Millennial Revolution incoming...
Tick-tock, Drumpf!
I’m sure Trump is shaking in his boots.
That’s why they are mostly retards. Their body cluck must had been fucked up at birth.
The Soy Brigade, how terrifying. Is this the beta uprising?
Teehee, he doesn't know that WE'RE the millennial revolution.
oh fugg
the virgin millennial uprising vs. the chad generation z fuck you
Most millennial retards won't vote anyway, they're too busy playing video games, talking about their favorite Star Wars movie, or prepping their wife's bull to actually do anything of action.
Adorbz. The media really worked hard to create the brand "millenials" when in fact its two population segments right there, ill tell ya' what.
Next. Being highly visible= More influential, not anymore.
The fuckheads parading around in chopped up clothes, dyed hair, and passing their wives around like a cheap joint are the leftist equivalent of the westborough Baptist church.
Just the media trying to inflate something that barely exists. Well fucko', its over.
C'mon, somebody shoop it in. That Chag/virgin is my favorite meme.
how many milleinials will turn in the next 3 years?
How many millenials own firearms? I bet its less than 2%
tick tock
tick tock
time is running short, drumpfies
Its going to be funny seeing the white millenial reaction when the darkies officially take over and show their true colors
let out a cackle at that gif
The last attempted revolution in a major power didn't backfire at all for ((them)).
If it starts and inevitably fails in 2020, 2034 will be the start of America's redemption for all they have done to the world.
How? Boomers arent going to die for at least another 10 to 12 years.
No majority of millennials voted bern.