Last night, I had an experience - an illuminating experience. My mother, she made me some overspiced food, with too many hot peppers, and I was agitated by this; I was triggered by this. But it also triggered some deep philosophical thoughts that had been bubbling within my mind.
What is spiciness connected with? Think about it - spiciness is connected - you might connect it with - Mexico. You might connect it with, you know, salsa, or a hot sauce. Tacos, or any of that Mexican cuisine. And then you might start to think about - you know - La Cucaracha dance. You might - you might start to think about... Arabia. You might start to think about, you know, kebab, grilling kebab. And, you might start to think about Arabians dancing crazily.
And, if you think some more, you might think about South America. You might think about a whole list of these cultures, which are both degenerate and very much into spicy food. Now, do you see the connection? There's a very clear connection, if you think about it.
Talk to any person from one of these Nordic countries, you know, even just Europeans - Americans of European descent. You'll find, there is not, generally - I'm sure many pretend to like it - but, spiciness is not the white way. It is definitely not the Nordic way. And, I'm going to explain why:
Spiciness is degenerate. Spiciness is anti-white. I don't mean to say that in any trivial way. In what it represents - spiciness is degenerate.