in the act, show Lincoln video of modern blacks in America, tell him he absolutely must get rid of them.
1880, you need to get to work in making sure WW1 is prevented at least between germany and us. WW1 is the biggest factor in all of this.
Make sure everyone leaves Africa
The beginning of the human race. Bring a gun and shoot that ape thing.
>kidnap Generals MacArthur, Patton, Montgomery and Charles De Gaulle
>take them on a time-place tour of present-day Los Angeles, London and Paris
>force them to watch for 12 hours MTV, that music show where the dude with the beard won the prize and other degenerate shit
>give them a history lecture, debrief them, answer any questions
>put them back when and where you found them
Before Mexican-American War Erupts.
>Bring Tons of Modern Weapons and Artillery and show them to James Polk
>Spics that try to attack us end totally erradicated
>Pic related happens.
How can I use that to my advantage?
I'm no time travologist, but I'm fairly sure that once you decided to time travel shit would have changed instantly. You obviously failed, OP.
the socialist mindset is deep inside mankind, it will always be there to undermine civilization.
Every time a culture built something great, the neighboring culture saw it and said "its not fair, I deserve that" then tried to take it or destroy it.
Every time a hard working human created something for himself, the lazier, dumber spectator said "it's not fair that he's successful and Im not." and they try to take from it or destroy it.
There's nowhere in time you could go to stop the evil of leftism. It will always be there to destroy great cultures.
when the ships get halfway, throw them into the ocean
please make sure that in 1939 Poland makes aliance with Germany against USSR
Honestly why not just all of North America?
The far south could make sure really good fucking winter vacation homes when it gets cooler down there.
>Europe 1913
>Give the Germans the dispositions of the French army and Belgians and location of Belgian forts.
>Tell the Austrians change mobilization plans as Russians have infiltrated the military hq and have the plans
>Germany captures Paris in 1915.
>Russia falls in 1916
>Lenin dies in exile in Switzerland
>Trotsky dies in pogram
>Hitler becomes a bum in Paris drinking absinthe frequenting brothels
>Britain remains world naval power
>German master of continent
>Kaissereich is born
>Peace in Europe
>No commies
Go to Moses, kill this fag and replace stone tables with your own, saying you have to help host nations and be good to goyim.
Looks like i just have to bring some Missiles then.
44 BC, save Julius Caesar.
April 14, 1865. You must stop President Lincoln from being assassinated so he can finish what he started and send the niggers back to Africa instead of leaving them lying around all over the place to cause trouble for many years to come.
Stop Franz Ferdinand from being assassinated.
John T didnt get to chicago IL sept 17th 2003 in time to prevent Wendy's death. Her children never started the age of German idealism. If you get to him in Austin MN April 6th 1991 at the front of the largest Hormel building he was just about to make the jump.
Or, ya know. You can stick around in this timeline. The cultural offset is about 33 years off the central berlanga curve.
Tell Hitler not to declare war on the USA
Also tell him that he USSR is not preparing for an invasion and he can wait until after winter to invade
476 Fall of Roman Empire
1187 Fall of Jerusalem
1453 Fall of Byzanz
1517 Martin Luther
1618 Start of 30 years War
1789 French Revolution
1818 Birth of Karl Marx
1914 Start WW1
1917 Bolshevik Revolution
1941 Start of Barbarossa
1947 Foundation of Israel
1963 Death JFK
1965/68 Culture Wars in the West
1979 CIA supplies weapons for what will later become Al Queda
2007 Financial crisis/Obama
2011-now Arab Uprising
I'm still trying to determine when to go to.
Go back to the moment were the virgin Mary was about to get raped and kill the rapist.
Or just convince the USA to Join the Axis.
nomadic, tribal people were the freest, happiest, most natural people.
Agriculture lead to social stratification, which lead to cities, which lead to industry, which lead to our modern urban hellscapes, and overly regimented lives filled with busywork, traffic, and trivia
Martin Luther
French Revolution
Start of WWI
Russian Revolution
Are the biggest ones
Death of JFK didn't really change anything. Neither did Israel.
The war was inevitable. Everything went to shit much earlier. He has to prevent French Revolution.
This would be good
Year 1 minus 9 months, prevent a hooker to get pregnant by a (((bird)))
Martin Luther or Karl Marx
How would you know if something changed?
Stop the meteor from killing the dinos.
Let's see if rolling the dice again we get a natural 20, I don't think it's fixable otherwise.
Go back to whatever time the first Jew was born and kill it and it's entire family.
The moment before you made this shitty thread...and then hang yourself.
Delay the European War and save us all
Wait! I know this one!!!
right before you wrote this post
April 20th, 1999.
I'd warn them the propane tanks don't work.
>Death of JFK didn't really change anything. Neither did Israel.
JFK signed an executive order to remove all troops from Vietnam (the Vietnam war set of the Culture wars of the 60s), so quite important.
The Arab-Israel conflict didn't affect World History ? What did he mean by this ?
Prevent death of Patton, then proceed to get communism erased.
I've always understood time travel in the theory of the multiverse. Everything exists in some dimension, therefore even if you were to time travel and fix all our problems, you won't destroy this timeline and fix the problems, rather create a whole new timeline where your changes occurred. Not a single thing would change for us, not unless the majority of us somehow found a way to access the other dimensions, we'd still be stuck in our reality.
It bends over itself. It isn't a flat plane, it isn't a line. The very act of change ripples through the whole fabric and causes it to normalize.
I.e. if you went back, you wouldn't be going back, because you already are back.
622 AD, Mecca or Medina. Kill Muhammed.
From what I can gather, the Civil Rights Act wouldn't go through as easily, either.
Kill the Rothschild informant on the Battle of Waterloo
44 BC, bring Julius Caesar to civilization now and have him help save America.
Experience, user. This isn't the first time I've seen a game show host as my President.
Patton had a second chance so they killed him minutes after. They'd kill him one way or another. Preventing deaths doesn't seem feasible when they're assasinations.
Lol, stop doing drugs.
I second this.
Alright, so I understand that I must go back to either prehistoric times, Lincoln's assassination, or any time that would let me prevent WW1. Still open to suggestions, though.
You wouldn't change anything. You would just end up going back in time and re-experiencing the shit again.
Your best bet would be to claim ownership to stuff that didn't exist l, like Google, and then using the money to prevent something bad from happening, but ultimately, something bad would still happen.
It's just reality, user. We are human.
Just to add, you ought to go back before 9-11 and fly planes into Israeli buildings/religious sites, literally like a say before though... On like the 10th.
The reign of President Barker was no laughing matter, motherfucker.
Just go back to any moment in cold war and start the fun with nukes
Is that a benis? Where the fuck is the head of it?
I like it
There's only one answer to this.
March 12th, 1895 40.7334591,-73.99518699999999
bring a fire extinguisher
Mine is simpler bring heat seeking rocket/atgm blueprints and encryption devices.
or just stop mussolini from being retarded and delaying barbarossa by 2 months
As is the order of everything (rule of 3) you need to make three jumps. The first one is to stop the Council of Nicea. The second is give all Africans some kind of infectious genetic disease that infects only non-Africans so they won't import so many from the slave trade. Or, alternatively, erect a level 10 forcefield around the entire fucking continent. The third and final jump is to whenever Napoleon was about to make his first real blunder and arm him with all the technology and all the redpill knowledge of the 21st century. The french rule the world with a bourgeois iron fist without the english or jews fucking it all up, degeneracy is contained because there's no vatican to keep the world in ignorance, and there's no nogs outside of africa making people say 'this is why we can't have nice things'.
>De Gaulle
whats he going to do? capitulate again?
better tell Patton to watch out for self-detonating jeeps, too, while you're at it.
This is some really good, high quality autism but I feel like the Germans would still fuck it all up somehow especially since they would have missed out on the massive redpill that was the Weimar republic.
Convince Britian to not enter the first world war. Germany will defeat France and Russia and there will be a prolonged Bolshevik Revolution (or none at all.) US will not enter war if England doesn't. Germany will have obtained national aspirations and there will be no need for Nazi Germany, nor a second world war. There will also be no Cold War.
If you can't convince England to not fight the war, don't allow the US to fight. Would likely have the same effect.
The time before you created this shit thread. Don't make it.
I think that is a hotdog thrown on a dogs bed for the hair sewn on a delusional female that thinks it's male.
Keep the white Australia policy
15,000 BC.
Or maybe 50,000. Preserve the neanderthal ethnostate.
Good luck.
Go back in time and kill your dad so you're never born.
Guys, what if he already went back, and this is why Trump is president
I think I might have some ideas for you to consider. I dont know the specific details off the top of my head I'd have to dig around in my notes.txt for the specifics, but the overview for some points to consider is
some of the earliest references to Social Justice where around the 1840s or so and their first go at it and prototype for future was the revolutions that these social justice activists swept across europe around that time.
the king of the british empire may have been a hitler admirer but it looks like what they may have done is trick up trip him up leading to political outcry and ultimately into him abdicating
...uh lets see what else, hmm maybe consider the late 19th century there was a a movement of activists that where feminists, progressives social justice, etc that wielded a lot of political influence leading up to the prohibition. you might could trace the line of thought back to the first feminists activists I think where around the mid 16th century.
>go back to in time to find Jesus during one of his preaches
>mfw when he's a black guy
>mfw when he's tripping on mushrooms
>his other followers are jerking each other off in a circle
>i stumble back
>realize hundreds of thousands of people believe and fought for something that never existed
>spend some years in shock
>suddenly fall ill in a small jewish town
>during my last hours i am too weak to go back and inform the people of the future
>die alone forever subjecting a large group of people to death and fake belief
You must stop Hillary Clinton winning the 2016 election.
September 11, 2001
Make sure flight 98 gets to it's destination.