Who's behind the fat acceptance movement?

is it a political issue?

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Damn chicka got fat

you'll be surprised how quickly the body begins to expand at 30

Fat white women mad that I fuck Asian girls and ignore them.


shes 27

It's porn. 99% of men are addicted to watching niggers pounds jiggling sacks of fat and flesh, and they are numb to true female beauty.

Right is better

Low test betas out

Who is behind the thickening?


>is it a political issue?

read everything and you will understand the big picture

Needs to be fatter desu

If you can't handle a bit of fat on women then you are gay

So now the whole world is going to help us sacrifice our celebrities?

Real men like the slightly thicker woman.

Must be pretty serious relationship for that kind of weight gain

>pencil board gets fat
>uniformly distributed


disgusting if true

>porn addict attracted to le thig
>high t
choose one

Right is objectively better


She looks better now. Too bad she's nuts.

Women turn 30 at age 26.

That's bullshit and gay as fuck. Real men like men because they know women are inferior.

>jiggling sacks of fat and flesh

Pick one. 99 out of 100 women in porn have no jiggle at all even when the camera shows the underside of doggy style, which is completely atypical of normal women.

gib me more sexi frogs

If you don't appreciate the right side over the left, you might as well suck some trap dick.

>t. virgin who confuses thicker with "more athletic"

Right is way better but hopefully she's doing it on purpose and knows when to stop

Shut it, virgin. Until you get laid, you won't understand why a woman is better when a bit thick.

It's another jewish ploy to get white people not to procreate because all the women are fat slobs and unfuckable.

-ly hot. maria has made me diamonds since the games

Amerimutts defending Muh fatAZZ

In the pic on left, she looks to weigh about 115 pounds. She's nearly 6 feet tall. That's too thin to ovulate. Every single woman on earth looks better with 10 pounds of muscle.

Crazy that Sweden is gay as fuck

>The Golden One

I'm definitely not. Only thing going for fat women is that they are hard to kidnap.


>ignoring the 3 non-Americans that also said the right was better

THICC is in
because it is easy to hide a transgender

I'm convinced T-Swift is a tranny. My identical digits will confirm this.

wrong image response, but women with muscle would probably be more fashy

If you had ever actually had sex with a thick woman you'd know they're much less appealing irl than in porn. Cellulite, stretch marks, ingrown hairs and rashes (thick women always have this for some reason). A thin woman is perfection, but I wouldn't expect a porn addict to know this.

The smell.... Don't forget the smell....

Is there anything to see on the right then? Hips, tits, ass etc? Sticks like that don't get better by gaining weight.

thats definitely a shop

>who's behind the fat acceptance movement?
the ones who benefit from it: food companies.

pushing ultra-processed sugar-stuffed shit food down our throats for the last few decades, now they're telling us diabetes is "beautiful"

But she looks gross in the left and hot in the right. Snow niggers need meat on them because they're snow niggers.

>Cellulite, stretch marks, ingrown hairs and rashes

I've fucked plenty of thin girls with those same problems. You sound like you're describing the morbidly obese, not a girl like pic related.

Am i really the first person to have to say the jews? What the fuck is wrong with you Sup Forums

You mean pheromones

I was the first one to mention the jews

If you love the smell of fish and vinegar, fat chicks are for you.


I hate how true this is.

are you a fat 30 yo?

Thin girls don't have cellulite or stretch marks, and I think the rashes come from the razor not gliding well over their blubbery inner thigh. They are fat and disgusting, even if the fat is on their lower body instead of their belly.

Is that shooped on rght?

i wish i was reborn in that thicc body and pounded into oblivion by tyrone and his gang

Clearly you dont know the English


good that tay tay is leaving her stork look behind.

This is Taylor Swift's mom. Something happens with white women once they hit their mid twenties, they don't age too well.

>Taylor Swift's mom is a porker
>Too bad Taylor takes after her.

>Oink oink

>Holland's jumbo sausage

aka my dick

this happens to literally all women

Would rip your cock off and you'd thank her.

It just dawned on me why British chicks are fat. Their crotch smells like fish and chips.

dude I can see the fat jiggle on her calf.

>Thin girls don't have cellulite or stretch marks

You're just wrong, nigger. A growth spurt puts stretch marks all over a girl's pelvis, and skinnyfat is a real thing. I'm guessing you haven't seen many actual girls naked.

>Be porn addicted Jew controlled half Mexican
>"fat girls are epic, am I right fellow /fit/izens? Ass>boobs right? hahah"
>Not wanting a healthy big brain girl who lives on a diet of Schnitzel and Müesli
Never going to make it


Estrogen everywhere. In the water, fast food, meat. Bottles, packaged food.

It's what causes women to get thick, it makes men effeminate and fat. Thank you, jews. I can finally live in my thick female utopia filled with faggots that won't get in my way

Not in Sup Forums's MILF porno experience.

>who's behind the fat acceptance movement?



Ass shape is a sign of physical fitness, and that's why true patricians prefer them over tits

Your women just turn into fat 1.5m toads.

ass all day, boyo

How do I obtain a huge ass qt1.4 Dominican nigger gf?

I have had fat women and other types the fat womne was the best sex I ever had she would yell and cun over and over. The thin girl was very cute and nice she made me feel like my dick was huge both bleed after sex a bit so that was the same

Well how far did she throw it? Stupid fucking time to cut-off the .webm

Now tell us about how flatchests are best and vaginas are gross, assmen.

Gib thickiies please

Spoken like a true man!


Half of the le thigg instawhores are just land whales who got liposuction on their belly so low test porn addicts send them shekels

Shut up retard

legit thought she was eating in the second pic

delet this

I don't know, but I think it's fine to be fat as long as you can walk and don't need a fucking scooter like those 500 lb shitbags I see in stores.

>Ass shape is a sign of physical fitness
No shit, but most 'thicc' girls that get posted in shitty 'thicc' /fit/ threads are fat and not especially healthy. Pic related is the true virtue of the enlightened platonist.

it's women who, though still in denial, begin to realize that maybe they aren't god's gift to humanity.
maybe they dont deserve to be handed the universe, and then complain that they deserve better.
maybe they don't stay young forever.

>Flat chests are best
>Vaginas are gross
I never said that. I just think the ass is the most charming part of a woman's body.

in pic 1 she's too thin
kek I remember her. Looks like elephantiasis


it's called aging, you fucking retards. when women hit a certain age (27+) they start gaining massive weight.

This looks like a hormone imbalance. I know because I have seen a lot of hormone imbalances


S T I C C taytay >>>>>>> T H I C C taytay

It's the result of a combination of different things. First, you have women feeling like they can't do no wrong as they are told by their overlords. Then, you have the fatty SJW's who just happen to be women and hamplanets. The (ir)rationality is that since women can't do no wrong because woman is woman, then anything a woman does is ok. Then, you get the women like TS who just happen to be putting on some weight, who the hamplanets use as an example and usually the woman who got pulled into the spotlight has no choice but to capitulate or lose face, thus creating a self-reinforcing loop.