You're all being played hard today Dan Bongino has the scoops right before it all breaks open. Even reitereates Sundance and calls Rogers the hero of the republic
Jonathan Brown
Bumping holy shit Anons should read that post at Conservative Treehouse
Thanks user, gonna listen and see how closely his matches up with Sundance's writeup
Robert Anderson
I think I have a new hero.
Jose Reed
She really did a thing there without even realizing (I doubt) that she was doing it
Bongino starts by explaining why it's still totally disputed whether Russians ever hacked the DNC at all. Talking Awans too
Sebastian Lewis
She strikes me as being extremely bright, she may not have realized the full significance of Comey's responses, but certainly knew what questions to ask and got it on the record.
Daniel Green
I agree she's clearly more intelligent than the average congresswoman. Comey's facial expression is golden, he knows he's fucked, totally defeated looking during the entire exchange
Andrew Miller
>It would appear Obama’s Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, is up to his eyeballs in this; though he denies participating. The FBI counterintelligence unit was monitoring Trump through FISA 702(17) upstream surveillance collected by a DOJ National Security Division that had no oversight.
Clapper knew exactly what was going on, that waas another material lie made by Comey during the questioning by Rep. Stefanik
Christopher Cox
Connor Wood
She's a qt. Got a Jewish-sounding name tho
Dominic Sanders
bump because this seems important
Lincoln Edwards
At least four of these people are Jews and the rest are bought zionist neocons amd neoliberals. Nunes seems to be only decent one.
Our government has been hijacked and is actively working against our interests.
Parker James
Read the first link if you have not, share it with friends, until something close to its content from a more reputable outlet occurs, its the best, most thoroughly documented rundown. Anyone who reads this with an open mind can NOT honestly conclude anything other than Trump was targeted directly by Obama, FBI, DNI, NSC, DOJ et al. in a very very very illegal sting operation. It also shows how inconceivable any Russian collusion really is, the only evidence that they are relying on (Trump Jr meeting with Veselnitskaya, et al) were set-ups by the same "deep state" group running the FBI counterintel op
Aiden Barnes
The whole thing was bullshit, Democrat party operatives placed all over the deep state, the more you look at it in its totality, the more it falls apart:
Yep, Bongino show is great, he even gets into the fakeness of DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0 briefly (all a part of this large-scale, government-encompassing illegal sting operation against Trump).
1. There was no Russian hacking of Democrats 2. There was no Russian collusion by Trump or family 3. Every instance of "evidence' used to suggest collusion by Trump was fabricated by the FBI as part of its counterintelligence operation against Trump 4. Congress was NOT TOLD about the operation when required that they be informed - TWICE. 5. Obama and those who received his PDB were the ONLY people to whom the FBI was accountable to for the counterintelligence op 6. Obama EXACERBATED the crime and ABUSED the power of his office with his issuance of EO 12333 that allowed the perpetrating criminals behind the counterintelligence op to dissmeninate the information collected during the op to other, unauthorized agecnies across the government Fresh from John Solomon at the Hill Congress just got all of Strzok and Page's text messages implicating specific reporters/news outlets
Shit's going down while were talking/thinking about it.
Owen Mitchell
The other shoe is falling. Drumpf is going to sandfuck a bunch of these shills and deepstaters. His hands will be clean, but his twatter will be as festive as ever. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
John Turner
Beautiful More blood will be required
Dominic Edwards
And not one point has been proven...fucking conspiracy nutjobs. Give us a worse name then the Nazis do...
Being smart and dedicated is far better then being stupid and crazy.
Henry Walker
Whew! "When did you notify ....senior Congressional Leadership?
Matthew Green
Always best to stick with facts and right now the story is clear concise and backed at every point with documented facts. Obama committed crimes, covered up other crimes, allowed political targeting use state tools, it's all proven beyond shadow of doubt at this point. The FISA revelations will be the cherry on top making it undeniable by all parties
Jackson White
That's only the beginning though. Obama is the most recent case and imperative case to Trump establishing and legitimizing himself as President to the libtards. Mueller won't be finished there though as he's gonna reveal everything.
Adam Murphy
bump for conservative treehouse. haven't read it yet but i'm a mild fan of that site.
Asher Green
Guy is very good at what he does. Listen to Sundance before any fame and fortune seeking ecelebs
I've been listening to this for a bit, he lays out the theory that the whole reason Obama kicked out the Russians when they did was because Mike Flynn was in the Dominican Republic then and could intercept his communication with the Russian ambassador. Essentially it was done on purpose and his story didn't exactly mesh with the phone call - It's petty bullshit, he was on vacation, trying to enjoy himself and couldn't recall details precisely.
Now I know why Trump thinks he should be pardoned.
Grayson Flores
Faggot conspiracy theories until someone gets indicted.
Same tier as the Trump collusion "proof"
Jonathan Morales
So the timing of all of that, including his "arrest" was nothing more than showboating. Kinda like the Manafort thing, as we all know his activities involving many that are still comfortably sitting in DC, date back to Billy-bob's days at the White House with Mueller director of the FBI from 2001 (a week before 9/11 to be precise to 2013).
What a bunch of slimeballs.
Liam Rodriguez
Flynn will unironically face no charge in court, receive (obviously) no sentence, and will be restored to his role as NSA, replacing the fired McMaster
If this were a just society, that's exactly what would happen. If Manafort gets indicted, I'd really like to see how McCain, and the Podesta brothers get nothing.
The charges of lying about what he said in the phone transcripts were only brought against him recently as part of a personal vendetta by Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok (Flynn was to be a witness for a female FBI agent who was sexually harassed by McCabe)
Gabriel Adams
NY Times - Glenn Thrush? Yahoo news - Michael Isikoff New Yorker - Ryan Lizza CNN - Stelter?
Middle two i'm almost 100% sure of
Hudson Carter
Think he'll get indicted?
Wyatt Phillips
Daniel Thomas
We shall see hopefully. Doubtful. They are after bigger fish IMO.
Gee, looking into the leaks too! Think Mrs. Strzok's got a divorce lawyer yet?
Nathan Adams
It will be hard for her to do as Strzok is a Jesuit and would probably need an annullment Does the RC church annul marriages where the husband cheats and in the process nearly collapses the legitimacy of the Constitution?
Tyler Reyes
>Does the RC church annul marriages where the husband cheats and in the process nearly collapses the legitimacy of the Constitution?
Thankfully, I wouldn't know.
Gavin Green
>iceberg >(((berg)))
Samuel Clark
Charles Rodriguez
Bump for an excellent thread anons. Great articles and podcast for anyone not up to speed on this stuff. Essential info here.
Leo Williams
"“He’s TOTALLY schlubby."
Joseph Hill
Two schlubbies.
Kayden Stewart
Colton Long
Methinks the "CF article" in the texts was about the Clinton Foundation.
Angel Lee
>You're all being played hard today Explain. >Dan Bongino Who the fuck is this? I don't give a shit about e-celebs but I can't even listen to his gay podcast without signing up for iHeartRadio, which on principle I won't do just to listen to something.
Someone give me the rundown or a link to an mp3 file where I can listen to his gay podcast and assess it.
The played hard line was from 5pm this afternoon when the board was a shill's paradise and no decent threads
Jackson Foster
Conservative tree house is excellent journalism. Sundance is always on point and concise
John Gutierrez
>mike rogers pick >dark as circles around his eyes
if anyone needed sleepy posting its him.
Bentley Wood
Nice, not sure where you found I was at the IHR link and tried to play and it prompted me to log in.
Thanks dood.
Easton Morgan
Based patriot
Camden Nelson
And shit like that happens only with the wh approval.
Carson Rivera
Yes, Obama and anyone who received his PDB is the group that needs to be put on trial as a group for coordinating an illegal abusive counterintelligence op against a major party Presidential candidate and his family/associates
Hudson Gonzalez
I am not even sure that I fully understand all of the twists and turns after reading the article. It is dense with information. I will have to reread to digest it.
Why is the most important thread on Sup Forums not at the top of the catalog?
Angel Green
Luis Hernandez
it's nigh nigh, user, aren't you sleepy?
Elijah Walker
Excellent write-up boys. Worth reading.
Jose Jones
Coincidentally, I was actually just about to go to bed. Have a final bump.
Hunter Richardson
I know how to fix that. Bump.
Samuel Nelson
Can't fall asleep.
Bump with another thread relevant to this one. Lots of dots to connect.
Parker Thompson
bedtime thump
Jackson Hernandez
So tired I forgot the link:
Zachary Ortiz
I check out various twitters with that in mind sometimes. It was a pretty quiet weekend relatively on twitter even with the book trending hard. Not many or any potshots really from usual suspects like Comey (last tweet 1/3), Holder (1/4), Clinton (1/2)
Nicholas Gray
Cuz it's dense. This Russia investigation shit is just too esoteric for the masses to understand.
I felt like a brainlet reading the conservative tree house article desu
Gabriel Sanchez
Benjamin James
Bump it's going to be a great year
Jayden Johnson
It's uncomfortable to sleep when the light of glow in the dark niggers is burning through your eyelids
Jacob Brooks
This would be oh so sweet.
William Robinson
Nicely done.
Parker Jones
bump why has this thread been on life support for hours?
Carson Powell
Because the shills dont want to push it to the top.
Ayden Rivera
A lot got filtered over to this one But this is still a bretty gud thread well worth keeping bumped