(((Kraut))) was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora atheist) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.
This YT debate on Race Realism goes on for the past 4 months: Kraut & Tea vs JF Gariepy (Québécois PhD Biologist) & Ryan Faulk of The Alternative Hypothesis. JF & Alt-Hype have been merrily BTFOing Kraut.
Kraut's sekrit Discord is leaked revealing a massive dox & pilpul operation of Skeptic Stasi working with /leftypol/, Antifa & the New York Times, to infiltrate, gaslight, dox & erase every Alt-Right/Race Realist on the net (& fake their nudes) called Operation Mincemeat &
>Destinys son comes into Destinys gaming room Destiny: H-hey you g-got no shirt on… >visibly disturbed by the fact that his son is buffer than him Son: I wanna have a conversation with you Destiny: *gulp* oh o-ok Son: Why where you yelling and using bad words, Steven? Destiny: Eh, well. Eh it’s p-part of my j-job. I-I’m an adult, I can say whatever I want. >At this point Destinys booster seat is sweat-soaked, from fear. Son: Jesus doesn’t like bad words. >Destiny collects his courage Destiny: J-jesus, doesn’t g-give a fuck w-what I say. >His son punches him on the shoulder >Destiny gets out of his seat to square up in front of his son Destiny: THAT’S IT >He goes on his tiptoes to slap his son in the face. >His son catches his arm mid air Son: The tables have turned Steven, the tables have turned.
Grayson Long
Some lurker bump the thread
Aaron Ortiz
Kayden Anderson
who is dis?
Brayden Hall
Who's on stream today? Jean Francois Gariepy
Hudson Long
You mean the pic in the title? JF I don't think Andy has anounced it yet, but he said it's gonna be something different than race-realism stuff
Jacob Wright
Jf trying to ssve spencer from getting completely annihilated.
Leo Turner
ok cool just making sure thanks is JF suing destiny today?
Luke Morales
When is Czech user gonna deliver?
Jayden Long
Brayden Green
How is this still a thing guys? wasn't all that doxing shit over and Kraut gone.
Dave Cullin had absolutely nothing to do with Kraut.
Nicholas Hill
Krautler did nothing wrong.
Christian Martin
will there be a warski stream tonight???
Gavin Taylor
It's evolved kinda into a Race Realism general where e-clebsare now trying to tackle it. Andy "gas a kike for a like" warski has been moderating some discussions on an ethnostate where race realism can be heavily attributed as a main factor for it. So there's a whole lot of other stuff going on especially with Tiny and JFG but this is tl;dr.
didnt andy say he would have a stream today? but the topic was to be announced?
Brandon Nelson
What's next? Spencer on a PewDiePie stream?
Brayden Wright
Aiden Barnes
WTF???? Spino????? did they kidnap his mum or something? I thought progs weren't allow to platform nazeeees?
Tyler Lee
SJW's are beginning to panic if they don't actively oppose us we'll be allowed to say our ideas unopposed since we're being platformed now
Liam Flores
Joshua James
Dominic Harris
when the fuck is Adam's stream supposed to start?
Brody Torres
Its over an hour late idk
Isaiah Ross
Fedoracist: A Tragedy
Josiah Parker
Fight me, she's mine faggot.
Adam Butler
I wish he'd wake up or something this Spencer shit is kinda boring
Cameron Lopez
Now this is autism.
Ryan Miller
yay woes
Nicholas King
I'm going to have 2nd degree Mischling children with her.
Parker Cruz
I doubt it
Andrew Brooks
Jace Martin
can i get a quick rundown of the latest happens in the past 24 hours?
Brayden Robinson
Obama said if he was still president he'd have all white supremacists put into camps to protect diversity Richard spencer called on all alt-righters to hang a nigger as payback, currently we're up to 6 Skeptics and SJW's are screeching about how this is what happens when you give nazis a platform
John Foster
Jim released the last part of his Kraut series that's basically it
Tyler Long
Gabriel Martinez
It's not fair
Adrian Jackson
ik but at least it doesn't matter that she got blacked
Ian Anderson
Essential Tiny Lore, quick rundown:
>is a manlet >beat up his ex-wife >got literally cucked >became a "skilled" SC2 player by spamming roaches >gets hand-held by Blizzard (programmers literally gave Zerg a buff just for him in one tournament) because they need somebody other than Koreans to win SC2 tournaments >gets his dick pics shared publicly, and quits out of shame >tried to murder a fat kid and his dad because they DDOS'd him >bullied his own son on livestream for being Christian and telling his dad not to swear (son visits on weekends, etc., lives with the mom) >tried to sue Aydin because she called him a cult leader >has a cult of retards on Leddit >they pay him $40 per month in order to shitpost here >is literally funded by a Qatari Sheik who wants to weaken whites with liberalism (chatlogs posted by an Argentinian user) >unironically supported Hillary Clinton >supports open borders >thinks more welfare checks will fix all problems with immigrants >told his best friend to kill himself, & the madman actually did it >IS A PEDO >shared lewds of a 15-year-old girl; and sexually-harassed a 12-year-old girl (Baby Miku) along with his top admins >wants to legalize CP >tells his daughter that incest is okay (preparing to rape her in the future, much?) >defended CP for hours in a debate >Andy Warski hates him for being a pedo, and won't let him back on >got BTFO'd by Naked Ape and left the stream early >got BTFO'd by JF in the fist 15 minutes; and spent the rest of the debate deflecting, and brought-in Tara as a punching bag >is afraid to debate Alt-Hype, and blocked him on Twitter >is afraid to debate Richard Spencer >is afraid to debate Mike Enoch >is currently deleting tons of his own Twitter posts because The_Guardian is collecting info on him about supporting pedophilia, harassing people, defamation, etc. >is gonna get sued by JF for defamation
Just here to say the ethnostate can get fucked and I will happily join Antifa, no matter how much I hate them otherwise for being illiberal, to kill any Nazis that try to implement it.
Robert Cooper
I find it pretty disturbing anyway, but you're right. I don't understand why she denies being Jewish at this stage; getting BLACKED seems like a bigger thing.
Ethan Perez
Yeah, I thought New Colossus was a pretty fun game too. Maybe a few too many cutscenes.
Brandon Thompson
good for you champ I don't think Canada is at any risk of becoming an ethnostate, so no need to fear
Jackson Ward
>American ethnostate
Gabriel Hill
Reminder that people who say this are leftist shills trying to prevent us from spreading race realism to normies.
Sup Forums was an anonymous hive of entities all working toward a goal without any hierarchies or silo organization, fast reacting without vertical compartmentalization from authority figures who direct the group.
Bentley Robinson
Jews have an instinctive need to shapeshift. Having a giant autistic brain and knowledge of social psychology doesn't exempt her from that instinct.
Not throwing any shade on her for that, by the way. We're all slaves in some degree to our biology.
Isaiah Phillips
idc that she is jewish actually, we've had jews on our side since Hitler I would care that she got blacked if she was fertile but now it doesn't matter en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Microchimerism
Gabriel Morris
Destiny: Arab Money Threads:
Kayden Powell
>just because we promote somebody who's spreading our message, that means we can't think for ourselves
Logical fallacy.
Ryan Ortiz
Thanks bro.
Kevin Myers
I can't believe I just watched the Alaska Destiny video. Fucking e-celebs are trash.
Gavin Edwards
Also, see pic related.
A huge amount of people became white nationalist after seeing YouTube videos.
Aaron Green
>vertical compartmentalization from authority figures
Colton James
Yes but with him just like with any White person that's opposed to ethnonationalism there's the same problem, but with him it is more obvious. He thinks he can escape racial struggle by not being an ethnonationalist, but you can't just 'identify' your way out of it by saying 'well I'm not a White nationalist so I'm excluded from all these racial dynamics'. Non-Whites don't care whether you put your male identity or your national identity first, if you're White, you're their enemy regardless of what you identify as.
Wyatt Ramirez
Lucas James
~~~Here's some info about Tiny's Qatari sponsors~~~
It's hidden in plain sight really, it's always the closest thing people see that they miss paying attention too, digging into his past is good and all but have you ever wondered where Destiny gets the 7 figures he boasts?
5$ here and there from random 16 years old is good and all but it doesn't get you that far, Destiny makes much more money than people like Reckful and IcePoseidon who have 8 times the viewers he gets.
Also political content doesn't make much sense for Destiny if you look at it from a financial way, he gets much more exposure just playing league with his loli friend or discussing random videogame topics, but he's adamant on going into politics and this only started about 2 years ago, when a big whale showed up.
The big whale in question is a Qatari donator, he is by far his biggest financial supporter, I'm talking someone who regularely donates 5k dollars every week, drop a retarded amount of bits, buy random people who didn't ask tier 4 subscriptions (the most expensive one), has no interest in video game or video game content.
Also the person is not your regular Qatari billionaire, these are not uncommon in twitch, there are some twitch whores who get these one of a lifetime 20k donation from Saudi pervert, this one's money funneling pattern is much more different, it's constant and he's directly tied to Qatari government, he's literally the king's cousin.
Anyway I gave enough information to help digging, I don't want to hold your hands, but just keep in mind that overrustlelogs the website launched by Destiny's mods that keep all the chat logs is going down in few days which doesn't make sense since it got a huge success and now is used by the twitch community as a whole.
Adrian Hernandez
Is anything interesting going on tonight with JF? really enjoy hearing him speak or moderate.
David Long
no, his name in the community is Hajri, he's Destiny biggest donator, Destiny only has truly 4 main guys financing him, the other hundred kids are chump change.
The ones I know of are Hajri, Harkan which is a wealthy jewish guy Destiny did a stream visiting, he's a big bitcoin investor, lately he bought a building and made a big mining facility.
RichArab, Hajri, CIA and Wizy are the same person.
Harkdan is a 30 years old millionaire.
Bentley Morales
Asher Moore
>mfw Destiny has a bunch of Israeli/ Arab donors >mfw those donors only pay him because he argues against the white race >mfw those donors peace out when he gets pedophile charges >mfw when Destiny realizes the Jew and Arab weren't really his friends
Also a nice meme is asking Destiny to give his opinion on Israel/Palestine, he adamantly refuse to touch the subject and you can get banned for asking, this is a person who don't mind discussing ethical cp. (protip : Harkdan is Israeli and extremely pro-Israel, Hajri is Qatar and pro-Iran and Hezbollah since his family finances them)
The logs are on overRusstle, it was started by a Destiny mod just for his chat but now is used for all twitch channels but it's going down in a few days. also I think Harkdan bought it.
I don't mind if she's jewish it just baffles me that she refuses to admit it. Maybe you're right about a shapeshifting instinct. It seems like a strange phycological trait to develop.
Adrian Fisher
Are you starting to /sweatstiny yet?
Parker Walker
Anyone got a link to the video where he bullies his son?
I also remember a cringey video of him going to the gym once, but I can't find it anymore. Anybody have links?
Jeremiah Cruz
> Destiny fanbase knows that he make 200k a year (!!) had a job as carpet clearn (??) and owns 2 houses (!!) > They know that he have cabal of 4 autist financing him > [–]kirbyr > He has a cabal of 4-5 rich autists that fund his lavish lifestyle. > [–]Stanlot 3 > Speaking of, where has hajri been? archive.is/BLHFN
> Apparently some annon got caucht investigating him archive.is/9rA6l
> [2017-07-04 01:11:02 UTC] Hajri: Destiny my dude, I have to say, ever since I started wtaching you again a couple of months ago it's become ridiculously easy to identify altright/conservative dogwhistling on reddit. Just earlier today I saw someone mention "agency" in a thread about gang violence and lo and behold the guy is a Trumple when I look in his post history. A lot of stuff discussed on stream has made me realize how much negative, conservative thought is floating around there that looks innocuous but isn't. > [2017-07-04 01:12:52 UTC] Hajri: wow Destiny you finally acknowledge I'm from Qatar overrustlelogs.net/stalk?channel=Destinygg&nick=hajri MMMmmmmmmmm
> [2016-07-11 12:12:20 UTC] Hajri: 37thChamber it falls under the lack of white women for me in my area other than weird Mormon girls that fueled my desire for white women > [2016-07-11 12:13:37 UTC] Hajri: 37thChamber I tried, I've been with black girls and asian girls, and after experiencing it I preferred white girls Imagine my shock... > [2016-07-11 12:14:13 UTC] Hajri: ok well here's the thing > [2016-07-11 12:14:42 UTC] Hajri: Asians for me worked better, I like the whole dominance / submission thing and every single black girl I've been with has turned that on its head and ruined the whole night in some way youtube.com/watch?v=vsdm7UYeKmk
Isaiah Bailey
He was being Sargonic.
Alexander King
>sweatstiny I don't know what that means, but you've been accusing me of being something you feel comfortable attacking all night, when you only have a hammer, huh?
Samuel Sullivan
Christian Moore
He should consider offing himself. Did he offer to be there and debate and make a stand? If no, then he is to blame for them losing.
Adam Phillips
Being in a interrracial relationship normalizes it. It's hard to get mad against an infertile woman for this though and it probably doesn't matter much.
Cooper Rodriguez
> Destiny fanbase knows that he make 200k a year (!!) had a job as carpet clearn (??) and owns 2 houses (!!) > They know that he have cabal of 4 autist financing him > [–]kirbyr > He has a cabal of 4-5 rich autists that fund his lavish lifestyle. > [–]Stanlot 3 > Speaking of, where has hajri been? archive.is/BLHFN
> Apparently some annon got caucht investigating him archive.is/9rA6l
> [2017-07-04 01:11:02 UTC] Hajri: Destiny my dude, I have to say, ever since I started wtaching you again a couple of months ago it's become ridiculously easy to identify altright/conservative dogwhistling on reddit. Just earlier today I saw someone mention "agency" in a thread about gang violence and lo and behold the guy is a Trumple when I look in his post history. A lot of stuff discussed on stream has made me realize how much negative, conservative thought is floating around there that looks innocuous but isn't. > [2017-07-04 01:12:52 UTC] Hajri: wow Destiny you finally acknowledge I'm from Qatar overrustlelogs.net/stalk?channel=Destinygg&nick=hajri MMMmmmmmmmm
> [2016-07-11 12:12:20 UTC] Hajri: 37thChamber it falls under the lack of white women for me in my area other than weird Mormon girls that fueled my desire for white women > [2016-07-11 12:13:37 UTC] Hajri: 37thChamber I tried, I've been with black girls and asian girls, and after experiencing it I preferred white girls Imagine my shock... > [2016-07-11 12:14:13 UTC] Hajri: ok well here's the thing > [2016-07-11 12:14:42 UTC] Hajri: Asians for me worked better, I like the whole dominance / submission thing and every single black girl I've been with has turned that on its head and ruined the whole night in some way youtube.com/watch?v=vsdm7UYeKmk
Chase Johnson
Why have you interrupted my court with this immense display of autism?
Austin Taylor
Are there any videos other than Jims that explain the whole situation?
> muh hammers and nails Your metaphors get stale really fast if you keep using the same ones, and don't relate to the argument at all.
Cooper Garcia
Okay, memeing about Goebbels quotes aside, my analysis of Aydin's behavior that's been pulled straight out of my ass, based on available information.
>Be autistic Jewish girl with somewhat odd mannerisms >Go to Catholic school, just wants to get along and fit in >Rejected for being Jewish (and possibly odd mannerisms) and severely bullied >Consequently develops PTSD and social anxiety disorder, genetic predisposition toward bipolar is activated
Years later >Discover online community of like-minded weirdo autists >Can interact comfortably through online text-based medium with delayed response times instead of having to deal with annoying on-the-spot social cues >Develops in-group identity with and affection for the community >Over time the community develops hatred of Jews >Suffer some degree of cognitive dissonance over being a Jew and part of a community that hates Jews >Gets outed as a Jew >Flashbacks to Catholic school and consequences of social rejection >PANIC >DESPERATE SHAPESHIFTING ENSUES
Brandon Powell
> Dave Cullen > Adam "Race" Warski You what mate
Julian Nguyen
Well, people keep accusing me of being their e-celeb enemy, seems it's quite apt on this occasion my defeatist friend.
James Rogers
~~~the following are 4 screenshots taken by an Irish user in a previous thread reffering to the Tiny-Qatari connection~~~
thread chain were pics were originally posted begins at:
Logan Collins
*Italian user*
Ryan Stewart
Aiden Bell
Logan Gonzalez
Doubt it since he streamed yesterday. Stream likely tomorrow or the day after.
Isaiah Carter
Erm, responded to the wrong thing. See
Nathaniel Long
originally posted at: > [2016-07-11 11:56:09 UTC] Hajri: Destiny usually your original point with the streamers on twitter get ignored and you have to respond to what this community did to them afterwords lol > [2016-07-11 11:56:23 UTC] Hajri: johnnecro anytime someone !logs me I feel like I have to square up > [2016-07-11 11:57:13 UTC] Hajri: Bluepancho ehh I don't mind > [2016-07-11 11:57:28 UTC] Hajri: MaiAyeNuhs what do you mean > [2016-07-11 11:58:01 UTC] Hajri: Brollebol you really had to go with "mudslime"? :P > [2016-07-11 11:58:42 UTC] Hajri: Brollebol it's Mudslime* thank you very much, capitalize it next time you animal > [2016-07-11 11:59:04 UTC] Hajri: johnnecro post the exact next line > [2016-07-11 11:59:12 UTC] Hajri: im not racist but my dick is > [2016-07-11 11:59:29 UTC] Hajri: Kappa > [2016-07-11 11:59:49 UTC] Hajri: Neonkitza you don't like black people? > [2016-07-11 12:00:14 UTC] Hajri: Fall19 I can argue for equal treatment, doesn't mean I want to have sex > [2016-07-11 12:00:32 UTC] Hajri: Neonkitza yeah I understand what you mean > [2016-07-11 12:01:05 UTC] Hajri: Neonkitza I grew up in Manhattan and Rome, I don't really have an excuse but > [2016-07-11 12:01:31 UTC] Hajri: Brollebol which Muslims always talk shit about black people > [2016-07-11 12:01:57 UTC] Hajri: Neonkitza I'm more actively avoiding white people when I'm in Southern US now honestly > [2016-07-11 12:02:43 UTC] Hajri: Brollebol: I just find it amusing when muslims talk shit about black people > [2016-07-11 12:02:54 UTC] Hajri: you literally just said it Brollebol > [2016-07-11 12:03:18 UTC] Hajri: 37thChamber it usually is > [2016-07-11 12:04:00 UTC] Hajri: Brollebol yeah but my point is why did you say most muslims talk shit about black people > [2016-07-11 12:04:36 UTC] Hajri: Brollebol: I just find it amusing when muslims talk shit about black people